The remembrance of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ


Peace be to you all brothers and sisters all who serve Our God and Jesus Christ.

We thank God first of all for His grace, peace, and freedom to preach the gospel to the church and to all sinners in this world that the Word is preached in various ways.

Thank you for your material support, prayer as well, may God bless you and reward you most of all.

1. We rejoice that we continue to gather in the house of prayer, we have fellowship with each other through the Word of God that builds and teaches us. On the first Sunday of the week we have the remembrance of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ again, it is an important commandment for the church to test ourselves and be ready for the coming of Christ, we also have the widow sisters whom we also visit every month.

We also often have to visit one of our brother's widows who has already died, but she continues to serve, we help her to repent. She broke her arm a month ago, so I go to the hospital with her, in fact I prove my love for her, and I hope that she will be reconciled to God.

I also visited a woman who is the daughter of our sister who has already died in the summer. We also keep in touch and pray that she will come to repentance.

I have to preach in the church every Sunday, prepare for the ministry, I am very grateful to you all for the mission for financial support, it means a lot to me and my family.

2. Please pray for the people we visit at home they are non-believers:

- Zina Ivanovna

- Kishlar Parasya

- Vasya Burlaka

Also for those who attend our services from unbelievers

Thank you for supporting us in prayers, materially, may God strengthen you all, give you strength in the Holy Spirit.

Your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk