December 2016

By God’s grace and mercy we lived in peace on the last month of 2016 that passed in the eternity. It was a blessed year in which we felt God’s guidance and presence. 

In December I had a greater opportunity to visit the sick and other members of our church. I like to encourage the others because by encouraging the others, I am strengthening myself. 

Our youth lead a service at church in which they preached, sang and recited poems. That motivated us to pray more for them as they are the future of our church. Also they prepared a special program for Christmas and New Year’s services. 

Thank you for supporting us in our ministry. Even if you are far away, we feel your support and I am so thankful to you, because only with your help I can be useful to the others. We pray for you, we love you and we wish you to have a blessed new year.

Best wishes, 

Gortopan Mihai