Grace Ministries Statement of Faith

Our Reason for Existence
We exist to serve our patients and train our fellows as Jesus would. That is why our catch Word states " We treat and train God's ways"
We believe each person is made in God's image and therefore full of dignity. This value is reflected in the way we care for our patients in everything we do.

Our Belief
1. We believe in the Bible in its entirety. That all scriptures in the bible are inspired by the Lord God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

2. We believe in one God existing in 3 persons (trinity). God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That God's son, Jesus who is fully God and fully Human Was sent to the World and died on the cross to redeem us by paying by his own blood for our sins and That the Holy spirit fills us with the Power to overcome satan’s plans and temptations.

3. We believe that people are created in God's image to have eternal life through Jesus Christ.

4. We believe that, although all people have sinned and come short of God's glory, God has made salvation possible through the incarnation, life, death, love and obedience are fitting responses to God's Grace toward us through the Holy spirit.

5. We believe in the resurrection which will lead those who have believed in God to the Eternal life but the lost to the Eternal suffering.

6. We believe that God created us and knows us before conception, thus, all life is valuable, sacred and should be respected and spared from conception. We are all equal in front of God, no one should end someone else's life.

7. . We believe that God created each person biological male or female. That God's plan for the two different sexes is to be complementary. God created the world (sky, seas and Earth) to be under the authority of humans. The mission of filling it passes through the sacred union between a male and female.

8. We believe in the power of prayer as the great way to connect with God in his trinity, that we are called to engage in intercessory prayer for the people and causes of God's Heart, including standing against evil in every form. That we are called to Praise and Worship God alone and strive to lead holy and righteous lives that exemplify the nature and character of God,

9. We believe that God wants us to live a communion life by sharing others’ burdens, loads, and gifts we received from Him for free. We have the great mission to preach, spread the Holy word of God with the ultimate goal of making each person we come across become a disciple of God. We also believe that the mission of treating people and leading them to healing in all dimensions is a great recommendation from God.

10.While knowing that each person is free to associate to another one to form churches or denominations, we try to transcend divisions among God's people but believe in the Universal church with only the Bible as God’s inspired word and Jesus Christ being the Leader of that church with the communion of the Holy spirit. This allows us to be open to work with other Christians regardless of their denomination, race, or socioeconomic status.

1. Provide high-quality healthcare
2. To be a training center of excellence
3. To be an effective driver of Evangelism.