Teaching in the camp


I greet with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, friends, brothers and sisters ...

I thank God in my prayers for you, which are next to me, and my family, your prayers and your means, without which I could not serve so much ...

With God's help, and with your prayers, and with great Grace, I had the honor to serve:

1. In the youth camp in Boyan, he taught young girls and boys about the life of Joseph and Samson. It was an honor for me to serve these young people.


2. In the church of the village of Rakitnoye there was a baptism, 3 young guys and a sister. Our church for 4 souls has become larger. One of these young people is Edgar, who last year repented in the Boyan camp. Thank God. Thank you again for your prayers, for your support, may God bless you richly.

Prayer Needs:

1. For the parents of Edgar, who have not calmed down yet and are chasing Edgar. They are very angry with him and me. They call me, they threaten me in different ways.

2. For me, that the Lord will give wisdom in work and in my Church, and in our area. I can’t describe it in detail, but wisdom and strength are very necessary.

3. For my family, so that the Lord will keep the devil from all the loops, who sets before them and waits to be caught. Please pray.