Celebrating the Ascension

I praise the Lord, for he has taken great care of us and of His work this month. In May we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus and the Pentecost. The whole church, children, youth, and the choir took an active part with special programs at the church services. We had some unsaved listeners from the community for whom I pray to repent. We thank brother Cornel and sister Gabi Stef who organized the meeting with Terry Mortenson. Several brothers from our church attended their conference and liked it a lot. We learnt a lot of useful and interesting facts about creation. We wish you God's blessings upon you for the effort you made in this ministry. 

Working with Children

Eight young people from our church attended special courses in which they learnt how to work with children in VBS. They start VBS in June and I am glad that they agreed to get involved in this ministry teaching children about the Lord. 

We had a funeral where lots of unsaved people heard the Gospel. 
Thank you for supporting me in the evangelism. I wish to continue working with you for the Glory of God. 

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai

Proclaiming the Resurrection

    April came to us with lots of blessings, joy and holidays. On the first Sunday we celebrated Jesus' glorious entrance into Jerusalem and on the following Sunday we proclaimed Jesus' Resurrection. The whole church glorified the Lord with songs and special programs on those special events. I was glad to see lots of unsaved people from our community at church. A person accepted the Lord at the Resurrection service. We pray for the other people who attended the outreaches on those days to open their hearts for Jesus. 

Praying for the Lost

    Our church started a new project - to pray for the people in our church who have departed from Christ. We have also visited them and talked to them. We rejoiced when three people returned to Christ again. Through these things we praise and glorify only the Lord. We are motivated to continue in interceding for the lost. 
Thank you for your support. You are a great help and encouragement to us. We love you and pray for you.

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai

Women Unite in Prayer

I praise the Lord Who cared for us and for His ministry this month. At the beginning of the month the ladies in the church united with other sisters in Christ all around Ukraine in prayer on the topic: "The faith that we must convey to our descendants." They read the example that apostle Paul stated in his book about Timothy's mother Eunice and Grandmother Lois who had a sincere faith. At the end of their meeting they collected money and sent it for the ministry in Ukraine. 
I attended a conference in Chernovtsy for church leaders on the topic: "The Discipline in the Church." 
Moreover the young families of our church invited other unsaved families to the local restaurant for a meal where besides delicious food they had the opportunity to hear the Word of God and Christian songs and poems. It was a wonderful atmosphere where everybody remained pleased and happy. We pray for all unsaved families who were at the restaurant to be investigated by God. 
Our choir, the youth and the children get involved in the ministry visiting other small churches in the district and encouraging the Christians there. By any ministry we do we wish to give glory to only our Lord and the unsaved people to accept Jesus in their hearts. Our church raised money for the little boy who has cancer and who had two surgeries this month. We keep praying for him. 
Thank you for supporting us financially and working with us. You are a blessing to us and a big encouragement.  I wish to keep working together for the Glory of God. We love you and always pray for you.

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai

February 2018

February was a beautiful month in which we could work for the Lord and His Kingdom. We had the opportunity to organize an outreach with some Romanian preachers. Our youth and the choir praised the Lord with songs on that event. There were unsaved people from the community for whom we pray to be touched by the Holy Spirit.
Our youth attended a youth district meeting where they had a study entitled “The Lord’s coming”. The study makes us think about our soul’s condition and prepare ourselves to meet the Lord. With a team of brothers and sisters from our church we went to a funeral in Stalinest, a village in our district. The church in that village is so small that they cannot hold such works alone.  It was a right opportunity to preach the Gospel to lots of unsaved people in that village.
The young ladies of our church visited all the old people of the church who cannot come to church because they are bound to beds. They filmed and photographed their visits and then shared their videos to the whole church. The sick and old people were encouraged by those young ladies and the church was motivated to visit them more often. I wish the young generation grows spiritually and gets ready for the harder times that are coming due to the devil.  Thank you for supporting the ministry in Ukraine. You are a blessing to us and I wish the Lord take care of all your needs, according to His riches in glory in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:19).

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai

January 2018

We started 2018 with God and we asked His mercy and guidance to accompany us throughout the year. We lived blessed and beautiful moments in the first month of the year in which we spread the Gospel abundantly. At Christmas we went caroling at the people’s houses in the village. Also our services at church are streamed live and many people in the village watch them. I pray for all people to be touched by the Holy Spirit to change their hearts.

I have told you previously that we pray for a little boy who has cancer and that his grandmother started to come to church. I want to inform you that God is at work. His Granny accepted the Lord and comes regularly to the prayer circle. We continue to pray for this family and for the little boy. We ask God to give that family body and soul healing so they could glorify Him.

Thank you for working with us and for praying for us. You are a great help and encouragement to us. Thanks to the Stef family, the Goldston family for the holiday greetings and for the money gift. We wish you God’s blessings during the year 2018.

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai