Repentance in Hostomel city

Greetings dear brothers and sisters of the PIE mission. Grigory Kioresko writes for you.

Thank God, dear friends, for the good times that have passed, with our Lord, and under His control. I thank you all for your prayer and financial support. Without your prayers, I would not be able to do anything.

With God's help, my brothers and I collected food for 250 people and again went to Gostomel, where about 235 people gathered and listened carefully to the Word of God. At the end, one young woman came to me with various questions, we talked with her for about 15 minutes, and we helped her pray, the prayer of repentance. Her name is Tatyana. She promised that she would go every Sunday to the service that was held with these people in this military town.

God also blessed my brothers and I, we attended a meeting in Irpin, where all the ministers of the regions of Ukraine gathered. A lot of issues were resolved, because in our country, something new arises every day.

Last Sunday, I had a blessed time in the Church of the village of Ropcha. There the Church chose a new, young pastor, and we ordained him and blessed him for this ministry.

In the Church of Rokitnoe, we are preparing for baptism, in August we are planning to perform baptism on those who have believed.

Prayer Needs:

Brothers and sisters, pray for Tatiana, that God will always hold her in His hand.

For baptism in the village of Rakitnoye.

For my family, children and grandchildren, and they are going through some trials.

For peace in our country, for the awakening of the people of Ukraine.

For me, so that the Lord gives strength and wisdom to serve the people of God.

I pray and thank the Lord for you, dear ones.

Be blessed.

With love to you, the Kioresko family.