Old widow has repented


Peace to you and grace, brothers and sisters, all co-workers of God's work on this earth, may God bless and help in the service responsible to Him.

Thank you as a family for your financial support, and for your prayerful support.

1. The month of April pleased us with the repentance of an old widow for whom we had prayed for almost a year. That summer her husband died, he was already our brother in Christ, she testified to repentance and that she wants to serve God. We thank God for this fruit of prayer that God has heard.

Now we think about how and when to baptize, she wants to be baptized.

We also had a ministry at the Annunciation was present and one man from the world was able to hear what was said to Mary about Jesus our Savior


We continue to gather, thank God we are still calm and all of us are healthy

2. Request:

- Thank you for the prayers you prayed for this repentant woman

- We continue to pray for the families of ministers. At present, many ministers, preachers, deacons and pastors are dying in churches. In such a time we live and such is the will of God, we trust God that everything is under His control

- Pray that God will give the wisdom to do the right thing at this time with this pandemic there are different situations in which you need to make the right choice according to God's will

Thank you for not forgetting us, praying, supporting us financially, so that we have the opportunity to communicate and keep in touch with you. Sincere blessings from God, that you may be protected by His power, the Holy Spirit may fill you in the service of God.

With love and respect, your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk