Responding to God's Call- 2019 Overview

We thank God for the opportunity that Gabi and I have been given to be a part of His work in Romania.  We are called to be obedient to the Lord, just like Abraham:


“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.”- Hebrews 11:8

We travel from the US to Romania to share the Gospel, work with missionaries, listen to their stories, and pray with them.  We bring teams from the US to work with the Nationals in Romania through kid’s programs, women’s ministry, evangelism on the street, and more.



This Spring I will be working primarily with Raul Costea for 2 months, bringing Americans to help him with his ministries in the southern part of Romania. In particular, there are several projects that I am excited to be involved in:

  • Equipped to Equip- Oltenia is in need of dozens of missionaries and workers to serve the massive spiritual need of the southern part of Romania. E2E is designed to train and prepare students to become missionaries in a six month time period. It is a daring program that we earnestly bathe in prayer so that it will produce laborers into His plentiful harvest.

  • A Fishing Rod, Not A Fish- One of our desires and projects is to strengthen and expand micro-businesses for our missionaries and the lay workers and poor families in their surrounding areas. We aim to provide training and resources for our community members to build their own micro-business. These businesses allow people to receive the education to sustain their work and generate a small income. 

  • A New Testament For Every Home- There are approximately 700,000 people in Oltenia who do not have Bibles. God has placed the desire in our hearts to provide each household with a copy of the New Testament. This ministry goes out into the surrounding villages and hands out copies of the New Testament with Hope Church’s address and phone number.




This summer there will be 3 different teams going to Romania to work with the Nationals. It will be a great example of how churches from all over America are coming together to support our missionaries, since the teams will come from Indiana, Texas, and California. We are designing these trips around the strengths of each team to make use of their abilities and talents and best serve the Lord. Some of the projects they might become involved in are:

  • Children’s Ministry- Work closely with several of our dedicated missionaries who share our heart for children through teaching, singing, crafts, games, and more!

  • Home Visits- Taking the gospel to the people; visiting and encouraging them, praying for them, sharing the hope that is in us, and spreading the love of Jesus.

  • Intercessory Prayer- Every morning, teams will have the opportunity to participate in intercessory prayer, praying for the people who desperately need the gospel.

  • Youth Programs- We focus on relationship building and discipleship, with teams helping with music, teaching English, playing soccer, and many additional activities.

  • Street Evangelism- We strive for open discourse with people who wouldn't normally come to a church, speaking the truth in love, ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us.




The last trip of 2019 will allow me to revisit the ministries that were served throughout the year, following up on projects and bringing even more Americans who desire to fill needs of the people and Nationals of Romania. Our ultimate goal is to encourage and assist the missionaries, visiting their houses and spending time with their families.

I am looking forward to seeing what amazing things God has in store for PIEI-Romania this year.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21

In Christ,

Cornel and Gabriela Stef