Food for orphans


Peace of God to all the workers of the mission, grace to you and peace and love from our Lord and Savior.

God gives us opportunities and peace time to sow His Word, ending the summer God has given us everything so that we can work for His glory.

Thank you all for not forgetting us, always having us in your heart and when you pray for us and support us financially.

The service in August was special and blessed:

1. On the first Sunday we had the breaking of bread, because of this commandment together with the church, we remind once again at what price we were acquired and for whom we should live, and that one day Christ will come for the church.

2. From August 2 to 4, a children's camp was organized near the house of prayer


3. This is not the first time we go to the Rebcenter in Malynivka, where we can visit addicted people, bring them food and pray with them, we also plan to go with a spiritual program.

4. One Sunday afternoon, the minister, Igor, and people from the rebcenter visited our church and we had a joint service.

5. We also had the opportunity to visit one family from our family, Lora Vasylivna, she reads the Bible, studies the Word, we pray for her that God will open her heart to accept Jesus and believe in Him.

6. One Sunday Susanna repented while she was in the ministry, she was in a camp in Boyany in the summer. She renewed in front of the church that she was going to repent in Boyany, where Pitihachny Pavlo organized a camp. We still continue to pray for her, she is still a teenager and needs support and growth and protection.

7. We were also at the district pastoral conference with the head of the association, Manoliy Danyk. There was a question to support small churches in need of spiritual support.

8. On the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, we had guests from Rebcet, had a common meeting in the house of prayer and preaching the Word.

9. Every year we serve orphans. We organized a physical rest for them, as well as a spiritual program in a one-day camp. We were able to prepare dinner near the house of prayer Philadelphia in Chernivtsi

Prayer requests:

- we continue to pray for every work where we do and what we sow

- for children who were in summer camps

- for people who are being treated for alcohol and other addictions

- for those who repented this year

- for orphans who are deprived of what our children have

Thank you all for working together and praying that we can still work and be useful tools in God's hands. Thank you for all the support, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor