January 2017

We started this year with a 10 day service at church where each evening we gathered for Bible study and for prayer. We especially prayed for our church that in the coming year we all could draw nearer to God and search His will no matter whether we live or die, as else we live or die we belonged to God. 

At Christmas we caroled 30 families in our village and gave calendars and Christian brochures. We were glad that 3 people of 30 came to church the following day to hear the Christmas program prepared by our youth, children and choir. We pray for those people. 

Also in January we had two baby devotionals. We were glad that many unsaved relatives of those families came to church to see how the children are dedicated to God in our churches.  We raised some goods for poor families and the refugees from the war area in our country. We pray for them to find the Lord and the true way to heaven. 

I visited the sick of the church and shared the Communion with them. I also encouraged them with the Word of God. I pray for the unsaved relatives of the sick who heard the Gospel. 

Thank you for your financial support and for your prayers. Thank you very much for the Christmas gift. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! Please, don’t stop praying for us and for our country. 

Best regards, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar