Happy New Year


Peace and grace from God the Father, in this new year that we have begun with the Lord, for He is the guide of our salvation, may God bless you.

1) Thank you dear servant in the Lord, for your prayerful support and also financially that you remember us and think of us, in working together we can serve people and the Lord.

2) We started the new year by having a service in the church, going to thank God. (01.01.2021.)

- And also the first bread breaking this year.

And we also had two widows at home, whom we visit every month.


- Since we have resumed the ministry, we gather both on Sunday and during the week, we have joy as long as such grace and freedom work.

3) Please pray:

-for the church in which we serve, as there is a need for God to protect families and church members who have unbelievers in the family

- for those who attend our ministry from the unbelievers

- and also that the sown word bears fruit in those hearts which hear the Good News today

4) May your hearts be strengthened by the Word of God, thank you for your support in every way, that the Spirit of God unites us in one spirit to experience each other! We love you and wish you God's blessings! Servant of the church Dzyadyk Igor