Bringing Hope to ROMANIA


Bringing Hope to Romania

Our Trip to Romania this year started with an amazing Short Term Mission Team from our home church in Indiana that went with us and focused on Women's Ministry and Evangelism in the towns and Villages where PIE national missionaries in Romania needed it most.  Gabi had the privilege of translating two amazing women bible studies from English to Romanian that were given to everyone who desired to study God's Word. 

  • We went from the poorest of poor you can imagine, where the ceiling and roof of a home was held by the door to an upscale Ramada hotel, but the needs of the hearts were the same. 

  • We met broken women who needed to hear that there is Someone who knows them by name and loves them.  The message of the Gospel went out every day and every night. 

  • From the poorest gypsy villages at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains where people have no electricity to the elegant home of the Roma (Gypsy) King who is also the pastor of the converted gypsy believers who fed us and our team a truly royal meal, we have experienced all kinds of extremes of life.

We spent Easter Day with a group of very special orphan adult women who are in a remote orphanage and they are sisters in Christ. 

  • Two weeks later, the two of us revisited the missionary who ministers to them and several of them waited for us on the side of the road to see our car pass by.  What a sweet, sweet time!  

Revisiting the orphan sisters in Christ after two weeks

They call me mami

We were also involved in a mass evangelistic effort of church planting in the Southern Romania (Oltenia Region) where our PIE national Director Raul Costea and the church in Draganesti Olt, as well as a newly started training program E2E (Equipped to Equip) of church planters have focussed on the large city of Craiova to start a new church. 

  • It was exciting to be there on the streets inviting people to the big opening event, praying for people, sharing the gospel, and bringing hope to this place where there is so much mysticism and witchcraft and only 0.2 % of Evangelical presence.

We felt that one of the major things we got to do this time was to love and encourage or national missionaries and their families. 

  • They get discouraged seeing so few people responding to the good news of the Gospel and they give so much!  Their children too struggle and need encouragement. 
  • They need prayer and someone to tell them they are loved and that their work matters.
  • On several occasions we felt that Jesus was using our arms to hug them and our eyes to see their needs.  
  • We are so thankful for these opportunities to get to know each of these families better and closer, as they are our brothers and sisters who sacrificially serve our Lord everyday for the sake of the lost.


We are getting ready for a large APOLOGETICS PASTORS CONFERENCE in Ukraine in partnership with Answers in Genesis and Dr. Terry Mortenson, who is coming to Romania with his wife Marge.  We will be driving up to Ukraine together to meet our PIE national missionaries who are organizing this Pastors Conference.