Visiting a widow


1. I greet you in the Lord, brothers and sisters, that God gives much more grace and such freedom that we may live in peace and tranquility and have the opportunity to serve the Lord and men. Thank you for praying for us and for supporting our family financially and for the service we have given to God.

2. On November 16, we had such a desire to visit our sister in the village of Marshyntsi. She remained a widow and suffered the death of her husband because she died suddenly. We were there to support her, she was very pleased that we were in her, for us it was also a blessing to be in her, because we are one in Christ.

On Sundays we have a service, thank God that we can gather, that He gives us such an opportunity and grace for our building.

I also worked these last weeks around the house of prayer while God gave the weather to come closer to what else could be done. There were also sisters near the house of prayer who helped us. The rest of the work is postponed to next year, as we no longer have the opportunity to continue working in the winter. Thank you who prayed for us, may God bless you.


3. Please pray that we, having the opportunity to evangelize literature before Christmas with calendars, may distribute to people and once again remind of the birth of Our Savior for the salvation of all people.

We ask the church, and I ask you this week to pray for the families of our church, for God to protect each family, to be united, to be faithful, and to care for peace, which is very important.

4. Once again I thank you, I bless you, we pray for your physical condition and spiritual service before God, so that your service may be steadfast, strong in the Lord and to the glory of God.

With love, your brother in Christ and church minister Igor Dziadyk.