Online training

1. Peace be to you and the grace we have in Christ and serve him in this freedom.

Thank you all for everything you do for us and support us.

2. At the beginning of December 01-03 I had an online training seminar 2 Peter.

I was invited to serve in Marshinka, I preached about the book of life, what will happen to those who are written in it and what will happen to those who are not written in it.

This time I visited a woman and her mother again in a nearby village and we had a conversation about various topics and teachings from the Gospel, I encouraged for the first time to read the Gospel yourself.

Also in our village with the brothers, we went to one of our brothers who dropped out, and helped him with physical work, there is no heat in the house. We brought him everything he needs so far before winter, we pray for him.

3. Please pray for all those we visit and preach the gospel so that they may believe and accept Jesus.

4. Thank you for understanding us, supporting us financially, and for being able to do one work of God together, may God bless you.

With love, Dziadyk family