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Hope for Uganda is above all else, a church planting ministry. Allan has a burden for establishing Bible teaching churches in the heart of Uganda, and training new pastors to go out and start churches of their own.
Nansana Bible Church
{updated Dec, 2024}
Nansana Bible Church began both as a children’s ministry and a home fellowship/home bible study in February 2014. Nansana is a suburb of the capital city, Kampala. Maggie had Bible Class with neighborhood children, and Allan was leading Bible Studies with the adults. When they could no longer meet at Allan and Maggie’s home, they rented space in a hotel. In February 2019 they were able to rent a building, which they used for 4 years. The children would meet outside, or on a neighboring store-front, while the adults had Worship Service. The location was not convenient, the facilities were poor, and the landlord wanted to charge more rent. It was time to move. In 2022 they entered a 10 year contract to rent their current location. The church building was constructed, and the bathroom facility was upgraded. They began the process of purchasing the lot, with an agreement to pay five installments of $13,000. The property owner desired to see a church in his community; he was kind enough to allow us to pay in installments.
The chart on the bottom of this page shows the progress toward purchasing this land.
The Tayebwas were able to purchase land and build a home near Mbarara City in Southwest Uganda, closer to Allan’s home. Nkole Bible Church was launched in 2023, with a sound core group of believers and leaders.
In 2023-2024, some significant challenges arose in Nansana Bible Church. Several key leaders were disqualified, necessitating church discipline. The discipline process revealed weakness and disunity within the church. It became necessary for Allan and his family to move back to Nansana, to reestablish that work. In the spring of 2024, Nansana Bible Church was disbanded, while Pr. Allan and elder David took weeks to meet one-by-one with individuals and families, to sort out the situation and to clarify the theological and practical position of the church. Some people were whole-heartedly on board; others were not. In May, children’s ministries were resumed. In the summer, Adult Discipleship meetings were resumed. Elder David was accepted into a pastoral internship in Alexandria, Virginia. David and Shalom and their children left Nansana in September for one year to complete this training.
As of October, 2024, Nansana Bible Church has Children’s Ministry on Saturday, with 40-70 children, and 20 plus Teens. The Adult Discipleship studies meet on Sunday and Tuesday. The Lord has graciously lead Nansana Bible Church to be reconstituted with sound doctrine and a committed and united group of believers.
Presently, Allan and Maggie Tayebwa are remaining with Nansana Bible Church until David and Shalom return. The plan is for David to take over the role of teaching elder, at which time the Tayebwas can return to Mbarara City.
Nkole Bible Church
Nkole Bible Church, Mbarara City, is named after the local language (Allan’s native language); there is little sound Biblical teaching or evangelism done in this language. In August, 2023, Nicole Bible Church had their inaugural Worship Service. Currently they meet for Worship and Discipleship. The first two Gospel Roots classes were held in partnership with Nicole Bible Church.
Nkole Bible Church is under the leadership of several elders.
The House at Mbarara
Thanks to generous donations, land was purchased and the house was built at Mbarara, in a pleasant countryside overlooking Mbarara City. The road to the property is lined with a number of large construction projects; this area is being developed; the local population is growing. A caretaker, Jared, lives on site and takes care of the property, including a small flock of goats and fruit trees. Nkole Bible Church meets at this location. There are a number of things to be finished before the construction is complete, but the house is usable and livable, with water, solar powered lights, and a nice bathhouse. Projects that need to be done yet: finish tiling the floors; connect to electric power line; install the kitchen; finish a number of side rooms. The Mbarara house was used for Discipleship training in 2023 and 2024. With the center of ministry currently back in Nansana, the Mbarara house is a much appreciated home for Nkole Bible Church. With space for a pastor and family, space for Discipleship training, space for church meetings, there are great days ahead at this blessed and beautiful location!