About Mihai Gortopan

My name is Mihai (Misha) Gortopan and I am a missionary pastor of “Hope” Church in the village of Tarasauti, in Ukraine.

I am married with Zina Gortopan and together we have two children: Tania and Sergiu.  They are both married, and we have a grandson Maxim who is three years old.

I was born in a Eastern Orthodox (like Greek Orthodox) Christian family, but by God’s grace in 1987 I understood His love for me and my need and I have received Him in my life.  In 1995 I was ordained as an elder in the church in Tarasauti, then in 1999 I was ordained as pastor.

I studied at the Timothy Bible College in Chernivti (lastest city in our region) for four years.  From 1998 to 2003 I was a missionary in a neighboring village Fagadau, where I planted the church.  Currently I coordinate the mission work and the activities of this church together with a team of workers.

About the Ministry:

Our Vision:

·         To be a church of mature believers who show the love of Christ from our village Tarasauti to the end of the earth.  Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

·         to fulfill the local outreach in our village of Tarasauti where there are 5500 people and expand our church planting efforts in the neighboring village of Vancicauti.

Our Mission:

·         to fulfill the spiritual needs by evangelistic efforts and discipleship, by bringing people to Christ; we also build up people in Christ and help the physical needs of people with a diversity of social projects.

Our Strategy:

·         to recruit local people (lay workers, missionaries, pastors)

·         to develop strategic projects that would enable us to fulfill our vision and mission

·         to develop partnerships with churches and mission organizations