Evangelization in the Philarmonic Hall


Peace of God, brothers and sisters, I thank God always for you and pray for you that the Lord bless you both spiritually and materially and that He will fulfill all your needs.

1. Evangelism:

- Since our church prayed, and not only our church but also all Romanian churches from the region, about evangelism which was held on June 23 in the city of Chernivtsi, in the Philarmonic Hall. A group of brothers and sisters arrived with a brass band from Chicago, USA, and a brother pastor Valentin Popovich who preached the Word of God to this evangelization. Our church organized well for this evangelism, inviting many unbelievers, and arranging transportation to take them to Chernivtsi, to evangelism. It is 50 km from our village. We pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of those unbelievers that were on this evangelism.

2. Nursing Conference:

-Our sisters had an excellent opportunity to attend, at the beginning of the month, a sister regional conference in Novoselitsa. They studied the Gospel of Mark. Our sisters were encouraged to stay in the Word, in prayer for the work of God, for their families, for peace to Ukraine.

3. Study of the Word in the Church:

-In our church, we study the Word of God from Titus.Tit 3: 8-The Word is true, and I want you to confirm this, so that those who believe in God try to be diligent in good deeds: this is good and useful to people.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the Lord to bless our Christian children's camp, which will be held from 1 to 6 July at our church, where there will be about 80 children from our village. Let the Lord bless this camp.

-Soon, July 14, we will have a feast in our church where 5 people will make a covenant with the Lord through water baptism. Pray for the Lord to bless this great evangelism in our church.

- And pray for our youth camp, the PIEI Ukraine mission which will be held in Boyans from July 29 to August 3. So that after all these evangelisms, people will come to God and repent.

We always pray for you, brothers and sisters, too. You are partners with us in this difficult work in Ukraine. Be blessed!

With respect to you Gortopan Mihai-pastor missionary of the mission PIEI Ukraine.