PIEI-Ukraine Missionaries Say Thank You

In all the years that we have worked with National Missionaries in Ukraine, they have never needed our support more than right now- and I am overjoyed that we have been able to rise to the challenge!

God in his wisdom placed our Ukrainian Nationals exactly where they were needed to be ready to minister to the thousands of refugees that have flooded the region of Noua Solita. About three weeks ago I was able to travel to Ukraine alongside a large shipment of goods from Romania. While I was there, I heard many stories of how the Ukrainian Nationals have felt tremendously blessed by the prayers and support from their American partners as well as their fellow missionaries across the border in Romania. They have worked together to supply, minister to, and be Jesus to the refugees.

The Ukrainian Nationals felt that it was very important to express their gratitude to all their partners around the world. You can listen to their stories in the video below.

In one week I will be returning to Ukraine with a team of 8 from Liberty Bible Church. While there we plan to minister to refugees, children, believers, and the nationals themselves so that their spirits may be replenished and their hearts be made glad.

Pray for our team, that we see the Spirit of God move in amazing and unexpected ways, and that we are protected from harm during our stay.

In Christ,

Cornel Stef