Studying the Word of God

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I glorify and praise God because only by His mercy and grace He helped us to this place and takes care of us every day of our life.

1. Together with our church, we spent a blessed time when we gathered together for prayer, worship and other events. Young people, children and our choir participate in worship.

2. With our brothers from the church, we gather together for fellowship and prayer once a week. We will spend time studying the Word of God, and it is very encouraging. Last week, 2 men from Vanchikovtsi were with us for communication. They ask us many questions and want to learn more about the Word of God from the Holy Scriptures. And during our conversation, one of these men, Andrey, repented. We had special joy for this newly converted brother and I praise the Lord for this. It pleases me that this brother immediately had such a desire that his whole house, that is, that all his relatives from his house: his wife, children and relatives, that all would know the Lord through the Holy Gospel, so that they too would be in The Kingdom of God is with him.

3. Many members of our church, who work abroad, expressed their desire to help poor people during this war, and sent finances for this. And we helped poor families and people who need this help: products and vegetables, as well as other needs for the house. Thank God for these brothers and sisters who help people here in our country, in this difficult time for us.

4. Gratitude:

- I thank God for the prayers heard and Andrei from Vanchikovtsy repented.

- Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, you are always a support for us in this difficult time for us.

- I thank God for peace and tranquility, at this time of war in Ukraine, in our region. For the fact that we are not bombed and we can calmly serve other people who need our help.

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray, together with us, for those who come to our church but have not yet repented. That they all come to God and accept Christ as their Savior in their hearts.

- Pray for the end of the war in Ukraine. For our young men and women who were mobilized to the front and for those who may be mobilized. May the Lord protect everyone from all evil.

- For me and my family, may the Lord always protect us and strengthen us in serving the Lord.

We are very grateful to you brothers and sisters from the USA, because in all situations of our life you were always by our side and helped us, supported us and prayed for us, even in this difficult time of the war in Ukraine, we feel your support and your prayers for us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you do for us. From our side, we wish you abundant blessings from our Lord, especially much health to you in these earthly bodies, and spiritual health, and all the blessings of the Lord to accompany you everywhere in this life.

With love to you, the Hortopan family.