Summer in Romania


This August we were blessed to have three teams from the United States come to Romania to encourage and serve alongside our national missionaries. 

Pastor Bryan Tema and his wife Tammy from Gracespring Bible Church in Richland, Michigan came to see his long time partner, Cornel Fogorosiu. Pastor Bryan and his church have been supporting Cornel and his ministry for twenty years, but this summer was the first time Pastor Bryan has been to Romania. Together we were able to celebrate the work God has done in Sibiu,  and visit the two churches that have been planted in this area.

The southern region of Romania is referred to as a “graveyard for missionaries.” The people of this area are suspicious of outsiders and the prevalence of the Orthodox Church weighs heavy. The weight of religion leaves little room for the transformative power of an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Despite the challenges our missionaries face here, God is moving and we are seeing lives changed. lThe Bible tells us that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 Under the leadership of our National Director, Raul Costea, our nationals have begun working in a variety of ministries throughout the region. One ministry God is using to speak His word to the people of this region in through evangelism. Teams visit local parks, plazas, and neighborhoods to build relationships with people and pass out New Testaments to those who are interested. 


On August 4, our friends from Hillside Fellowship Church in San Antonio, Texas arrived ready to spread the love of Jesus to the people of Craiova. On their first day, a few members of the team met a young woman in a nearby neighborhood. She was excited to talk with them and and graciously accepted the New Testament they offered her. She soon opened up about her life and the hopelessness she feels from her divorce, the death of her sister, and the darkness her mother brought into her life by practicing witchcraft. The team was able to share the love of Jesus with her and the hope we have in Him. Please pray with us that God would use these conversations and New Testaments for His glory and for the furtherance of His kingdom.

Our teams also had the opportunity to visit local Roma villages with Daniel Davidescu. The Roma people have long been seen as less than and struggle in their bondage to sin. Violence, cheating, and stealing are common values in this community, but God has given Daniel His heart for these people and is doing a work in the hearts of the Roma people. 

This week a team from Calvary Chapel Long Beach in Southern California visited these precious people and witnessed first hand the door God has already opened here. Daniel brought the team to encourage a Roma family of believers and together they broke bread, prayed, shared testimonies, and praised God for His faithfulness. Before they left, the mother of this family shared her desire for a church to be built, and even showed the part of her land she has offered to build on. Join us in praying that the Lord will bring a pastor to teach, encourage, and minister to His people here.


Pastor Andrew Cochran from Calvary Chapel also led a two-day conference for our national missionaries where he encouraged and challenged them in the work God has called them into. 

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10

Thank you for your continued prayer for the people of Romania and your support for our national missionaries.