Touching Lives

Dear brothers and sisters, 

I greet you with the peace of the Lord Jesus! 

The month of January was a month of active work in the Lord's ministry.

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I visited the sick of the church and shared Communion with them. I visited a sick man called Toader who is unsaved but who had gangrene. After several visits, talking about the love of God, he repented. We praise the Lord for him! We now pray that the Lord heals him so that he can come to church.

I held a baby’s devotional of a young family’s first child. We enjoy the young families in our church.

On January 7th, our youth went caroling through our village, proclaiming Jesus Messiah who came to us on Earth. Many of those who were invited to church came to the evangelization that was the next day. 

Reaching the War Front

Our church has raised some charity aid for the refugees in the war zone of Ukraine. The church in Rakitna and the church No. 2 in Cernauts helped us in this ministry too. Thank you very much to the PIEI mission for sacrificing money for this ministry, especially to Rosema Marilyn and Carl, who helped us in that ministry with money. At the end of January 5th young people from our church, headed by our son Slavic, went in the war zone in Mariinca, Donetsk region and brought the charity. Our brothers in Christ were very pleased with the help they had received and thanked us. Thank you for praying for the 5 young men on the mission. God has guarded them and they have returned safely to their homes.

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May the Lord reward you for all the sacrifices you make for us. Receive many greetings from my family.

With love, your brother in Christ, Pascari Alexa