Gabi cuc



My name is Cuc Gavrila, i was born in Ceanu Mare village, Cluj County, where i lived untill 1981. I followed the Junior Engeneering Officers’ Institute Resita, where i met Turturica Vera, whom i married in 1985. In 1989 we moved to my wife’s village, Caciulatesti, South Oltenia. Our parents were Orthodox. In 1994 God worked into our lives( mine and my wife’s) convincing us of sin. In that year we gave our life to God confessing this by baptising in the water.

Since 1998 i began serving in the church from Caciulatesti, and in 2001 i was ordained Presbyter. Position : curently i serve as a Pastor of the Baptist Church in Caciulatesti and i coordinate the mission work of the church hoping to bring the Gospel in the surrounding villages.

In 2003 God blessed us with our only daughter, Cuc Elena Sara, who we adopted. After many years of praying, we reached the conclusion that God wants us to adopt a child, because my wife coudn’t concieve naturally.

About the work

In the Church i do the folowing work:

  • Preaching the Gospel;

  • Spiritual guidance;

  • Evangelism from person to person;

  • Social projects, for helping those in need;

  • Evangelism in the surrounding villages, where there is no Evangelical Church.

Work strategy

In the north part of Caciulatesti there are 10 villages, located in 4 communes without Evangelical presence. In these villages i coordonate Evangelistic teams who come for short periods of time to do evangelical work, with the purpose of planting a Church for the born again believers from those villages.

  • Home visits, for strenghtening some friendship relations, with the goal to bring people to the Gospel of Christ.

  • In Mârşani commune, where 6000 people live, we have a house, which can be used as a permanent mission location for a family who would wish to get involved here long term in planting a Church.

  • We pray to God for a family of missionaries to move in Daneti, for planting here a Evangelical Church.

How can you get involved?

  • Sending Evangelists and evangelistic team for a short period of time;

  • Adopting a missionary location:You can permanently move to one of the villages which was evangelized and where is a need of long term missionary;

  • Supporting some parts of the project;

  • Prayer support;

  • Financial support.

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  chairperson-Cornel Stef

