Brothers and sisters, I salute you, peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I always thank our Lord in my prayers for you. After all, you are for us great support and help in God's work in which we work. I thank God for choosing me to be a minister in the church of Christ.
At the beginning of this month, we had a collection of donations, we collected finances for the family of Alex Pascar from Dinovtsov, who went through difficult and difficult trials. I also visited them at a church service, where I was given the opportunity to share the word of God. We prayed for them, and we continue to pray, so that through these difficulties they will draw closer and closer to the Lord.
In our church, together with my brothers, I began to study the topic: the second coming of Jesus Christ, where we learn to stay awake and be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much, for, through your help, we can be of benefit to others.
Prayer Needs:
1. Please pray for our youth, and our brothers and sisters in age, that they show brotherly love and understanding of each other.
2. For peace in Ukraine.
3. For me and my family.
Sincerely your brother Michael Gortopan.