The funeral of a preacher


I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I thank God for another month lived by God's mercy. We had good news and sad events. But I praise the Lord for everything that He gives us.

1. The funeral.

It is with sadness that I write to you that one of our good brother, the preacher, brother Victor, has passed away into eternity. He is the father of Tamara and Natasha, the children's leader in our church. There were a lot of people at this funeral who heard the Word of God. We pray for all those who have not yet received Christ in their hearts so that they will come to Christ.

2. Social assistance.

Our church helped one large family from the village of Kubka. We collected money, clothes and food for them. We are happy to help people in need so that the Name of the Lord would be glorified among people.

3.Bread breaking:

On November 1, we made a break of bread in our church and also visited 3 sick people at home with a break of bread. They were very happy that they could, together with the church, participate in the remembrance of the suffering and death of Christ for our sins.


-I am grateful to the Lord that in our church children go to Sunday school. And I also thank the Lord for our youth who work in His Field. They always prepare programs for glorification for each service, and also study the Word of God. We always pray for them.

-Thank the Lord for the 11 granddaughter, Agatha, who was born in the family of Alena and Tolik, our children. This is already their 5th child. May the Lord bless Agatha, parents and all their children!

-Thank God that our church gathers together almost all members of the church and our children. Even non-believers visit us. While God had mercy on us and no one got sick. We maintain distance and sanitary conditions, but we pray that the Lord will save us all from this Pandemic.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, with us, brothers and sisters, that the Lord will save us all from the Pandemic virus.

-So that the love of Christ does not go out in our hearts.

-To stop the war in Ukraine.

And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will bless you abundantly. I always thank the Lord for you, for your work and for your prayers. Accept sincere heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.