Our strategy is to work with children


Peace of God brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission!

My name is Igor Dzyadyk born August 28, 1983. I repented on May 1, 1994, and in December 2003 I was baptized. Since January 26, 2014 I am a deacon of the Evangelical Baptist Church in the village of Kotilevo, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region.

Married since May 19, 2013 to Maria Dzyadyk, she was born on January 1, 1984. We have a daughter, Solomiya, born on April 15, 2015.

I was appointed to pastoral service on June 12, 2016. Our church is not big, but a youth. 30 members of the church, there are young families and 10 children in our church. My wife is now engaged in youth studying songs.

Our strategy for working with children: To teach children the Word of God and to attract other children from the world to our Sunday school through children's Christian camps and other Christian events.

At the beginning of this year, Oleg Vasilevich, the brother of deacon Lamb, was ordained to the church.

I am very grateful to God that our brothers missionaries from the PIEI mission accepted me on this mission. I pray to God that He will strengthen me spiritually and give me health so that I can work harder and bear good fruit in the Field of God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray for me and my family so that we all work together with zeal for the work of the Lord.

-Pray for the village of Kotelevo, so that people repent.

-Pray for our church from Kotelevo.

May the Lord bless you richly.

Sincerely, Igor Dziadyk - Pastor of the church of the village of Kotilevo.