Preparing the camp in Boyany


Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for helping me this month to proclaim and preach the Word of God.

1. Together with our choir we attended a funeral in Malinovka, where the Word was preached in the Power of the Holy Spirit. All relatives of the deceased sister were unbelievers and they listened attentively to the Word of the Gospel. We pray for these people who heard the Word that the Lord would test their hearts and that they would repent.

2. Every week, our youth have an analysis of the Word of God and we rejoice that the youth love to study the Word.

3. I have already finished lessons with candidates for baptism. We do not know only on what date, this summer, we will organize the feast of Epiphany.

4. Our leaders are preparing for the Non Stop camp, the PIEI Ukraine mission, in Boyany and are already going to prepare the camp and different layouts.

-Also preparing for our children's day camp which will be held in the month of August.

5. Conducted an evangelization with a brother from Chernivtsi. Thank God there were unbelievers who heard the Word of God. We pray for them too.


-I am grateful to God for the favorable time that we had this month for the good news.

-Always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for helping us in our ministry here in Ukraine.

7.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for those people who have heard the Word of God this month that the Lord will awaken them to repentance.

-For children's camps and the camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission, which will be held this summer. Our day camp in Dynivtsi will be in mid-August, and the youth camp in Boyany will be held from July 26 to July 31.

- Pray that the Lord will protect all children and leaders from of all evil. So that more children and young people learn about God's love and salvation of the soul, as well as that they accept Christ in their hearts as a Personal Savior. Pray for the teachers who will teach the Word of God in these camps.

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end in 2 regions: Donetsk and Lugansk.

-Pray for me that the Lord will strengthen me with health both physically and spiritually.

May the Lord bless you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with health and keep you from all evil. Accept hearty greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ from my family. We love you and pray for you.

With love your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.