Serving for a woman in hospital


I greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God who united us in a common ministry and called us ministers of the New Testament. I thank you for your material care for us, spiritual support, may the Lord bless you.

By the great grace of God we continue to gather, to serve, to build the church spiritually, the month begins with the remembrance of the sufferings of our Savior Jesus, at what price we are redeemed from a vain life. We thank you for this great salvation we have in Christ, and we continue to preach to those who have not yet received it.


Also, in fact, I was able to help these days a non-believer woman who attends our meeting, she broke her arm and fell. She had to go to the hospital and now has her arm in a cast, we ask God to bring her closer to God, understanding that God does not have something just accidental, and we have to show by word and deed that we are Christians.

We were also visited by Manoliy Vasyliovych and Grisha Keorysku and his wife had a good meeting to communicate and build a church.

For one week I had an on-line session researching the First Peter Book.

Prayer requests:

- We will continue to pray for those who attend our services to hear the Sermon on the Word to be converted to God

-Please pray for each minister of the church and their wives

- For the church also to be faithful before the coming of Christ.

We continue to pray for you constantly, understanding the vocation and responsibility and the much spiritual work before God.

Thank you for your sincere sacrifice and may God of all grace enrich you even more, all that we do to His glory we do, bless you.

Your brother and servant Igor Dziadyk