Blessing of our baby


Peace to you brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, thank God that by the grace of God we serve God together on this earth, thank you for your sacrifice and prayerful support.

09/06/20 We had a service where we had bread breaking and also went from house to house with the old sisters.

09/08/20 I was invited and some of the church to the funeral service, a young boy of 16 died in a car accident. He is an unbelieving guy. Here I had a sermon where there were many people who listened to the Word of God.

09/10/20 There was a pre-funeral service for our sister who lived 86 years, on the second day we had a funeral service, our brother Pavlo Pitikhachny was also invited to give a sermon.


09/13/20 Kushnir Yura was also invited to our service and blessed our daughter Sabina.

09/14/20. At the request of our brother from the church, we had his aunt's funeral, she was an unbeliever, but people could also hear about sin, death, eternal life, and the justification of our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for the people to whom the Word was preached, and also thank God for the opportunities we have to preach the gospel today.

May God bless you in your work, that you care for us materially, support us in prayer. We also pray for you that God will help you, give you wisdom, and God's protection for your families.

With respect and love to you, the pastor of the church Dziadyk Igor.