May 2017

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! With God’s help we have lived one more month in which we felt His almighty hand with us. I preached 17 sermons in Rakitna church this month. 

Every Friday evening we meet with brothers of our church for prayer and Bible study. The youth and the children meet once a week for singing practice. They take an active part in each service at church. We also are preparing for the children’s day camp that will be in a month.

With the church we are preparing for an outreach with the participation of a doctors’ team from Kiev that will be in October in our village. Please pray for this ministry. 

Please, pray for me, for our church and for the ministers of our church. We are facing hard times now, that’s why pray for me to hear God’s voice and any choice that will be taken, let it be after God’s will. We believe that God is omniscient and will work to build His church spiritually. 

As for my family, we enjoy the peace that our God gives us. Thank you for supporting our ministry spiritually and financially. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! Receive lots of greetings from my family. We pray for your trip to Ukraine. Our Lord will protect you and us. 

Love, Kioresko family