Meeting the missionary


I greet with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters.

I thank God for you, for your prayers, and for your support, both spiritual and material. Thanks you. Your support helps a lot to serve people.

Last Sunday, in our Church, the village of Rakitnoe had a ministry, meeting with a missionary. Brother has been serving from our Church for many years, in Russia, now he has come and testified to us about the great works of God in Russia. We had fellowship, prayed for this family, and trusted in God's hands.

Very badly received the bad news about the Pascar Alex family. They prayed for them by the Church, and raised money to help this family. Praise God that He saved their lives.

I visited two Churches in the city of Khotyn and the village of Cheponos, Khotinsky district. I preached the Word of repentance for the Church, exhorted and encouraged.

He also visited two families of pastors in the village of Bernovo and the village of Buzovitsa. I was with them, praying, rejoicing together, crying together, encouraging each other for fruitful work in the Churches. I was able to find out how our ministers live and this was also an encouragement for me.

In our Church, Edgar, a young man who repented in Boyan last year, preaches, and his parents calmed down, saying that they too will come to repentance. Thank God.

I ask you to pray for me, for wisdom in every decision, that the Lord should lead everywhere.

Pray for the parents of Edgar, Igor and Rodik, to receive the Lord, to unite the family.

Pray for peace in our country.

Once again, I thank everyone for your help, I wish you abundant blessings from the Lord.

Be blessed.

With love to you, Gregory Chioresko.
