Baptism in our church


Greetings from us and our church! Grace and peace to you from the Lord Father and son of Jesus Christ. I thank the Lord always for you and in the future I wish to be partners with you in God's ministry.

1. Baptism:

On July 14th, there was a baptism in our church, in which 5 people participated, who took a covenant with the Lord through baptism. This holiday was wonderful, wonderful preparation, through which our Lord was glorified. There were also unbelievers who heard the word of God.

2. Preparation for the youth camp in Boyan:

- From our village 10 teenagers are leaving, most of them from unbelieving families, to the Christian youth camp, our mission PIEI Ukraine, in Boyan .. 4 leaders will come from our church for whom we also pray. May God bless this camp abundantly.


- I sincerely thank the brothers and sisters from the USA who support the Lord’s ministry in Ukraine. This is a great help for us missionaries who work here in the field of God and still a good motivation to glorify the Lord through your help. May God bless you, your families, abundantly and your country where you live.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for those 5 souls who were baptized so that the Lord would strengthen their faith and jealousy in work for the Lord. And pray for those people who visited our church and heard His Word so that the Lord touched their hearts.

-Pray for those teenagers from our village and from other villages who will go to the youth camp in Boyan. Pray for leaders and teachers that the Lord bless all.

We pray for you and love you. Sincerely, Gortopan Mihai - pastor and missionary in the PIEI Ukraine mission.