Youth ministry


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIE Ukraine mission, together with my whole family, we welcome you, peace and grace to you from our God the Father, and God the Son Jesus Christ.

Always in prayer, we pray for all of you with joy, for your participation in evangelism. You are a great help and support for us, as well as motivation for the thanksgiving of the Lord. I strongly wish that through the services of all our members of the church, the name of our Lord be glorified.

Our young sisters visited our brothers and sisters who are sick and cannot attend the meeting. By this they show Christ not by words but by action. Through these visits, the relatives of our patients who do not know Christ can hear the word of God.

Our youth held a ministry last week of this month. They had a very interesting program about worship, which greatly encouraged us and brought great joy to everyone.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray for the people of our village who hear the word of God so that the Lord touches their hearts.

2. Pray for the one man Eugene who attends our meeting, that the Lord will bring him to Him.

3. Pray for family evangelism on March 1 at the restaurant.

Thank you for the help we receive from you.

We wish you a close relationship with Christ, and that you see His blessing every day.

With respect and love to you, the Gortopan family.