Prayer for students

1. Peace to you, our employees, brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission.

As always, we are grateful to God for you and pray for you in the missionary field where you work spiritually.

Thank you for your care, prayers, and support.

2. September is a special time of the year, the beginning of the school year and other holidays

- We had a festive service commemorating the Lord's Supper and house-to-house visits.

- since school began, on the first Sunday of the week, they had a prayer for the children who are starting to study

- we conducted some lessons with the teenagers in the house of prayer

- a sister, a member of the church, also passed away, so we held a pre-funeral and funeral service, and the choir from Dinivtsi helped us

3. Pray for the children and teenagers that we continue to support in the house of prayer

4. May the good hand of God be upon all of you wherever you are and serve.

May God bless you.

Thank you for your help and support for us in Ukraine

Igor Dzyadyk, a servant.