November 2016

I thank God for helping me in my ministry this past month. With God’s help I preached 17 sermons in the church I lead. We also had as guests two missionaries from Kazakhstan. They came home on vacation for three weeks and they told us and the church about their ministry in a Muslim country. They work there with homeless children mostly. We prayed for them and blessed them and they left for Kazakhstan with God. 

We have meetings with the young families of the church once a week. Our choir, youth and children are preparing programs for Christmas. 

This month I was ill, I had a cold. I praise God for healing me. My family is getting bigger: in Benjamin’s family a baby boy was born. The most important thing is that everybody is serving the Lord. I may say the words written in 3 John 4- “I have no greater joy than to hear that my childrenare walking in the truth.”

We thank the Lord for you and we pray for you. Please, pray for us especially for the ministry we do. May God bless you!

Love, Kioresko Grigory