Gifts for people

Peace be upon you brothers and sisters of the RIEI mission, I greet you all in this New Year, God has given us life so that we can continue to live for Him and serve Him.

May God bless you in this new year, strengthen you in every good deed, thank you for every financial support and prayer, also that in one common ministry we can glorify God.

The year 2022 began with a service with children, with a Christmas program in the house of prayer, a blessed time, children heard about the birth of Christ. Everyone was happy and we invited them again.

On January 6, on the holy evening, my brother the deacon and I decided to go around the village to single widows, to orphans who were left alone with their mother, to those families where children were invited but did not come. We went to one man, he was lying down and in a wheelchair. We went to different people to hand out the gifts we had left from the children's service and calendars, so we could greet them and invite them to the service.

On January 7, we had a carol with two families, and the rest of us couldn't, we also sang about the Savior's birth, gave gifts to young families with children, as well as calendars and literature packs.

This opportunity was used to go to the people. On Sunday, a widow came to the service with her grandson, to whom we went and gave her a gift and a calendar, it was a blessing for us that we went not in vain to see the fruits of our labor. And we already had good evidence from people that we went and gave something and did not take money like others.

Therefore, may God bless all of us this year, that in everything we begin, that in due time we may reap what we sow.

Please pray for all this work we have begun this year with children, widows, orphans, the sick, whom we have witnessed, greeted, and given calendars and literature.

With love, Dziadyk family