Ministry for refugees

1. Peace be upon you, our brothers and sisters from the PIE mission. We always thank God for all the time we live in. God has His plans and blessings.

God gives various opportunities to serve God, even in this state of war it is a field for the gospel. The Lord thus confuses people and directs them to us, and we can preach the gospel.

On the one hand, we all experience together with the refugees what is happening in our country, and on the other hand we have consolation in the Word of God that the Lord always remains faithful that does not leave us and does not leave.

The Lord allows such trials in our lives and it is for our benefit.

I want to thank all of you for your generous heart, prayerful support, experiencing with us and even more, we feel it

2. March began in a special way, we did not expect this and did not prepare for war as always prayed, asked, and blessed our state.

- We continue to meet with the church to study the Word of God. "How to live victoriously in difficult times" is the theme of our community

- I visited different people in the village, giving some of the products that were prepared and the Gospel of John, as well as refugees who came to our village, could serve as spiritual literature.

- My mother was accommodated by four refugees, two women, a man and a child with them. Every evening I have the opportunity to speak on various topics from the Gospel, witnessing to them, giving a new testament and other literature.

- Another sister also settled a family with a child, also gave literature, comforted them and told them about God.

- Another sister came from Kirovohrad with a woman and her daughter, and also settled down.

- Then we visited refugees from Kyiv, four of them three men and one woman, we have a lot from there.

- There are other people we visited besides these, this is a disabled man in a wheelchair can not walk.

- These are orphaned children in our village, or children without parents.

- There are seven people who have to go to visit every day, see and ask, there is an opportunity to speak the Gospel.

There is not enough time to write, there is enough work, every day people come, some leave, others we will accept.

3. I want to thank everyone in the mission, for your financial support, prayer as well, help a lot, may God bless you all.

4. Please continue to pray for all to whom we go, who live among us and we have contact with them, so that through these circumstances people may come closer to God.

We also continue to pray for you, thank you for everything, may glory be only to our God, He works miracles.

Your favorite brother and servant Dzyadyk Igor