How to resist the arrows of the evil


Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI Ukraine organization, I greet you with the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

1. For me, in fact, it was a special joy to visit the meeting of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, where we had an online meeting with brother Cornel Steph. There were wonderful moments, for which I thank the Lord and wish to have such meetings even more often.

2. Together with the church, we are now studying the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians. This is a beautiful Epistle where Apostle Paul teaches us how to resist the arrows of the evil one that are directed at the Church of Christ and so that we do not add anything to the Grace of God.



-Thank the Lord that we have the Freedom of the Word of God and can proclaim It in different ways.

- I am very grateful to you, for you, brothers and sisters, for supporting us here in the ministry.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray that the church will be protected from false doctrines.

-Pray, together with us, for one family from our church who fell ill with Covid 19 and where the wife is still sick with leukemia, the daughter has Downa's disease, and the husband is still a non-believer.

-For me and my family, so that the Lord will save us from illness, so that we can work more on God's Field.

I, together with my family, pray for you and sincerely thank you for your material support and financial support associated with the flood. You were the only one who helped us in the losses that we had after the flood that we had last year. Thank you again you and we wish the Lord bless you, rewarding you with blessings a hundredfold.

With love, the Hortopan family.
