A Glimpse of God’s Faithfulness in 2022 and Hope for His Enduring Love, Guidance, and Protection for 2023

“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who

seek You. Psalm 9:10

„Cei ce cunosc Numele Tău se încred în Tine, căci Tu nu-i părăseşti pe cei ce Te caută, Doamne!” Psalm 9:10

Looking Back at 2022 - This is the Will of God

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ

Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 16-18

2022 was a unique year in so many ways.

Rejoice! We rejoice*

● that in spite of the war going on in Ukraine, the LORD has protected all our PIEI national

missionaries and all of their families

● That God started a great spiritual harvest among the war refugees through the ministry and

work of our national missionaries

● That the partnership between the Romanian and Ukrainian national missionaries and the U.S.

PIEI leadership has increased to a new level due to the multiple trips with convoys of supplies

for the refugees from Romania to Ukraine

● For many who have received the LORD at the PIEI Camp in Ukraine

● For short term mission trips from the U.S. able to go to Ukraine even during war time

Pray without Ceasing

● We would like to thank everyone who has sustained us in prayer, prayers for our missionaries

both in Romania and Ukraine

● prayers for the safety of all the families in Ukraine during this war with Russia

● prayers for many to come to know the saving knowledge of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ

● prayers for the ministry, leadership, health issues, financial needs, etc.

● We know that, considering the time difference between the U.S. time zones and Romania and

Ukraine, prayers have been lifted up to the throne of grace without ceasing. We have many

prayer warriors who are bathing our ministry in their prayers.

In everything Give Thanks

● Thank you for praying, giving, and going!

● So thankful for all the funds that were received for the refugees in Ukraine! Thank you for

giving! Many boxes have been shipped, many supplies have been purchased in Romania and

our mission team drove several convoys of vehicles packed with supplies from Romania into

Ukraine with food and clothing, toys, and all necessities for the refugees.

● Thankful for our national leaders Timotei in Romania and Pavel in Ukraine who were

outstanding in their leadership and direct involvement with the supplies and distribution.

● Thankful for all the missionaries involved in collection, packing, storing, distribution, driving the


● Thankful for all the missionaries’ wives and the women involved in cooking and hosting the

teams and events, feeding the refugees, and hosting people in their homes.

● So thankful for 50+ kids and youth who have accepted the Lord as their Savior at the PIEI camp

in the summer in Ukraine, a camp that was normally not allowed to be held! Pastor Pavel was

able to have this Camp as a “training event”, and they trained the kids in the word of God!

● Thankful for 250+ refugees that became believers last year under the ministry of our PIEI

missionaries in Ukraine

● Thankful for the three New Properties that PIEI in Romania has acquired: one as a training

facility in the South (Oltenia Region), second one in the Western Carpathian Mountains (1 h

from Alba Iulia) as a Retreat Camp and the third one nearby the city of Victoria in the

mountains as a Campsite.

This is the Will of God

● Trust and Obey, for there’s no other way! This is the way we follow, Jesus.

● We know that God has a plan with each of our lives. Jesus suffered and died, he was

not spared suffering and pain, and neither are we, His followers. He came back to life

again, and is a living Savior. There is life after death, and we have the living hope.

● Pastor Pavel wrote this Bible quote when the war in Ukraine started, from Romans 14:8

“For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we

live or die, we are the Lord’s.”


  • Short Term Mission Teams already set up for March/April- Start preparing the building for summer camps

  • The Stefs will be in Romania and Ukraine in July, beginning of August.

  • PIEI Kids Camp in Ukraine: July 24-29; teachers / translators needed

  • 2 week Short Term Mission Team to Romania with traveling to Ukraine for Camp Week and

then returning to Romania (tentative dates: July 20-Aug 3); looking for people to sign up for

this trip. Use your spiritual gifts in a variety of ways: teaching (bible teaching, English), crafts /

art, evangelism, sports, etc.

  • Work Teams needed for all three Campsites. Lots of renovation needed, from drywall,

carpentry, electrical, cleaning, construction, etc. These teams can be scheduled anytime, no

specific timeframe. We would like to have one of the sites ready for this summer if we can get

some workers there earlier this spring and early summer, so please, if you have some skills

and time, please sign up. Contact us asap.

  • Other STMT (short term mission teams) throughout the year work; with individual

missionaries, either with kids programs (day camps, VBS, etc) or whatever project the

missionary has and needs help.

○ Use your spiritual gift: bible teaching, training, women ministry, arts and crafts, music, etc.

We can custom make the trip to fit your gifts and serve the needs of our national

missionaries to benefit their spiritual growth and their mission field.

  • Investors; you might not be able to physically go, but you may be able to give. Invest in a

project or a person who is going. It makes an eternal difference.

We continue to send supplies to Ukraine for the refugees; this week there is another

convoy leaving Romania to travel to Ukraine with our national director Timotei leading

○ Lots of funds needed for the renovation of the three campsites. All of them need major

work before they can be used

○ Summer Camp in Ukraine needs funds, usually 100-120 campers

○ STMT of team members who need to raise funds

Prayer Partners: Our most important partners in ministry are our prayer partners. From the

beginning of our ministry we always put prayer first! You might be able to give and support our

ministry financially, and you might be able to come alongside us on mission trips; but most

importantly are your prayers, whether you give and go or not. Your prayers make the

circulatory system connecting us with our Lord and that keeps our ministry alive and continues

to bring people from the darkness into the saving light of the Savior.

Pray -- thank you for praying in 2023

Give -- thank you for giving in 2023

Concept plan for the camp in Victoria

Concept plan for the camp in Victoria

Go -- thank you for going in 2023!

*To God be the glory

Great things He has done

So loved He the world that He gave us His Son

Who yielded His life an atonement for sin

And opened the life-gate that all may go in

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord

Let the earth hear His voice

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord

Let the people rejoice.

(partial lyrics from “To God be the Glory” song by Lou Fellingham)

Cornel Stef - PIEI - Chairmen for Romania and Ukraine