August 2016

In August with God’s help I visited three members of our church, who are bound to bed because of different illnesses. I shared the Communion with them and preached the Gospel to their relatives. 

There were 10 teenagers from our village to the PIEI camp in Boian. One of them accepted the Lord there and now he is coming regularly to our church. Thank you for the sacrifice you do for this camp, it is worth, because only in this way we can gather such a great number of unsaved young people for Bible study. The Word once sawn always brings fruit. We pray for all teenagers who repented at the camp. We are sorry for sister Marilyn who couldn’t come to Ukraine because of health problems, but we praise the Lord for the surgery went well and we continue to pray for her recovery. We believe that God who is the real Doctor will heal her. 

We had VBS in our village 5 days and eighty children came regularly to the study. Our young sisters prepared for them tasty lunches. Besides Bible study they had different games and fun. We are glad that many of the children who were at VBS attend the Sunday school now. 

Once a week we go for a picnic with young families. We invite with us other young families from the village, who are not saved yet. Along with food we debate different topics in the Bible and pray. With the church we pray for this ministry too. 

We are glad for our son Slavic, who is missionary in Batumi, Georgia. He organized a camp for children there and 20 children attended it. We pray for people there, as well for our son Slavic, to get wisdom from God and power in preaching the Gospel, as well for his protection, as Georgia. We have another joy in our family: David, our son, has a baby- boy, Oliver, who is our 5th grandson. We pray for him to grow with God and be healthy. 

Love, your brother in Christ, Alex Paskar