May 2017

I praise and glorify the Lord for His wonderful care of us and the ministry in this month. Our aim is to catch every occasion and tell people about Christ’s love. The biggest ministry of May was the evangelism with the participation of a doctor team from Kiev. We had a great opportunity to organize a great outreach at church where a lot of unsaved people came to hear the Gospel. Especially we praise the Lord for the people who came for the first time to church. The topic of the sermon was “What shall we do when our soul hurts?” I gave as an example Zaccheus, who was not ashamed and climbed up a tree to meet Jesus who healed his soul. Then each patient after having been checked by the doctor, talked to a consoler who told them about Jesus and about the way to heaven. Our church has sponsored this event financially and the members were involved in the ministry a lot. But at the end we are glad that a lot of people could hear the Gospel. We pray for all people to be touched by the Holy Spirit.

At church our choir, the youth and the children take an active part in every services. The children meet for Bible study once a week, where the Bible is taught at their level. Thank you for working with us. I wish God take care of all your needs. We love you and pray for you. 

Love, Gortopan Mihai