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February 15, 2024
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5:18
Dear Praying Friends,
This is a great time to give thanks! Truly, the Lord is good to all: And his tender mercies are over all his works. (Ps. 145:8) It is a privilege to serve Him here in Guyana, and to partner with you in the ministry. Since our last update, there has been much activity in and around the Hampshire Bible Church in anticipation of the workteams arriving from Michigan and Minnesota next week. Andy and his local crew work from early morning through late afternoon setting up the infrastructure and laying concrete for the parsonage renovation. Materials have been purchased and are on site. Soon, we should be able to send pictures of the second floor being built, as well as the ground floor work. Please continue to pray for safety on the site, and for team health and stamina in this hot humid climate. Pray for Kathleen and her helpers as they prepare for and soon will care for the 13 men staying in our home.
Pastor Josh Knorr of Lifepoint Bible Church in Traverse City, MI, is arriving with the team and will be teaching in the Bible Institute and Seminary throughout their stay. So lots going on in the ABC in the next couple of weeks. The pastors in training will attend his class on Elders and Deacons in the church.
We praise God for the ministry of Dr. Rick Gregory and his wife Pat, who were with us for two weeks. Dr. Rick taught the book of Revelation, and did an excellent job exegeting each verse. Both Dr. Rick and Pat were able to team teach on the topic of Biblical Parenting for three nights at the Alness Conference Center. Couples from across the ABC attended, and many expressed their appreciation for the help they received. The attached picture of the ABC pastors and their wives was taken the last evening of the seminar. We kept Rick and Pat on the move, as halfway through their visit, we drove 8 hours to visit Kwakwani, where Rick preached on Sunday morning. We were treated to some special Guyanese meals, which included curry duck and "wild cow" (Tapir). And of course no visit is complete without an alligator hunt! Andy cooked up a pot of gator for our guests, delicious as always.
Thank you for your continued prayers on behalf of the ministry. Next month will see more visitors, continued pastoral counseling of those in training, ongoing weekly TV broadcasts, and opportunities to visit and encourage families in ministry. May God bless you as you seek to glorify Him!
Gratefully in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
August 10, 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
Where has the summer gone? We all must be thinking the same thing, especially those with children and grandchildren preparing to go back to school next week! For Kathleen, the summer has been pleasantly cool in Michigan compared to the heat and humidity of Guyana. Andy, along with our daughter Jennie, ABC leadership and the Word of Life Argentina group, were certainly grateful for the new pool during the three weeks of intense training and camping in July. Thank you for praying for the first ever overnight camping experience at the Alness Camp! Lives were challenged, souls were saved, and the fellowship was amazing. One thing is certain - next year there will be a lot more campers! Please pray with us for the ongoing need of dedicated long term staff for camp, as well as the need for short term and long term ministry partners in church planting. The ABC board is open to working alongside missionaries to come alongside the national pastors and ministries in youth work as well as in mentoring and discipleship training.
In our last update we asked for prayer concerning the large team arriving from MN for a week of VBS and crusades in Kwakwani. Thank you for praying! Anyone traveling to Kwakwani from the airport can attest to the fact that it is a long and arduous journey into the interior. Add to that the long flight from MN to Guyana! The team held together in spite of some unexpected delays. The Lord blessed with a week of unity, safety, and freedom to share the gospel in a very needy village. Please continue to pray for Pastor Prem and Anita as they follow up on the decisions made from both the children and outdoor evangelistic meetings. Videsh, a young man from the Hampshire Bible church, stayed back to assist Pastor Prem for a few weeks as well.
We look forward to visiting several of our ministry partners during our time in the USA this fall. (Andy returns to MI the end of August) The schedule for September - November is shaping up, and will involve pastor Vishal and his wife Naomi. Vishal has a somewhat different speaking schedule than ours, which includes a church in PA, the annual PIEI mission meeting in Chicago, and several contacts/churches in Michigan. Please let us know if you would like a detailed copy of our itineraries, both of which will be ready by September 1, Lord willing. Andy has hand surgery the first week of September, but that certainly will not affect his mouth! Email is the best way to communicate with us at this time. Be assured that we read and answer all correspondence!
You may be wondering how to pray for the ongoing ministry in Guyana during our absence this fall. We are so blessed to have dedicated national leadership in the churches. Please continue to pray for the pastors and their families. Especially Anthony and Nadia, the young couple at Hampshire. Pray for Pastor Stephen and Joy at Alness, with the many responsibilities at their church as well as the camp. Pray for Vishal and Naomi as they host incoming BBI/SRTS teachers in September and travel to the USA in Oct/Nov. Pray for the Bushlot ministry as the church is in need of a full time pastor. Pray for pastor Sundar and Trisha at Tain, they are expecting their first baby in September. There are several other pastors and their families, all of which are well aware of the spiritual battle that wages for souls every single day. Thank you for bringing these requests before the throne of grace. We are definitely in need.
Grateful for His grace, Andy and Kathleen
May 17, 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for praying for the dental team! We saw the Lord answer so many specific prayers. Team stamina, health, safety. Almost 450 people from all walks of life came through the clinic. The counseling staff reported 62 decisions for Christ. One team member also accepted Christ!
Praise God for bringing us all through a very intense week of ministry. To Him belongs all the glory, great things He has done!
Your partners in evangelism,
Andy and Kathleen
March 27, 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
The first quarter of this year has literally flown! Perhaps you also sense the rush of life but at the same time desire to remain “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord”? (I Cor. 15:58). Certainly the tension of keeping up with a very busy schedule but at the same time pacing ourselves to wait on the Lord for daily direction and guidance has been a challenge this year. The tyranny of the urgent at times threatens to over-run our desire to be faithful to the task at hand. Many of you have experienced this as well in your lives. Our prayer is that looking forward into the future we all remain true to our Lord, and committed to the work set before us.
In our last communication we requested prayer for several specific requests. Thank you for praying! We have learned over the years, that whenever there is great victory, there is always great opposition. Your prayers are vital in holding back the forces of evil that would indeed seek to thwart the life changing message of the gospel. We would like to share here both the requests mentioned last month and answers to prayer:
1. Dr. Rick Gregory and his wife Pat teaching: Classes were well attended. Rick did an excellent job teaching a difficult subject, making it plain and well received. Pat taught the pastors wives, as well as Kathleen’s ladies class. All were blessed and challenged to dig deeper into the Word daily in order to grow and produce good fruit in their lives.
2. The ABC Youth Quiz Off was held at the Hampshire Bible Church March 25. Those who participated were not only awarded trophies but the knowledge that God’s Word is now truly hidden in their hearts. In addition to memorizing 52 verses from Proverbs, they were quizzed on the entire book of Colossians. A lot of work, but SO worth it!
3. Ongoing request for the 2023 Dental team due to arrive May 7: PLEASE continue to pray for the necessary paperwork submitted to the Guyana medical council to be approved. Pray for duty free concession for the many supplies brought in with the team for the week long clinic. This is a full service clinic serving the public at large, which includes cleanings, fillings, root canals, even restorations. The doctors, hygienists, and assistants work long hours to provide the very best of care to those coming through the clinic. Every individual will hear the gospel clearly explained, will be prayed for, and will receive a packet of dental care items and gospel tract. Pray for the USA team, as well as those of us who are preparing for their arrival, as there are many, many things too numerous to mention to accomplish in seeing this through. This is the 20th year that Dr. Scott Hodges, along with many others, will be arriving to bless us all in the name of Jesus.
4. Update on the Alness Camp as well as the Kwakwani parsonage project: Thank you for praying! Please see the attached pictures - pastor Prem and Anita have moved into their “new” home, now fully painted and safe from snakes! Andy and his crew at the camp project work daily and diligently to finish the final touches - tile work, camp office, apartment, and cooks cabin. Not to forget the very high fence now surrounding the volleyball court next to the church! Praise God for providing not only the finances, but the health and strength to finish this long awaited camp. By the way, the dental team will not only be setting up clinic inside the camp conference/dining hall, but enjoying meals prepared from the camp kitchen, staying in the bunkrooms, and swimming in the pool! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Love in Christ, Andy and Kathleen
February 27, 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
We are writing to you in the aftermath of the most recent work team! It was our privilege to host a group of 13 individuals from 4 different locations these past two weeks. Since pictures are the best way to showcase much of what transpired, please see the attached photos. You can also access a lot more pictures and information by going to the ABC Facebook page. Thank you for praying for us all during this very intense time of work at the Alness Camp and Conference Center. Kathleen feels especially blessed, having hosted three of her family...grandson Nicholas, Uncle Ken (82 years old!), and his grandson “big Joe”. They blended in well with the group from Pastor Josh Knorrs church (Traverse City), as well as those from Gaylord EFC in Michigan. Again, two kitchens were humming, as lunch was prepared in the camp kitchen by Guyanese cooks, and breakfast and dinner prepared by Kathleen in the Nigg house kitchen. In addition to long days in the heat and humidity at the worksite, there was the added bonus of a special alligator hunt one afternoon. Five gators provided the “last supper” before the team left for the airport. Praise God, the goals of building a staff residence, painting the pool rooms, and building/painting the pool fence were all accomplished in a very short time.
The next event on the calendar for the ABC is visiting professor Dr. Rick Gregory and his wife Pat. Rick will be teaching at the Bible Institute on the doctrine of Eschatology (Bible prophecy). Please pray for the students as they study this important topic, and learn how to correctly interpret future events in the light of Scripture. Pat will be sharing with the pastors wives at a mini retreat to beheldattheAlnessCampandConferencecenter. Pleaseprayfortheladiesasweallneedtobe“refueledandrefreshed”.
The Hampshire Bible Church teens have been studying the book of Colossians and memorizing verses for the annual ABC Quiz off scheduled for March 25. We are praying that the intense study and memorization will take hold of their lives and have a lasting impact in the years to come. We thank God for the group of young people at Hampshire, as they are very active in teaching and leading Sunday School in addition to their many other responsibilities at school and home. Two of our teens, Videsh and Nathan, have committed to serving the Lord in full time ministry. Pray for these young men, that they would remain faithful and not give up their calling.
The goal of “handing off the baton” in leadership to Pastor Vishal Debicharran is going well. Lord willing, his responsibilities will increase as Andy’s decrease on the horizon. As of this date, both Vishal and his wife Naomi are on a trip to the Holy Land, courtesy of the kind generosity of God’s people. Our prayer is that this would be beneficial in many ways, as they walk where Jesus walked. Looking ahead, please pray for the 32 member dental team preparing to do ministry at the Alness Conference center in May. This is always a huge endeavor, beginning now with the paperwork that must be approved by the Ministry of Health. The full service dental clinic will be set up in the dining area of the camp, and will care for hundreds of Guyanese during the week of May 7-12.
Once again, we wish to thank each one who faithfully remembers us before the throne of grace. Your prayers are what keep us going!
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7
Love in Christ, Andy and Kathleen
Ministry address:
Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice,
December 2022
"I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth." Job 19:25
Dear Praying Friends,
Handel's Messiah Oratorio has been our musical companion this past week. To quote pastor Erwin Lutzer: "I'm pretty sure the "Messiah" will be part of the heavenly chorus"! There's simply nothing better to get one in the mood for this Advent season. And yes, we know that our redeemer lives! He is on the throne and is Sovereign over all the universe. Hallelujah!
You will recall from our last communication there were several special events on the ABC calendar. During the month of November, all the churches celebrated in their own way a Thanksgiving/Harvest Sunday. God's people are eager to share with their church over and above regular giving as a way of showing gratitude for the many blessings throughout the year. Hampshire Bible Church was no exception, as the congregation gave sacrificially toward needed repairs and painting for the facility. Of course the biggest event last month was the 2022 BBI/SRTS graduation held at the Alness Conference center. Certificates, diplomas, and degrees were awarded for the students who faithfully completed their course of study. We praise God for the professors, pastors, and ABC staff who gave of their time and resources to teach and encourage these students.
In addition to the above mentioned events, 18 believers from our Hampshire church were baptized in the new pool at Alness! It was truly a joy and privilege to use this newest facility for the glory of God.
Take a look at the attached photos and you will see a few from the latest concrete project surrounding the pool at Alness. This was a marathon event involving several days of prep work, and finally a full 24 hour work day to mix and set the concrete. Andy and his crew literally hunkered down and didn't stop until everything was completed. That's the good news...the bad news is that project funds are depleted and we must wait for the remaining funds needed. To quote our last update: " The goal is to finish everything by the end of this year. Please pray with us for the remaining funds needed, approximately $50,000. " We are confident that God will supply as He always does. Praise God, the needed $15,000 toward the Kwakwani work project in January has been pledged! Please pray for us as Andy purchases and hauls the materials into this remote location, Kathleen and her helpers prepare to host the January team, and for dry weather throughout this endeavor!
Our calendar is full during this month of December and into next year, starting with Kathleen hosting the annual pastors wives Christmas party in our home. Three of our ladies were unable to attend, but those who did enjoyed a special time of fellowship, games, cookie exchange, and holiday fare. Andy continues to tape and edit the weekly television broadcasts, reaching into the homes of Guyanese from all religious beliefs and backgrounds. We both sense the need to "work for the night is coming when no man can work". So we press on, by the grace of God in His strength and for His glory.
May you experience the joy and peace of the Redeemer during this holy season, who is worthy of all our praise and worship. Blessings to you this Christmas!
With love,
Andy and Kathleen
August 20, 2022
"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Ps. 126:3
What a week this has been! We must begin by thanking each and every one who specifically prayed for the Lord to do great things through the optometry/opthamology team from the USA. We look back on the whirlwind of activity and sheer hard work, and can only give God all the praise and thanks for what He alone has done. We have come to anticipate many obstacles along the way whenever a team of this magnitude is planned, and this one was no exception. But we have also learned that whenever there is great opposition, there is also great victory.
Once again, pictures have a way of speaking in a way that words simply cannot. So I've attached a few to hopefully help you "see" a glimpse of what transpired. Doctors and assistants came from several states, most had never met before they finally boarded in Miami. God put this team together! Every talent, skill, and giftedness was stretched to fulfill the seemingly impossible task of performing cataract surgeries in the local hospital here in Berbice. Every piece of checked luggage arrived duty free! The equipment was set up and worked! The O.R. was air conditioned! The logistics of hosting 33 persons in two separate locations actually happened, no one got sick, everyone was well fed, and as I write this, they are all headed back for their return flight to Miami. Every morning two different groups set out to work...the optometrists to the eye clinic at Alness, and the opthamologists to do surgery at Port Mourant Hospital.
Dr Julie Hanson was able to compile some brief stats to show exactly what the two groups accomplished by the grace of God in just 4 1/2 days of ministry:
- 91 surgeries 7 were on posterior capsular opacities (manual without YAG laser)
- 1021 (one thousand twenty one!) eye exams.
- 39 decisions to follow Christ
We are a bit overwhelmed, exhausted, and yet so grateful for the strength to serve so many people for the glory of God in Guyana. Again, thank you for your prayers and support as we partner together in reaching Guyanese for Christ.
With joy,
Kathleen (for all of us)
July 6, 2022
"Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
Dear Praying Friends,
The heat is on! Summer in Guyana, and summer in the States...a time for out door activities, family gatherings, and celebrations! We had our own family gathering last month in Guyana with Jennie and Ryan and their four girls. It was filled to the brim with activities, teaching (Ryan and Jennie), preaching (Ryan), meeting old friends, culminating with the annual ABC Ladies Rally held at Alness Conference Center. Thank you for praying for us all, as we endeavored to redeem the brief three weeks entrusted to us. In short, it was truly a blessing to those who came under the teaching of Dr. Ryan and nurse Jennie. Their expertise in theology as well as medical experience enabled them to touch the hearts of so many throughout the Association of Bible Churches. Intense is a good word to describe our time together! Praise God, all stayed healthy and in the end were able to return safely to Michigan. (Please see attached pics).
We are encouraged to see the progress going forward on completion of the Alness camp project. Lord willling, the pool should be completed by August. Unfortunately, due to heavy rains, it could not be finished by the time for camp next week. However, there is still plenty to keep the young people occupied, and it looks like a full house of day campers due to arrive soon! Praise God for a team of volunteers arriving from Camp Michawana, along with the Word of Life rep from Argentina to "run" the week of camp. Please continue to pray for the hearts and lives to be impacted, as well as the finances needed to complete the camp project.
If you are looking at the attached photos, you may be wondering why Vishal and Andy were dressed in gowns in front of a banner in Trinidad. Last month, both Andy and Vishal were able to fly to our nearest English speaking country (Trinidad), for the graduation celebration of Vishal's doctorate in Theology. Several years ago, Andy received his honorary doctorate from Solid Rock Seminary as well. We thank God for the years of study and perseverance that went into pastor Vishal's degree. He certainly has earned it!
Looking forward, please continue to pray for the optometry/opthamology team arriving in August. The optometry team will conduct their free clinic at the Alness Conference building. The opthamologists will be doing cataract surgeries at the local hospital. There are 34 people coming, so the logistics of planning, government approvals, acquiring supplies, and travel are a bit overwhelming at times. We are trusting God to provide, as He always does! Kathleen will be hosting most of the group at the Nigg house, and Sis. Joy will be hosting the Alness clinic group at the camp facility. We need your prayers!
We are blessed to serve alongside you, our prayer and ministry partners! Thank you for all you do to enable us to continue the work of church planting and evangelism in Guyana.
In Him,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
June 7, 2022
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Dear Praying Friends,
Warm greetings from sunny (and rainy) Guyana! Yes, we recently sent out an update, but this is a follow up since our return. Since a picture is like a thousand words, we hope the attached photos will help to illustrate a small slice of our life recently.
Travel in these "covid times" is challenging to say the least. Praise God for negative covid tests, enabling us both to travel into Guyana.
We had a wonderful 40th wedding anniversary celebrated on beautiful Macinac Island. Our kids surprised us with a lovely dinner event, which fortunately did not require getting dressed up!
Just before our departure, our faithful shipment handlers, Greg and Tim, came to load up the two crates headed for the docks in New Jersey. From there they are loaded onto a ship bound for the piece of Laparkan wharf that is still intact. Lord willing, the remaining much needed items for the Alness camp will arrive safely in about 4 weeks.
Andy has recouperated well from his recent hip surgery, and as expected, "hit the ground running" - or should we say "driving" when we arrived. He's either in his office studying and editing the broadcast, or driving to the Alness project to oversee the progress there. Sunday found him in the pulpit, doing what he loves most - preaching and encouraging God's people. Kathleen enjoys playing for the hymns, as well as assisting with the Sunday School and ladies ministry. We are blessed at Hampshire to have several young people willing to teach and lead the children every Sunday morning.
Yes, that's a big snake in the last picture. Please pray for our national co-workers in Kwakwani. Prem and Anita must be very careful with the many poisonous snakes in the village, especially when it rains. This one was found on their kitchen event that unfortunately happens much too often it seems. Pray for safety from these snakes! The plan is to erect a concrete wall around the perimeter of their house that hopefully will discourage more snakes from sneaking inside. Maybe someday you'll hear Kathleen's snake story....
Thank you for praying for the ministry here in Guyana! We serve a great God who sees, hears, and knows! Be encouraged and blessed!
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
" And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19
Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings from our little "cottage schoolhouse abode" in Lowell, Michigan! It is the perfect landing place for us during our visits to the USA, and has been in the family ever since our marriage 40 years ago. Yes, it's been 40 years for us, and here we are back where we started, enjoying a bit of cooler weather after the hot and humid weeks of intense ministry in Guyana. Allow us to give you a quick update since our last email, by way of copying the last two paragraphs of that email, along with current info in parenthesis. (...)
" The Berbice Bible Institute will begin classes for this year with visiting professor Dr. Pete Helland. ( Pete had a very effective ministry with the ABC leadership! He taught a 5 day retreat, held at the Alness Conference center. Two young men, Chase and Rylie, were from Pete's church, and enjoyed not only the retreat, but working at the campsite as well. We all flew out together on March 5) ' Following Pete, Dr. Gary deBock will be arriving for the March training session. Please pray for these men as they desire to equip and train nationals for ministry in Guyana. " (Gary will be hosted by pastor Vishal and Naomi in our home at Nigg from March 25-April 2, focusing on ABC leadership training/accountability, goal setting, and pastor/wife encouragement)."
Here is the latest update on Andy's physical situation. (remember, this paragraph was written in January) While the team was here, we consulted with the docs concerning Andy's pain. An MRI was advised, which was then read by the docs and the consensus was for him to return to the US sooner rather than later. So the plan is for us to fly back on March 5, quarantine (required for international travel), then meet with the surgeon on March 15. We appreciate your prayers for us as we seek to do what is expedient considering the pain Andy is in. (Update on Andy: As of yesterday, March 15, we have a date for Andy's hip replacement surgery! This is a miracle considering how backlogged the docs are due to covid. We have an excellent surgeon who loves the ministry in Guyana, and keeps up with what's happening there. So he "arranged" his schedule to get Andy's hip done on March 31. Praise God! In docs words, Andy's hip was literally worn out and running on the rim! Couldn't believe he was able to even walk. So this is an intervention by the grace of God, and a direct answer to prayer. ) Meanwhile, plans are in place for our national co-workers to continue with hosting guests and maintaining the ministry at Hampshire as well as at Alness. " (As of this date, there is a guest from Tobago staying with pastor Steve Inasi's family at Alness to oversee the building of the pool, please pray for Daniel Boodram.)
And there's much more to share! The work in Guyana continues to move forward in every area to the glory of God. We are in constant contact (thanks to the internet!) with the pastors, visitors, and Alness project. Andy is able to oversee to a large degree the work on a daily basis, as the Guyanese crew depend on his detailed instruction for each building. Unfortunately, the fire that destroyed the shipment at the wharf took with it much of what is still needed, including kitchen supplies. The good news is that it looks like we can send one or two small crates to another part of the dock. Andy is already making plans to fill the crates with the necessary items. If anyone is led to help financially with this project, please contact us. We need to purchase and pack soon before we return to Guyana. This is a small shipment for specific items only, please call with any questions. The monies that have already been sent through PIEI will be used in Guyana to purchase building materials, windows, etc. Our last team from Millersville Bible Church, PA, was able to build 77 bunkbeds, and soon after, the mattresses from a local factory were delivered!
It has been a roller-coaster ride these past couple of years for everyone, but in spite of everything, God is allowing us to move forward in completion of the Alness Camp and Conference Center. Please continue to pray with us for the remaining funds still needed to complete the final phase. This will include a cooks cabin, volleyball/basketball court, generator room, storage room, and bus. Lord willing, if the remaining $100,000 is available through PIEI/Guyana, everything should be finished by early 2023. As you will see in the attached pictures, a LOT of progress has been made already this year. Plans are in place for day camp this summer, ladies rally, and other special events to be held. We look forward to seeing how God will provide - He always does!
Joyfully serving,
Andy and Kathleen
January 17, 2022
" Then Job answered the LORD and said: I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted." Job 42: 1,2
Have you ever lost something precious? Something costly? Perhaps at great sacrifice to many in your life? Have you asked God "why?" This is one of the most difficult messages we have needed to share with our prayer partners. In a way you could say we are in shock, and are in the process of grieving. No, it is not as bad as human lives were lost. But all the same, it is difficult to comprehend and yes, at this moment in time, to process.
This morning, while the work team was eating breakfast, a call came in from Ravi, our courier for processing the shipment in Georgetown. He had sad and shocking news. The wharf - where the largest shipping company in Guyana unloads and processes incoming freight - caught fire last night, and everything was lost. This is a horrible situation. Out of the ashes, however, sitting just outside of the building (housing vehicles, our 7 crates, containers full of goods, etc. etc.,) sat one lone generator wrapped in green plastic. It survived the fire! Information is still being processed, since we are far from Georgetown, hosting a 16 member team, working hard at the camp project every day. Only Ravi is able now to try to get the generator out of the hands of the company and bring it to us. Last Friday, all the paperwork had been finished, customs searched through everything, all was ready to move out this morning. For anyone who has ever tried to get anything out of customs in a developing country perhaps you can imagine the work and consternation involved in getting to this point.
Evidently God has something bigger and better in store for the Alness Camp and Conference center. As a reminder, there were windows, camp kitchen items, many new sets of teaching materials for the churches, sports equipment, tables for the camp, used clothing and shoes, vehicle parts, computers, medical equipment and supplies, games, and items too numerous to mention. A lot of time, effort, and sheer sacrifice went into making this shipment possible. God knows why. His ways are not ours. We need to trust Him.
Thank you for praying for this team. Please look at the ABC facebook page, there are many photos to update you on the progress being made at the camp.
Thank you for praying for us and the ministry here in Guyana. Please pray for Andy as he's struggling with more pain due to arthritis and we are seeking to know how to proceed at this point. We will be continue to update as we are able.
In Him,
Kathleen for us all
December, 2021
"He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!" Revelation 22:20 NKJV
Dear Praying Friends,
The year is fast coming to a close. As believers in Christ, it is evident that the truth of the Word of God in Revelation 22:20 is on the horizon. It is with that in mind that we continue to press on in serving our Lord and Savior, with the desire to run this race to the finish line! We are truly grateful for our faithful prayer and support partners, as you are vital in the ministry of church planting in Guyana.
So what is new with the Girwarnauth's at this time of year? Since our last communication before Thanksgiving, there has been a flurry of activity around the big old shed behind our stateside home here in Lowell, MI. Thanks to many generous donors, crate builders, brother Tim's big "D", and friends at NTB trucking, 6 crates full of supplies and one large camp generator are on their way to Guyana! The latest from the shipper in New York is that the boat will dock in Georgetown on December 25! Looks like Brother Ravi will be making a trip to the docks during the holidays (what fun-not!) and unloading everything at the Alness camp site before our arrival on January 5, 2022.
After the push to get the shipment ready and on it's way, Andy took a break from his busy schedule to spend time with our son Sam. Together, they were able to spend a week of pheasant hunting, an event that took two years of planning and preparation to finally accomplish! I was blessed to be here to host Sam and his family, and prepare a "pheasant feast" at the end of the week. Following the big hunt, it was time for us to prepare for Andy's brief trip back to Guyana. We spent Thanksgiving with our daughters Naomi and Jennie's families, and on November 26, Andy flew back for a very busy 20 days of getting everything organised to host the work team arriving January 10. This trip includes purchasing supplies to work on the camp buildings, a quick visit into Kwakwani, meetings with the pastors and their families, preaching and editing TV broadcasts. Andy's first message to me after arriving in Guyana on November 27 was, "It's hot!" That same day, I sent him a picture of our back yard - he had just missed the beautiful snowfall from the night before. He will return December 15 for us to spend Christmas in TN with Sam's family, joined by our daughters' families. What a joy to be able to celebrate the holidays together this year...not an easy feat to accomplish with us so far apart!
Following this crazy- busy "in and out" year from Guyana to Michigan to Guyana and back, both Andy and I will be returning to Guyana on January 4, 2022. We land on January 5, and on the 10th a group of about 20 folks from three different states will be arriving to work at the Alness Camp and Conference Center. Please pray for all of us! Adjusting to the intense heat and humidity of the tropics, getting settled back in, unpacking the shipment, hosting a team, teaching, preaching, etc. means that we are hitting the ground running!
May this season of Advent and celebration of the birth of our Savior be a blessing and a reminder of the One who not only came to earth for us, but will soon come again! 2 Timothy 4:8
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
October 14, 2021
" Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Ps. 107:1"
This is a season of thanksgiving, and we have so much to be thankful for. At the top of our list we have YOU, our faithful prayer partners! It is humbling to know that so many are bringing our requests before the throne of grace. We are thrilled to share that God has healed Andy's back, he is pain free, and the doctor has given him a clean bill of health! Praise God for answered prayer on his behalf.
Next on our list of gratitude is the Lord's provision for the ministry in Guyana. In spite of Covid restrictions and difficulties around the world, we have experienced firsthand the outpouring of love, financial support, and blessing of the work. The sacrificial giving of time and resources toward every aspect of the ministry have been an encouragement to us personally as well as the national leadership.
Progress toward the completion of the Alness Camp and Conference Center continues, with the Guyanese crew on site almost every day. Pastor Vishal visits regularly to oversee the work, with direct communication (via Messenger) to Andy for building instructions. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Andy will be in Guyana to order the materials for the work teams arriving in January. Another surprise "gift from God" came in the form of over 100 donated windows! The plan is to ship them, along with other needed supplies, for the camp. God always provides what we need, when we need it!
This month we are "on the road" visiting churches, speaking at a mens retreat, gathering supplies for the shipment. Before we know it, we will be back in Guyana. We will be hosting a large work team from January 10-20 to continue the work at the camp.
This year we look forward to spending the holidays with our family here in the USA. These opportunities for gathering together are becoming more precious as the family grows and many miles separate us. So many blessings!
May we press on together, for the glory of God as we "see the day approaching". Hebrews 10:25
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
September 23, 2021
"Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand." Proverbs 19:21
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for praying for our trip back to Guyana. We arrived September 1, and a week later welcomed two men from Traverse City, MI, as well as Kathleen's brother and sister in law from Bartlesville, OK . Truthfully, we all "hit the ground running", as the time was short, but much was accomplished as everyone worked together for the glory of God. A lot was packed into the 17 days we were down there, including the quarterly ABC "Day of Prayer" held at the Crabwood Creek Bible Church. Pastor Vishal and his leadership organised a wonderful time of fellowship, prayer, edification, and great food for those who came from all over the Berbice region.
Andy's back is holding up, praise God. He was able to function with minimal pain, and sit (most of the time) as he supervised the work being done at Alness. The men were able to put in the floor joists, rafters, and roof of the new recreation building. The wood had to be ordered "fresh cut" from the rainforest, and came straight from the sawmill to the worksite. Scott and Donald found out that working in the tropical sun is definitely different than Michigan! But they were troopers and didn't stop until the job was done. Paul and his young Guyanese helper Nathan worked on welding security grills in spite of the intense heat and long days. Kathleen kept Paula busy doing medical checks with moms and kids in the village, as well as teaching ladies classes. One morning the pastors wives arrived at our house for a few hours of food, fellowship, and encouragment. Nurse Paula shared out first aid kits and answered medical questions - especially their concerns about covid. Andy was able to preach in Hampshire both Sundays as well as assist Anthony on the editing for future television broadcasts. Please pray for Anthony, the pastor in training at Hampshire, as he oversees that ministry while we are in the USA.
The main reason our Guyana trip was cut short is so that Andy could be back in time to see the spine doctor. Specialists are booked months in advance, but an opening for October 4 was available, so we took it! After we landed back in MI, preparing for the required 2 week quarantine, the message came through that the appointment is now set for October 11. No problem! We are grateful for the opportunity to see the doctor. Please pray that surgery can be avoided, as this would make the third back surgery for Andy. In the meantime, therapy and rest have been helping.
Life and ministry in Guyana continue to move along, in spite of Covid and the threat of more restrictions. Praise God, very few cases have been reported in the Berbice region. Pastor Martin of the Fyrish Bible Church is currently teaching on "The Miracles of Jesus" at the Berbice Bible Institute. Next month, pastor Vishal, the president of the ABC, will teach on "NT Walk through the Bible". Pastor Jacob, #19 Bible Church, is grieving the loss of his oldest son this week, who died unexpectedly. Pastor Prem, in Kwakwani, will receive their third delivery of flood relief food hampers next week. Thank you for your partnership in the ministry of church planting in Guyana!
Our fall schedule while in Michigan is a work in progress, as we move through Andy's appointments and possible surgery. Our days are filled with direct communication to pastors and leaders in Guyana virtually. We are even able to do pre-marital counseling sessions in this way on a weekly basis. Plans are being laid for a workteam in January - please contact Andy for more information. We are grateful for the opportunity at this time to be with family and hope to visit our new little grandson in TN soon! Thank you for praying for us!
Grateful for His grace,
Andy and Kathleen
August 26, 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
One of our favorite hymns is "Trust and Obey". Truly there is no other way to follow Jesus. The end of verse five resonates with where we are right now: "What He says we will do, Where He sends we will go; Never fear, only trust and obey." After Andy arrived back in Michigan on August 6, there has been a steady round of doctor visits, therapy, MRI, and other appointments. Long story short, the earliest date he could see a spine specialist is October 4. From there on, it looks like a strong possibility of surgery. The good news is, he has actually been given the 'yellow' light (proceed with much caution) to return to Guyana for a brief trip. We leave September 1, and will have a week to prepare for a small group coming in to assist with specific projects at the camp site.
Please pray for us, and those who will be travelling down on September 7. We will all return together on September 17 for the USA. During that brief time, Lord willing, there will be much accomplished on welding security bars for windows and doors (Kathleen's brother Paul is a welding engineer), and put down the floor/ put up the roof on the recreational building at the camp (Don and Scott from Traverse City). Kathleen will be joined by her sister in law Paula, who is a nurse. Together we hope to be able to do several house visits, meet with the pastors wives, and minister to the ladies in the Hampshire church.
Thank you for praying for Andy! He arrived sore, exhausted, and very ill. Praise God, after these three weeks of therapy, rest, and care, he is ready for what lies ahead. Under the watchful eye of yours truly, and promises to follow doctors orders, we both will make our way south in just a few short days.
Attached please find a few recent pictures sent from pastor Vishal, who has been doing a great job overseeing the project in Andy's absence. A LOT of communications flying back and forth via messenger and Facetime to the men down there, which has proven to be invaluable in moving forward.
In His Hands,
Kathleen (and Andy)
August/September, 2021
"O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good: for his steadfast love endures forever!" I Chronicles 16:34
Dear Praying Friends,
This is just a quick update to share what the Lord has been doing these past few weeks in Guyana. Andy and our national co-workers in ministry have been faithfully carrying on in spite of the intense heat of a tropical summer. The rains came down hard in May-June, resulting in flooding in many areas, especially Kwakwani. Andy and Ravi were able to make two trips with food relief for the villagers, thanks to the generosity of God's people here in the USA. Pastor Prem and Anita kept their chicken pen above water, and were able to share the bounty of eggs with those in need as well. Thank you for praying for Andy's back, he reports that the pain is better in his back, but has travelled down into the hip and leg. Please continue to pray about this, as he will fly back to MI, (August 6), and his first doctor appointment is on Monday. We have also just learned that the Guyana Ministry of Health passed a mandate effective August 8. All incoming visitors must now have proof of the Covid vaccine. That gives us a short window to get the vaccine before both Andy and I head back to Guyana on September 1.
Yes, Andy and I are returning for the month of September to host anyone able to help do the finishing work on the Alness camp project. It's the "details"....wiring, welding, plumbing, etc., although Andy says if you can swing a hammer, come on down! The dates are from September 8 - 17 for those able to join us. Stay with us at Nigg (good food and fellowship!), and travel the 20 minutes to the project every day. Please call or email us for information if interested. All you need is a valid passport (no visa required), and the Covid vaccine.
Now for just a quick report on the summer teams: In July, a group of 26 from Gaylord, MI came down and did 6 days of VBS (Hampshire and Alness) and 6 nights of open air crusades (music, testimonies). They did a great job! Our grandson, Nicholas Sponable was on the team, and he and Grandpa Andy had a great time doing ministry together. This weekend, a team from Word of Life will arrive to do a bit of training with the ABC leaders before launching the first week of day camp at Alness!! This is an exciting step in the ministry of the ABC...leaders and young people from every church will be attending each of the four days of camp for fun, fellowship, and both physical and spiritual food. Please pray for this endeavor, you may have also noted that the team arrives just before the vaccine mandate goes into effect! God arranged that one!
On a final note, Andy's short trip back here to MI is just that....short. So we will be seeing doctors, dentist, meeting with individuals, and preparing for the September team. We will, however, be back in October for a couple of months of "home ministry", allowing us more time to connect with our prayer and ministry supporters. We trust you are able to follow us both on the ABC facebook page and through personal communication. Thank you for your partnership in reaching Guyana for Christ!
Kathleen (and Andy)
June - August, 2021
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Dear Praying Friends,
Over the past 33 years of ministry in Guyana and 39 years of marriage, we have found our Lord to be truly faithful. Yes, there have been plenty of ups and downs, struggles and discouragements along the way. But in light of serving a faithful, all powerful, all knowing, loving God, we know He has planned it all for His glory and will continue to see us through. One lesson we have learned is that "where there is great opposition, there is also great victory". Our adversary the devil is busy at work especially before, during, and after strong evangelistic efforts such as medical and crusade teams. Sure enough, there will be equipment breakdowns, sickness, government restrictions, the list goes on and on. It is during such times that we rely on the power of prayer (that's YOU, our dear prayer partners!) to carry us through. Many times we are unable to share details, but be assured that your prayers are vital in the spiritual warfare that wages all around the ministry in Guyana. So let us take this opportunity to say THANKYOU for praying for us personally, our family here in the USA, and our co-workers in the field.
In this same vein, I will share these requests knowing that they will be bathed in prayer by our partners in evangelism:
1. The optometry team has completed their clinic at Hampshire, having to relocate after the Kwakwani trip/clinic was cancelled due to flooding. (See pics of Pastor Prem distributing food packages to flood victims in KK). Please pray for the 47 new believers who heard and accepted the gospel during the clinic.
2. Shortly before the op team arrived, Andy injured his back, and has been in severe pain ever since. Sleeping on the floor and meds are helping, please pray for complete healing. He's "trying" to behave himself and let others do what he isn't supposed to be doing! But he insists on preaching sitting down and going to the worksite to oversee the men at work in Alness.
3. The Alness Camp and Conference Center is humming with activity! Please pray for the workers, for Andy as he oversees the project, and for the funds to complete it. Currently it appears a September workteam may be able to do most of the finishing up - please contact us for more details.
4. Pastor Vishal and his wife will be hosting a 28 member VBS/crusade team in July at our Nigg house. (Kathleen returned to MI shortly after the dental team for family reasons). This team comes from Gaylord, MI, where our daughter Naomi's family attend. So once again, our oldest grandson, Nicholas will be heading for Guyana. Andy mentioned something about keeping them busy between morning and evening ministry by having them paint at Alness....
5. Depending on what Andy's doctor says, he will try to hold out until the July team leaves, then head back here to MI. Let's pray that he won't need surgery on his back (he's already endured two previous back surgeries).
6. August: Pastor Vishal and his family will be hosting a team from Word of Life to begin the official opening of the Alness Camp! The team will be doing some training first, then will do a trial run of a day camp for a week. This is an exciting "first" for the ABC and our region of Guyana! Lord willing, this will be the beginning of many years of Christian camping for generations to come! Please pray for this endeavor. We thank God for all who have given so generously and sacrificially to make this camp a reality.
Attached please find a few pictures of recent activities and goings on down there. Andy is doing a great job keeping the facebook page updated with pictures, so you can see the progress on the Alness project.
Serving together with you,
Kathleen for us all
May 23, 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
It is difficult to put into words the impact this past week has had on hundreds of Guyanese, the 28 member dental team from America, the ABC staff, cooks, helpers, and many more too numerous to mention. Perhaps these will help:
“My mouth no longer hurts!" (one of the multitude who came through the clinic)
"My back and hands hurt!" (team members after a long 12 hour day)
" This curry is delicious!" (thanks to the hard working ladies cooking for over 50 team members and helpers)
" Is there any hot water for tea?" (Andy's dentist brother from FL, team member)
" Thanks for the toothbrush!" (gift bag given to every clinic visitor)
" When will our clothes be dry?" (it rained /poured/deluged almost every day)
" Is there any lasagna left?" (dinner at our house after the team came home)
" These out door showers are the best!" (especially when the indoor showers are full, and there's 28 people waiting in line after a hot day in the clinic!)
" I want to be baptized!" (so pastor Cody went into the canal on the last day and baptized one of the team members who professed salvation)
Yes, it was an intense, fulfilling, exciting, stretching, and challenging week of ministry. Through it all, God showed Himself faithful in every aspect, from the homefront to the clinic, and finally at the airport today. Every team member received a negative covid test, and were cleared for take-off! We thank God for you, our prayer partners. Many gave their lives to Christ, as every day decisions were made following a clear gospel presentation. This is the fruit of our labor, as together we partner in reaching Guyanese with the love of Jesus.
Serving together,
Kathleen for us all
May 19, 2021
Dear Praying Friends,
We have hit the midweek mark! Praise God for keeping this large group of people healthy, safe, and "mostly rested"! There are untold details that go into an endeavor of this magnitude, so we are fully aware of and grateful for the prayers of God's people which enable us to carry on. These are long days and short nights, working in a hot and humid climate, eating new and different foods, waiting in line for a shower, sore muscles and swollen feet! At this point, we pretty much "hunker down and keep on keeping on!"
I've attached a few photos, there will be more later on I'm sure. In addition to the many people of all backgrounds and ages coming through the clinic to receive dental care, our spiritual counselors share the gospel with every individual. Praise God, as of last night, 14 souls have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. We have an excellent team of pastors and their wives who take time out of their busy schedules to listen, explain, and pray with every person coming into the clinic.
Andy's "job" is to make sure everything inside and outside the clinic runs smoothly, in addition to supervising the ongoing work of the camp project located just behind the clinic location. My "job" is to keep the team house clean (alongside my two helpers), make breakfast and dinner, and oversee the cooks at the camp kitchen who prepare the team lunch. There are many helping hands who volunteer behind the scenes to make a week like this come together.
Thanking God for you,
Kathleen for us all
February/March, 2021
”Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!" Psalm 27:14
Dear Praying Friends,
It's only February and already the year is starting to look pretty challenging isn't it? We certainly haven't had to face the freezing temperatures of our northern friends and family, but life in this developing country can be a bit daunting on a daily basis as well. The Lord is teaching us to be strong and take courage as we wait upon Him each step of the way. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we move on into our thirty-third year of ministry in Guyana. Only by the grace of God could we reach this milestone, sustained by the faithful prayers and support of God's people!
Here is a brief look back on the past few weeks since our January update:
- BBI/SRTS classes taught via Virtual teaching by Rev. Doug Huntington and pastor Doug Knorr
- New station added for Final Revelation weekly tv broadcast
- ABC "Day of Prayer and Planning" held for leadership, first time since Covid shut down last March. So blessed to be together again!
- Teacher Training for childrens ministries taught by Kathleen (BBI/SRTS)
- ABC Board meeting led by pastor Vishal (newly installed president)
- Pastors Wives gathering for food,fun and fellowship- a rare treat during Covid!
- Work on the Canje parsonage project nearing completion (see pictures below)
- Ministry trip to Kwakwani to encourage Pastor Prem and Anita (Andy)
- Two more "chicken micro-business" set up to assist national pastors financially.
- Alness Camp Fund for final phase: $30,000 received, $20,000 needed
- So far, no Covid cases reported in our entire region of Berbice, praise God!
Looking ahead, please pray for these events and teams:
- March 4-8: Kris and Kyle, Word of Life representatives to train youth leaders for camping ministry.
- March 8-11: Andy and Kathleen to visit Kwakwani
- March 27-April 7: Family of four (Nurse Dad, teacher Mom, two kids) to assist in areas of expertise where needed. Pray for Casey and Candi. (Easter week!)
- April BBI/SRTS classes taught by pastor Vishal.
- May 14-23: Dental team coming to do clinic at the Alness Conference Center.
- Please pray for Kathleen as she hosts all guests/ teams during these dates.
As you pray over these requests, please know that many names and activities too numerous to mention cannot be listed. These are the every day ministry opportunities faced by each of our ABC pastors and their families. Funerals, celebrations, counseling, preaching, teaching, mentoring, etc. We are so blessed to have a faithful band of co-workers in the ministry of church planting who quietly serve the Lord every single day. May we all continue to take courage as we wait upon the Lord and watch how He leads us into the future.
Joyfully serving,
Andy and Kathleen
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." I Peter 4:10
January ‘21
Dear Praying Friends,
It is a joy to wish you a very blessed New Year as we enter 2021. Our "new year" actually seemed to begin in December, with the start of the Canje parsonage project. Much groundwork had to be finished before the team arrived on January 8. Pastor Alex and his wife Debra have been patiently waiting for this house and it looks like it won't be long until they will be able to move in! We thank God for the group of 10 men and women who made the long trip from Michigan to Guyana. They worked very hard in this heat and humidity to see the house and attached garage almost completed in only five working days! Many of you have perhaps been following the progress through pictures posted on the ABC facebook page. But for those who have not seen the pics, there are a few attached to this update.
"Time waits for no man", and this year is proving to be no exception. In addition to the parsonage project, the Alness camp and conference center is front and center in our plans, so please continue to pray for the remaining funds to complete this. As of this date, only $25,000 is needed to begin the final phase, as already $125,000 of the total $150,000 has been designated through PIEI. The policy for moving forward with any construction project has been to wait until the funds are in, so as to be able to complete the building or "phase" without interruption. God has always providedthe funds over the years, which is a testimony to all who participate and especially to the Guyanese who clearly see His hand of provision. All gifts must be designated "Guyana building fund" and sent through our mission, PIEI.
It won't be long, Lord willing, before camping begins in earnest! There are exciting plans in place as folks begin to step forward in wanting to serve in this much needed ministry. Please pray for God's will to be done as the Association of Bible Churches moves forward with plans to lay a solid foundation in camping. This includes personnel, training, resources, and long term partners. More information will be shared in future communications as we see this all unfold in God's perfect timing.
The ministry of church planting, weekly television broadcast, training of pastors through the Bible Institute and Seminary, as well as the day to day work of pastoring and mentoring goes on. Our days are full, which is the way we like it! We must lean on the Lord for strength and wisdom as each day brings unexpected challenges and teaches us to trust the One who goes before us.
Thank you for praying for us now and throughout this coming year. We look forward to sharing how God will provide and lead in these coming months.
Serving together,
Andy and Kathleen
December 16, 2020
Dear Praying Friends,
Merry Christmas from your missionaries in Guyana! Yes, Kathleen has returned, the house is decorated, the smell of baking is in the air, and parties for the pastors wives and Sunday School children are being planned. We are getting into the spirit of Christmas around here, in spite of the tropical heat, humidity, and torrential downpours of the rainy season. Guyanese love this holiday, which inspires everyone to literally "light up the country" in celebration. Our current pastorate is at the Hampshire Bible Church, where the lights can be seen throughout the village. Anthony, the student in training from Hampshire, designed, painted, and lighted up his own nativity creation this year. We are truly thankful for this young man, who works alongside us and helps in so many ways.
We've attached a link to the Association of Bible Churches facebook page. It is updated weekly with photos, messages, etc. so please take a look. Recently, a short video update was posted with photos from the Canje parsonage project:
We look forward to 2021, first with a workteam coming in January 8, continued plans for the Alness camp and conference center underway, optometry and dental teams schedulled, and many more visitors and events. The weekly TV broadcast and BBI/SRTS classes as well as new micro buisiness projects are ongoing. We give God all the glory and praise for what He is doing through the ministry of the ABC.
From our house to yours (see the "corner shelf" and Kathleen's wall motto), we wish you a blessed Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for your partnership and prayers for the ministry of church planting in Guyana.
With Joy,
Andy and Kathleen
🎄 December, 2020🎄
" The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good." Proverbs 15:3
Dear Praying Friends,
Isn't it wonderful to know that our great God is "keeping watch"? Nothing takes him by surprise. He is in control, sitting on His throne in heaven. We can be confident in moving forward as this year comes to a close, and a new year is just around the corner. We thank God for his many blessings, for health and strength, for family and friends, and for the privilege of serving Him in Guyana.
On November 19, Andy landed in Guyana, having successfully jumped through the international "hoops" of travel during Covid. With only 72 hours allowed between receiving a negative Covid test, hard copy of the results in hand, and his final destination, we praise God for making this possible. Please pray for me (Kathleen), as I prepare to leave, Lord willing, on December 5 for Guyana. A quick result from taking the Covid test right now is very difficult to get, as here in Michigan the cases are very high, especially in our area. I will reserve my flights and trust God for the outcome. We thought it prudent for me to wait an additional two weeks for travel, as Andy needed to get our house in order before my arrival.
Since his arrival, Andy has had a very busy schedule...not only in setting up the house, but in ministry. Please continue to pray for the Association of Bible Churches and the families who minister in the churches. A priority for Andy was to meet with all the pastors and encourage them, which he was able to do . Of course, there was plenty of food and fellowship, as the men shared together how God has sustained them throughout this past year. Andy and Anthony, a young man in training, have been able to tape and edit several messages for the weekly television broadcasts. These were then carried into the village of Kwakwani and handed over to the station for broadcast in that area. Praise God for the opportunity Andy had just yesterday to lead Pastor Prem's nephew to the Lord! Today there will be a baptism and much rejoicing in that family. Andy reports that the KK chicken project is going well. The chickens are laying and everything seems to be on schedule to assist financially with that ministry. Praise God, the monies are now available to build and set up three more micro/chicken/egg businesses for pastors in Berbice!
It is the rainy season in, humid, and very wet. Some areas have experienced flooding as along the coastline we are below sea level. The trail to KK was a bit challenging, but they made it safely. Andy should be able to return early tomorrow morning (Nov. 28). Please continue to pray for safety in travel, and good health in spite of the continued Covid situation. I am grateful for the donations of face shields given for the pastors and their wives, and look forward to sharing them out soon after I return. Lord willing, the pastors wives will meet for their annual Christmas party at our home in Nigg on December 19 and they will receive this blessing, in addition to a bit of food, fun, and fellowship!
Next on the "project" agenda is a much needed home for pastor Alex and his family of the Berean Bible Church in Canje village. Lord willing, a team from Michigan will travel in January to assist with building a parsonage behind the church. Please pray for this group as they make travel arrangements and will also need to "jump through the hoops" of travel during Covid. The Alness Camp and Conference center project , as well as a new fence for the church in Kwakwani, is on hold until the remaining funds come in. Please contact us via email if you are interested in any of these projects, we would love to share how to be involved. Also, please do NOT send any mail or packages through the postal system to Guyana. They have been shut down completely since March. Email is the best way to communicate with us at any time.
We thank God for you, as we partner together for His glory. Have a very blessed and joyful Christmas! "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:3
Love in Christ,
Kathleen (and Andy)
October/November, 2020
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Dear Praying Friends,
This may be the last update this year from our "home base" in Michigan. Praise God, the Guyana airport has reopened for international flights! Lord willing, soon after the USA election, Andy will head south once again. Kathleen will follow after Thanksgiving. Thank you for praying for us during this time.
Andy has been able to share and represent the church planting ministry of PIEI/Guyana these past several weeks in many venues, including churches, conferences, meetings, and our home. One of the goals during his stay here has been to raise funds toward the completion of the Alness camp and conference center, a parsonage for the Canje Bible Church pastor (Alex and his family), and fence for Kwakwani Bible Church. Please continue to prayfor these needs. We are grateful for those who have sacrificially given to come alongside these projects. Still needed: $100,000 toward Alness, $25,000 toward the parsonage, $20,000 toward the KK fence. All donations are tax deductible through PIEI, and go 100% as designated. Information can be found on the www.piei/guyana website giving page, "construction projects".
Good news!
Construction teams are already forming for mid- January through March, 2021. If interested in joining a group, please contact Andy at our email address, or give him a call before he flies out next month. All that is required to visit Guyana is a valid passport, ticket, and in country expenses. NO visa, special vaccinations, or malaria. Our motto is "We work you hard, but feed you good!"
One of the concerns this year during the Covid situation has been the welfare of the national pastors and their families. We are grateful that so far no one has been sick, and that the disease seems to have had minimal impact on the population. However, it has been financially difficult for the independent churches to support their pastors. We had shared this need, and are thrilled to report that again, many have designated toward the national pastors fund to assist the ABC in taking care of these families. We thank God for all who continue to support the ministry of church planting in Guyana.
Our thoughts naturally focus on Thanksgiving at this time of year, as it rightfully should. There is so much to be thankful for, and we include YOU, our dear prayer partners and supporters of the ongoing work in Guyana.
With love and gratitude,
Andy and Kathleen
Mission Address: PIEI,5518 W.Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
September, 2020
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10:23 - 25
Dear Praying Friends,
It has been almost 6 months since the world changed course unexpectedly. We are grateful that we are able to say as Christians that we have a God who sees, cares, and understands all that is going on around us. It is a blessing to be able to "walk in the light, as He is in the light", and to follow our Shepherd wherever He leads. Currently He has us in Michigan, and it has become clear that this is where we need to be during this time. The purpose of this update is to share specifically the situation in Guyana, as well as our own itinerary for the fall, Lord willing.
Yesterday was our annual PIEI Committee board meeting via the internet. It was encouraging to be able to see everyone at the same time, including pastor Vishal in Guyana. Both Andy and Vishal shared updates on the pastors, as both are able to communicate almost daily with the leadership, thanks to modern technology. The board decided unanimously to make known the immediate needs of several of the independent pastors. Guyana has been in serious lockdown since March: borders, harbors, airports, postal system, schools, churches are closed. Curfews are strictly enforced. Recently, churches have been allowed to meet with restrictions. Covid cases are on the rise, hence nothing will change on the horizon. The independent pastors are truly suffering financially, so we have been asked to share the need for emergency finances to help them get through the next few months. Any donations toward the "Guyana national pastors fund" will be greatly appreciated at this time. Giving may be done online at:
Finances for the pastors is the immediate need, there are also "long term" needs/projects to mention here as well. To assist the national pastors to be financially independent, the possibility of setting up micro-business (chicken pen, laying hens) is well underway. Please see the ABC Facebook page for more details and pictures. One complete set up costs approximately $2500. Feel free to contact us personally for more information.
Our fall schedule is filling up fast! Please pray for us as we travel, speak, and represent the ministry of church planting in Guyana:
September 4, 11, 18, 25 - Online classes for the Berbice Bible Institute. Mornings are tightly scheduled with four different teachers/subjects, including Andy. Our house at Nigg is being used for classes, as it has high speed internet and the space to "social distance".
September 11-12 - Pastors wives retreat held online at our Nigg house via Zoom. Sponsored and facilitated by the Boodrams in Trinidad with teachers from Fellowship Bible Church in Georgia. The ABC pastors wives will be able to overnight using the team facility in our home and enjoy fellowship and encouragement alongside women from all across the Caribbean via Zoom.
September 27 - Andy preaching at Hastings Baptist Church am service.
October 2-7 - Missions emphasis meetings at Millersville Bible Church, PA
October 16 - Missions conference at Grandville Bible Church, MI-18
October 25 - Andy preach at Faith Baptist Church, am service.
There are a few dates in November that may be available, however, if the airport opens in Guyana, there may be an opportunity to return. We will keep you posted. Please continue to pray for all the national pastors, the ongoing needs of the ministry (camp, parsonage for pastor Alex, national pastors support), and that we would all remain faithful to our calling. Thank you and God bless you!
In Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Mission: Partners in Evangelism International 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Website: (for online giving)
Facebook Page: Association of Bible Churches in Guyana
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
July/August, 2020
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
Dear Praying Friends,
We trust that this note finds you well and continuing to trust in the God of all hope. These are strange and often difficult days, not only for those here in America, but all around the world. Our brethren in Guyana face a much stricter situation with the Covid lockdown, including complete closure of church meetings, mask and temp checks along all roads, borders and airports closed. We covet your prayers for the national pastors and leaders, who continue to minister to their people as best they can in spite of it all. We would like to feature two of these pastors in this letter as a reminder of how to pray:
Prem and Anita in Kwakwani - Kwakwani (KK for short) is a mining town in a remote part of the Berbice region, along the Berbice river in the jungle. By road it is at least a seven hour journey from Nigg. The Covid church closure has made it even more difficult for the churches to support their pastors, so the ABC pulled together a team of men and some finances and built a chicken pen for Prem. This will house about 250 chickens, (layers) and enable Prem and Anita to supplement their income. (see attached pics) Please pray for the KK church and pastor Prem as they minister in a remote situation.
Alex and Debra in Canje - Alex is pastor of the Berean Bible Church in Reliance, Canje. This young couple labor in a mostly hindu village. They are supported in part by the ABC pastors fund (monies sent through PIEI), and in part by the Canje church. Please pray for their need of additional monthly support, as well as adequate housing. There is property behind the church on which a parsonage can be built. The goal for this project is to begin building, Lord willing, even this year if the finances are available.
So what are we up to here in the USA? It's been wonderful to be able to spend time with our 8 grandchildren! For the past few weeks, we have either hosted or been able to visit them all. From as far away as South Carolina (Sam's family), to northern Michigan (Naomi's) and in between (Jennie's). We are keeping busy with medical appointments and projects around the house as well. We are grateful for the internet, which enables Andy to keep in touch with the Guyanese pastors and leaders almost daily. Kathleen has the privilege of assisting her 90 year old mother who still lives on the farm just down the road from us.
Please continue to pray for the funds needed to complete the Alness Camp and Conference Center project. The goal is to begin "phase three" early 2021. Feel free to email us with any questions concerning projects and possible workteams for next year. God bless and keep you in His loving care.
Joy and Peace,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
June 13, 2020
Dear Praying Friends,
Once again, we have exciting news: an anonymous donor is offering to match up to $15,000 toward the Alness Camp and Conference center! Our last matching gift offer was met, praise God, and has enabled "phase two" of the project to be completed. (see attached pics, as well as the ABC Guyana facebook page)
This matching offer begins TODAY, and is open through July 15. Now that churches are beginning to reopen, Fathers day is approaching, and camping season is starting here in the USA, this is a great time to look at the potential for investing in the camp and conference center in Guyana.
"Phase Three" will enable the completion of the 10 cabins as well as a pool for recreation. For more details on this, as well as plans for future work teams, please contact us at this email address. Also, pray for Andy as he is now ready to return to Michigan, but we are waiting for the Guyana airport to reopen. Things are still in lockdown, including the hub of Caribbean Airlines in Trinidad. Pray for either an embassy evacuation flight or international flights to resume soon.
Thanking God for you,
Kathleen (and Andy)
April 24, 2020
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, 'My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler." Psalm 91:1-4
Dear Praying Friends,
"This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!" For those who know Christ as Savior, not only can we truly rejoice in each new day, but we know without a doubt that He who never sleeps is watching over us. As an added bonus for this day in particular, God saw fit to bring into the world exactly 60 years ago, my wonderful husband, Anandranauth Girwarnauth. (now you know his real name). Andy is celebrating his birthday in Guyana today, eating sheep meat, dal and rice - courtesy of Ravi and friends - while I sit in Michigan praying for his safe return. Actually, the plan according to Andy is to finish this phase of the Alness Camp and Conference center project before attempting to fly back. Even though it's now rainy season, the guys are hard at work completing the interior of the parsonage and dining hall . The roofing was completed just in time!
Life in Guyana is rather surreal, as it has been for much of the entire world during this time. Even more so, as there is a strict 6pm to 6am curfew in force, the borders and airport have been closed since March 15, and the ruling government is in limbo.
Please pray for the pastors and their families during these uncertain days. They are not able to hold services, and everyone has been ordered to shelter in place. This has drastically affected the pastors of independent churches, who rely on offerings to sustain their needs. PIEI/Guyana provides an opportunity to help these pastors through the giving page on their website. Designate toward the "Guyana national pastors fund" and all gifts will go directly toward the support of the pastors.
There is, however, an exciting outcome of the virus crises situation: The Association of Bible Churches in Guyana Facebook page has been launched! Pastor Andy and pastor Vishal are both posting their weekly messages on this page. Those who are able to connect on Facebook can now view encouraging messages, and the good news is, a LOT of people from around the world are now doing so! Please go to Facebook, and "like" the page, and see for yourself how the ABC is continuing to communicate to our people in addition to anyone else! There are updated photos of the camp project on this page as well. In addition, the Final Revelation weekly television broadcast is aired every Sunday evening on local channels throughout Berbice and into Suriname, with folks regularly commenting how much they appreciate the excellent Bible teaching.
As for myself, life here in Michigan has been a mixed blessing. I love being close to family and being able to help now that the self imposed quarantine is over. I thank God for the privilege of assisting my 90 year old mother as well as giving Jennie some help with the girls. My heart goes out to all homeschooling families with the added challenge of having to shelter in place! My new ministry is a little Sunday School class on Sunday morning with four precious girls ages 6 - 14, in this little schoolhouse, with a little keyboard and some Bible Visuals. I've inherited a chicken coop and four chickens, but it's been too cold to let them roam around the yard. Fresh eggs are a bonus these days! I'm getting better at keeping a wood fire going in the wood burning heater, and am extremely grateful for the big old east windows that allow the rare Michigan sunshine to come inside! I cannot complain, as I also have internet, and Andy and I are able to FaceTime every day, which makes life apart so much easier.
On behalf of Andy and myself, thank you ALL for keeping up with our prayer updates, for praying for us, and for your partnership in the church planting ministry in Guyana. God bless you.
With love,
March 20,2020
Dear Praying Friends,
The dental team had a great week of ministry in Crabwood Creek! The evangelism team reported over 50 decisions for salvation. The docs, assistants, and hygienists cared for over 566 patients in only four and a half days of clinic. That equals a total of 1792 man hours with the combined efforts of the team! Praise God for protection coming in and returning to the airport, for daily health and strength, and that the team landed back in the USA before the travel restrictions were put in place. The Guyana airport closed earlier this week, no flights coming or going.
The Alness project continues on. Andy keeps busy with his normal ministry routine and overseeing the project on a daily basis.
You are in our thoughts and prayers, as it seems we are all in this together, doesn't it? The world has suddenly become very small indeed. We have been encouraged by the truth of God's word during these uncertain times: "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, And to love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
In His Hands,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Field Address:
Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg,
Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Dear Praying Friends, March 12, 2020
Thank you for praying for the dental team! It has been quite a week! Your prayers have been answered in many ways, so on behalf of the team and our crew here, we would like to express our gratitude.
Just a quick overview of the week:
* The evangelism side of the clinic has yielded close to 50 decisions for Christ.
* Many new contacts for Pastor Vishal and his leaders to follow up on in the Crabwood Creek area.
* Hundreds of people from all walks of life and all across Berbice have come through the clinic in the past 4 1/2 days.
* The 28 member dental team has endured long days and short nights, heat, humidity, aching backs and fingers. But through it all they have stayed healthy and continue to cheerfully and professionally work with excellence on a consistent basis. It is an amazing thing to watch the clinic in full swing - it truly takes a team effort to make this happen.
Again, we appreciate our prayer partners who faithfully bring us before the throne room of grace. We need your prayers! God bless and keep you in His loving care.
Kathleen for us all.
Field address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg
Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
February/March, 2020
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
I Corinthians 15:58
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for praying for us. We would not be able to be in ministry and see the hand of God working unless our own hands were "held up" by our prayer warriors. We are grateful for the Lord's faithfulness, protection, and daily strength to do the work. Please continue to pray for us as the days, weeks, and months ahead are packed with teams, teachers, and the work of the ministry.
We praise God for the efforts of those who came to serve on the work teams. Much has been accomplished in a very short time. Attached you will see a few pictures of the latest Michigan crew and the camp dining hall. Work at Alness continues with the local crew. Lord willing, there will be two more work teams arriving in May to assist with details such as welding, electrical, and plumbing.
Please pray for the incoming dental team. Our focus for the next two weeks will be in Crabwood Creek, at Pastor Vishal's church. They are hosting the team, along with our help in setting up and running the clinic. It's a huge team effort for both the USA and the Guyana team! Logistically, the travel time from Michigan to final destination at Crabwood Creek is about 24 hours. Pray for health and strength during the entire intense week of ministry, and for the clear presentation of the gospel to those who come through the clinic.
In the past week Andy made two trips into Kwakwani. The first trip was with myself (Kathleen), to set up the guest house for incoming guests and optometry team due to arrive next month and April. Andy preached in the Kwakwani Bible Church on Sunday as well. Pastor Prem and his wife Anita, their son Imran are doing a great job in a remote and difficult area, and would appreciate your prayers. The second trip Andy made was with Ravi and two young men from Hampshire. They hauled the boat, trailer, and several huge bags of clothing from the shipment. Yesterday, the guys took the boat on it's maiden voyage down the Berbice river to a place called "Bamboo Landing". The goal is to start a monthly outreach in that Amerindian logging community. The attached pics show Andy with Prem, and Ravi with Randy as they travel down river. Maybe one day I will brave the trail and river myself and then you will "see" more of what life is like in there! From where I'm sitting, and at this stage of life, a small boat on the Berbice River....well you can maybe finish that sentence!
May God bless you and encourage you today, as you remain steadfast in serving Him!
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Field address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg
Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
February 25, 2020
The roof is complete on the dining hall and kitchen. The dining hall is enclosed and the kitchen will soon followed . The sill on the parsonage is being poured. Please pray for safety of the workers as they work to complete their projects.
Dear Praying Friends,
The time has literally flown by these past few weeks! Both the Grandville and Traverse City, MI team have returned to the north country as of yesterday. Our team bus driver dropped off one set of people flying out, and picked up the next crew flying in. My helper, Galina and I are busy trying to keep up with the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and everything in between. It's been a marathon team effort, which began January 28 and will end with the Lowell/Saranac MI group leaving February 17.
We are blessed and grateful for each and every team member who have labored long and hard in spite of the heat and humidity. As you can see by the pictures, much has been accomplished so far, including the cabin foundations, parsonage going up, and even the dining hall. Praise God for safety on the work site, and health and strength. Please continue to pray for the rest of the funds needed to complete the entire project. We are ahead of schedule and may be able to see this mostly completed, Lord willing in a much shorter time than planned.
In Him,
Kathleen for us all
Mission Address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Website: (see 'Guyana' page for online giving)
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Mission Address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Website: (see 'Guyana' page for online giving)
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
January, 2020
" Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the Day drawing near." Hebrews 10: 23-25 (ESV)
Dear Praying Friends,
As we enter into a new decade, we must not only look forward with expectation, but remember to give God all the glory for what He has done these past 32 years of ministry in Guyana. We have experienced the Lord's hand of blessing and have come full circle since our arrival in 1988 with three small children in tow. Our oldest, Naomi, will be sending her 14 year old son Nicholas with a work team this month. Jennie and her family were just in Guyana for Christmas with us, enjoying the holidays as well as ministering through music and encouragement to the ABC staff. We continue to covet your prayers, not just for our own family, but for the Association of Bible Churches pastors and their families as well.
The schedule for the new year is filling up fast! First on the agenda was the annual ABC "Day of Prayer and Planning" for 2020. Pastors and leaders from Kwakwani to Crabwood Creek and everywhere in between attended. Pastor Vishal Debicharran was formally introduced as the new "President of the Association", and true to form, led the program as well as shared plans for the ABC calendar year. Pastor Andy brought a challenge from the Word, encouraging us all to be wholeheartedly committed to the call. Each pastor present shared both praise and prayer requests, including the need for God to raise up more men in ministry. Truly, the harvest is great, but the laborers are few!
The Alness church plant/camp project is again up and running! Andy and the Guyanese work crew are busy getting the property ready for the incoming work teams. So far they have been able to bring in loads of dirt and crushed rock, tie steel, order lumber, and dig the foundation for the dining hall. There are three groups arriving to help with this project through mid February. The goal is to work on the dining hall as well as begin work on the parsonage and cabins. Please pray with us for the additional funding needed to complete the camp project. (sent through PIEI Guyana/building project at the above mission address). Lord willing, following the dental team in March, two more work teams will be able to continue the project. For more information on how you can be involved in this exciting endeavor, please email us.
Our "normal" schedule includes the ongoing ministry of the Final Revelation weekly television broadcast. We get a lot of feedback from folks throughout this region as well as from our neighbor, Suriname. The Berbice Bible Institute and Solid Rock Seminary extension continues, with pastor Doug Knorr's arrival in February, Dr. Jim Thompson in April, and Dr. Pete Helland in May. Please pray for these ministries as they are vital in sending out the light of the gospel. In between overseeing the Alness project, editing the TV broadcast, preparing messages and other pastoral duties at Hampshire, Andy makes the long hard trip into Kwakwani on a regular basis. Pastor Prem, his wife Anita, and their grown son labor in this remote snake infested village and need all the encouragement they can get! Please pray for ALL of us in the ABC who travel daily on these dangerous roads - for safety and acute awareness of our surroundings. Perhaps you realize by now that I (Kathleen) write the updates, since Andy really doesn't have the time! My own personal request is for health and strength to host the teams and teachers coming through, as well as for wisdom in ministering to the women here at Hampshire and the ABC pastors wives. I'm very grateful for a large "hospitality house" and air conditioning!
The long awaited shipment of a 40 foot container has finally been cleared at the Georgetown dock! We are waiting on the customs officials to decide how much duty to charge the ABC, once that is paid, a very large truck will need to haul it all here to Nigg. Everything must be off-loaded into our storage shed and house which means that I have the privilege of sorting it all and hopefully sending it out throughout the ABC before the work teams arrive! My friend Galina is going to move in for a week and we will tackle it together. Unfortunately, there isn't any AC in the area where we have to work...quite a challenge for this heat sensitive lady! On behalf of the ABC, a huge thank you to all who contributed toward making this shipment possible. Andy and I will personally see that everything goes where it was designated and most needed.
Thank you for reading this rather lengthy update. We appreciate each one who prays for us, supports the ministry, and encourage us through email and even snail mail. It is a privilege to partner with you in the ministry of church planting among Hindus and Muslims in Guyana.
Blessings to you in this new year,
Andy and Kathleen
PIEI/Guyana is a member of:
ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability)
The Association of Bible Churches in Guyana is a member of:
IFCA International (
"But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him."
Acts 2:24
Dear Praying Friends,
He is risen! As followers of Christ, we have the joy of sharing the Good News to a lost and dying world. During the month of April in this East Indian culture, the various hindu sects are even more energized it seems to carry on with their activities. The beating of drums to call their gods (demons) go on day and night. Sundays are especially busy as they walk through the streets making noise and begging for food and money to perform their religious functions. The hindu word for their April "fest" is called "Navratri", which can actually be repeated again in the fall. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish when they start and stop, as our area has several temples that seem to go on indescriminately with their chanting and drums. Please pray for us as we live and work among people who live in the shadow of fear and death on a daily basis. Pray that as we share the gospel that it's light would penetrate the darkest corner and individual heart.
We are not surprised when the enemy of our souls launches an all -out attack, as we are commanded to "put on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the wiles of the devil". (Eph. 6:11) Lately the attack has been launched against several members of the Hampshire Bible Church. Please pray for our Christian families, as many are struggling in keeping their marriage together. The oppression is real. The battle is waged. We must stand strong together and be willing to go after the sheep who wander from the fold. Pray for the pastors and their families in the Association of Bible Churches. We are all on the front lines of this spiritual battle.
On a lighter note, we praise God that the Alness church reconstruction project is moving along at a good pace. Attached are the most recent pictures of progress both inside and out. Reinforcement of the back wall was necessary, as the structure is quite old and was leaning. Eventually, concrete will be poured for the floor. The purple heart wooden front door is ready to install. The new windows have been purchased. It's starting to take shape! The local workers are on site daily under the watchful eye of "contractor Andy".
The second week of April was busy for those in leadership throughout the ABC. Kathleen, along with Vishal's wife Naomi, taught a modified BBI/SRTS course on "teacher training" for two days, followed by Vishal's three day class on Bible Doctrine. It was exciting for us to see the church leaders planning their summer VBS and working together to improve teaching skills. Andy keeps busy, not only with the Alness project, but also as full time pastor at Hampshire and taping/editing the weekly television broadcast. He is planning to teach the next BBI/SRTS class in May - Homiletics. Not much grass growing under his feet...
It seems that Kathleen's famous phrase here, "It's a mans world" will have to be toned down soon, as all the pastors wives and one PWIT (pastor wife in training) will get their own mini retreat! Please pray for Kathleen, Naomi, Mala, Shelly, Joy, Ruby, Debra, Evelyn, Galina, and Anita (Morzeina is caring for her dying mother and can't attend) as together they "get out of town" from April 29 - May 1. This has come about after much prayer, planning, and rejoicing as special guests Indra Boodram and Chenelle will be coming from Tobago to speak and to encourage the ladies. It is very difficult to gather together these ladies and make arrangements for them to leave husbands and children even for a few days in this culture. Needless to say, they need it!
Once again, we are so grateful for our faithful prayer partners and supporters. Thank you for standing with us.
Because He lives,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Mission Address:
Field Address:
Lot 28 Campbell St.
Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
February 7, 2019
Dear Praying Friends,
It's hard to believe that the first group of guys (and one gal) have come and gone already! Seven of the eleven that arrived Monday morning put in a solid 4 days of hard labor. You can see by the attached pics that the wall, as of tonight, is up!. The remaining 4 men, including pastor Doug Knorr, will fly out early Sunday morning. Tomorrow is the last day of class.
On Wednesday we were joined by another two men from Ionia area, MI. Ryan and Wayne are busy working on the church building itself, adding the front portico. The highlight of the week, in addition to accomplishing so much on the project, was being able to hunt alligator in the rice fields. So tonight, alligator was on the menu!
Thank you for praying for us all as we strive to complete "phase one" of the Alness camp/church project. The sun is shining, the team is healthy, and so far no injuries. Keep praying! It is encouraging to know that we are being held up by the prayers of Gods' people.
In Him,
Andy and Kathleen
January 28, 2019
Dear Praying Friends,
We're back! It was a long trip, but made easier with the airport wheelchairs and escorts along the way. Kathleen has decided that having a traveling companion in a wheelchair is the way to go, especially when we both are escorted directly to the front of every line! Andy is gradually getting his legs moving again, now that he's back in the tropical heat and humidity. No more cane for him! So it's off to work he goes...
Speaking of work, the house was already buzzing with activity upon our arrival. Four men from Grace Bible Church, Indiana, were staying in one of the bunk rooms, hosted by pastor Vishal and Naomi. Kathleen certainly needed the time to get unpacked and reaclimated to everything happening here, so was more than willing to have Naomi continue the cooking and team care through the weekend. Now that the men are gone, along with Vishal and Naomi, we are settling in and getting things in place for the next crew of eleven (from Michigan) due to arrive this week Friday.
As you can see by the pictures below, a LOT was accomplished in the short time the first team was here. The Alness property is undergoing a transformation, as the wall goes up and the old church is being renovated. A big thank you to all who are praying for this project! Please continue to pray for the safety of the workers, good weather (the rains are coming), and additional funding needed.
Please continue to pray for the Kwakwani ministry. Andy is leaving early tomorrow morning (January 29) for a quick trip into the village. It's a long journey, but necessary in preparation for the dental team arriving in March. Bro. Prem and Sis. Anita are all alone in the ministry there, please pray that the Lord would provide another family to join them in the future.
Be on the lookout for more short updates with pictures from the ongoing Alness project. Busy days ahead...praise God for all who come alongside us in the work of church planting!
In Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
"And he who was seated on the throne said," Behold, I am making all things new". Also he said," Write this down, for these words are trust worthy and true". Revelation 21:5
January 15, 2019
Dear Praying Friends,
It's a new year and a new knee, but the same old story - "Jesus died for sinners". We have the privilege of sharing that glorious truth as we return to Guyana on January 24. Thank you for praying for Andy during this time of surgery and recuperation. He is making progress, so we are still on schedule to fly back next week. Please pray for our coworkers in Guyana, all of whom are busy in their various church ministries. Especially pastor Vishal and Naomi, as they move into our Nigg house this weekend ahead of our return. The first work team arrives on Jan. 20, so Kathleen's partner in hospitality will be hosting the men until we arrive. Once we land, the pace will accelerate quickly as the next team arrives just a week later along with BBI/SRTS teacher Doug Knorr. Yes, we will hit the ground running, so your prayers for stamina, safety, and good health are greatly appreciated!
As a reminder, the work teams are putting up the fence/wall for the new Alness property. Much groundwork for that has already been done, thanks to the labors of bro. Bobby and crew, along with volunteer help from the pastors and laymen. The wall is actually made up of concrete blocks. The existing building on the property, an old wooden church, will also be renovated. Most of the funding for the first phase is in place, praise God, so the materials are purchased and on site, ready to go.
Soon after the work teams leave, preparations will go into high gear for the incoming dental team due on March 9. For the first time, this large group of dentists, hygienists, and assistants will travel with us into the remote village of Kwakwani. Please be in prayer for the team and for the final preparations in setting up in Kwakwani for this group. Pray for the hundreds of people who will come through the 5 day full-service clinic to be held in the Kwakwani Bible Church. Every person is not only seen individually by the dental team, but also is presented with the gospel and prayed for before leaving the clinic. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believes!
We will miss our family and friends here in Michigan, it's been a special blessing to be able to spend extra time with grand children especially. At times we are overwhelmed by God's goodness and grace. But it is time to return to minister to our "other family" in Guyana. May God bless you as you serve Him in your own field where He has planted you!
With Joy,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Mission Address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St.
Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
" And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Luke 10:2
October/November 2018
Dear Praying Friends,
Where do we begin? The past two months have been jam-packed with travel, ministry, illness, visitors, shipment arriving, and surprise developments along the way. We returned to Guyana on September 3, only to find that Andy's back had worsened to the point of extreme pain and near disability. He spent several weeks laying on the floor, in spite of all that was going on around us at the time. It's amazing what can be accomplished with a cell phone and delegation! (and a good wife...) Many were praying for us during that time, including beloved Guyanese co-workers, and praise God, Andy was able to stand and preach for the first time in 2 months during our trip into Kwakwani September 30. (see attached pics of that trip) No, you can't keep a good man down, even though he was in pain, he would go to church and still preach every Sunday sitting on a stool. Granted, the sermons were a bit shorter in length! We have much to be grateful for, especially our prayer partners who faithfully bring us and our family before the Throne of Grace. God has answered prayer - Andy's back is completely healed and he's up and able to move without pain again.
Our home here in Nigg is aptly dubbed the "hospitality house". Since arriving, we have had the privilege of hosting several visiting professors and their wives. Dr. Rick Gregory and his wife Pat came in the first week of September, only to find both of us very ill with the flu, along with Andy on his back! Rick did an excellent job teaching in the Bible Institute and Seminary, and Pat and Kathleen hosted a mini pastors wives retreat right in our home. Somehow we all survived the week and as far as we know, our guests didn't catch the bug! Soon after the Gregorys left, Dr. Birbal Boodram and his wife Shano arrived from Trinidad to teach and encourage the ABC leadership. During their visit, the ABC met for a "Day of Prayer" at the Tain Bible Church. Since Andy was unable to stand, Kathleen had the privilege of sharing a brief history of the "Girwarnauth's in Guyana" and the Association of Bible Churches for the past 30 years: 1988 - 2018. Yes, it has been 30 years since our family first came to do pioneer church planting in the Berbice region of Guyana. Many of you have stood by us all these years to the glory of God! And finally, as of this writing, we are privileged to host Dr. John Grassmick and his wife Karen who are with us for this week of classes. Dr. John is teaching the book of Joshua, and Karen is busy babysitting the small children of pastors wives attending. It is a joy for us to be able to host so many visitors and teams throughout the year, many of whom are surprised to find this house has enough beds for up to 35 people!
And now for a quick update on our Kwakwani trip:
As you can see by the attached pictures, driving into Kwakwani is an adventure by itself. From our home to the Kwakwani trail takes about 3 hours. Once on the "trail", depending on weather conditions, potholes, etc., it takes another 2 - 5 hours. The ladies will appreciate Kathleen's reticence in making the trip, just use your imagination. But since Andy's back was much better and we were told the trail was recently graded, both of us made the trek for a weekend of bidding farewell to the Adam's, evaluation of the current housing and ministry situation, and future plans for incoming teams. Kathleen survived and actually is looking forward to returning in March to host the dental team! Another answer to prayer! Kwakwani is a mining town along the Berbice river, mostly Amerindian people, run a bit like the "wild west". Jungle. Hot. Humid. Wildlife.
Please pray for the national pastors and their families throughout the ABC. Specifically for Prem and Anita, who are now alone doing ministry in the village of Kwakwani. Pray for full time co-workers to come alongside them, as the ABC is only able have a rotation of our pastors once a month going in to assist.
Pray for the newly established Alness ministry and camp project. Work teams for January and February are forming to help build the wall surrounding the property. Pray for the funds needed to set up the team house in Kwakwani. Pray for the new students in training for full time ministry: Sundar, Alex, Randy, Galina. Any support gifts toward the training of nationals is tax deductible and accounted for both by PIEI and the ABC, and given 100% as designated. Praise God, the container that was shipped out from Michigan in August arrived, the boat and motor is headed to Kwakwani, and everything has been unloaded, waiting to be sorted out and sent out! Already requests are coming in for the medical equipment and supplies. A HUGE thanks to all who contributed to this project - everything came through customs intact!
We are indeed blessed to know that even though we are "on the front lines" doing spiritual battle among Hindus and Muslims, there are those of you on your knees praying on our behalf. Thank you for praying specifically for our health, safety, stamina, and spiritual strength.
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
August 24, 2018
"Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!" Psalm 117
Dear Praying Friends,
Is anyone else wondering how the summer has come and gone so quickly? Our short time here in the USA is fast coming to a close, as we prepare to fly back to Guyana on September 2. We are grateful for safety in travel to visit churches and supporting friends who partner with us in the ministry. Our last speaking engagement will be this coming Sunday, August 26, at Elk Rapids Bible Church. Since it is not far from camp, we are looking forward to one more visit with our daughter Naomi's family.
We are very encouraged as we see the Lord provide for the needs of the Association of Bible Churches in Guyana. Our last update mentioned several prayer requests concerning finances: pastors in training, Alness church plant and camp property, and the items needed to fill the big shipping container. God is faithful, and provides what is needed when it is needed! Attached to this update are several pictures of the loading of the container, which amazingly was accomplished in just one day! And yes, Kathleen is very happy to see ALL of the accumulated stuff finally out of the shed and packed! It will take another crew to help unpack, sort, and disperse everything into it's proper place when it ends up at the Nigg house in Guyana sometime before Christmas, Lord willing. A HUGE thanks to all who came personally to deliver the blessings, some from as far away as Indianapolis, IN. And the men who literally put their backs to the boat, among many other heavy things to make the work so much easier. God bless you!!
Note: The "fishing boat", oars, and outboard motor are headed to the Kwakwani ministry, which is located along the Berbice River. The river is like a highway through the jungle, so the boat will enable the work to expand even further in reaching more people in that area.
Please continue to pray for the ongoing needs of the ABC, as we look toward 2019. The Alness property payment is due by the end of September, with $10,000 remaining. The Kwakwani ministry house purchase and remodel: $20,000. Alness fence/wall project, to secure the property: $20,000. Currently, a work team is forming to assist with building the wall in Jan/Feb 2019. Please contact us if interested in coming down to help!
September marks the beginning of another semester for the students of the Berbice Bible Institute and Solid Rock Seminary Extension. Our first professor to arrive will be Dr. Rick Gregory, teaching the Pentateuch. Please pray for Rick and his wife Pat. She will also be teaching the pastors wives in a mini retreat setting, as well as a ladies Bible class for local churches.
Again, we are so grateful for our praying and supporting partners who faithfully stand with us in the ministry of church planting in Guyana. We thank God for you.
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Mission Address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St.
Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
June 19, 2018
Dear Praying Friends,
For a quick update on recent events in the ABC, while Andy was holding the fort during my brief absence. Andy reports that the new church plant in Alness is going very well. In his own words:
"Some good news.
As you know we started the new church plant at Alness two weeks ago.
We have seen good attendance and three decisions for the Lord.
Two weeks ago also we started another house church at the # 19 Susanna area. Last Wednesday we had 40 from the village and ten or so trusted the Lord."
The Alness ministry is headed up by pastor Vijay (Bushlot ministry pastor) and pastor in training Tony (working with us at Hampshire). The Susanna village house church is headed up by Bro. Jacob of the #19 Bible Church. Andy was involved in the initial start up phase for evangelism and outreach. The house church endeavor is going well, with all the ABC churches involved in reaching to surrounding villages with the gospel. Please continue to pray for the pastors and lay leaders as they seek to share the gospel in these new areas.
For Andy and myself, while we are on a very short ministry schedule here in the US, it is time to catch up on medical exams, travel to give updates (in some churches to preach), and to enjoy our children and grandchildren. Naomi and Steve and three more of our grandkids are 3 hours north of us in their camp ministry, and Jennie and Ryan will be based right here in Lowell for the time being.
Once again, we are so very blessed to know that our partners in the church planting ministry in Guyana stand with us every step of the way. Please continue to lift up the pastors and their ministries throughout the Berbice region, as the next two months will be filled with VBS, teams (hosted by pastor Vishal and Naomi in our home at Nigg), and the annual Youth Bible Quiz Off competition. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Grateful for His grace,
Kathleen for us all
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Mission Address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St.
Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
"Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100:3
April/May 2018
Dear Praying Friends
Since our last update, we continue to stay very busy with the ministry at Hampshire and throughout the ABC. Praise God, the property at Alness is at the purchasing stage. The goal is that it would be the future location of the ABC camp ministry in addition to a new church plant, located between the Tain and Bushlot villages here in Berbice. Please pray for the remaining paperwork to be completed as well as God's will concerning the ministry in that needy area
Currently, we have the privilege of hosting two men from Northwest Bible Church, MN in our home. Mark and Matt are here to conduct a retreat next week for the pastors and men in ministry training. After this weekend, the men head off to Georgetown and a quiet "rustic" retreat location where they can focus on teaching and training the pastors.
Next month, Dr. Gerhard deBock will be arriving to teach the pastors and young men in training through the BBI/SRTS extension. He will have the opportunity to use the new air conditioned classroom at Tain for class, a first for any of our professors over these many years of training. We praise God for dedicated teachers like Gary who come alongside the ministry, and speak into the lives of these men. Thank you for your prayers for the national pastors, their families, and the ongoing ministry of church planting in Guyana. We are blessed and encouraged to know you stand with us...many for the entire 30 years of our ministry here!
Grateful for His grace,
Kathleen for us all
Partners in Evangelism International: Guyana
Mission Address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St.
Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
March 16, 2018
Dear Praying Friends,
Once again, the amazing group of dentists, hygienists, assistants, and helpers have come and gone. The week of free dental clinic truly flew seems like just yesterday that 31 people were totally immersed in the Guyanese culture, climate, and ministry! Thank you for your prayers, as the results are far reaching and in many ways life changing. Here is the report of what was accomplished as submitted by Dr. Scott Hodges:
Salvations 30
Saturday2PM_7PM 5H. 30 150
Sunday1PM-8PM 7H 30 210
Monday7:00AM-8:00PM 13H 30 390
Tuesday7:00AM-8:0PM 13H 30 390
Wednesday7:00AM-8:0PM 13H. 30 390
Thursday7:00AM-9:00PM 14H 30 420
65H 30 1950
TOTALS $239,560 US
$47,912,000 GUY
Serving the Savior,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
February 19, 2018
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
Dear Praying Friends,
Good morning from your missionaries in Guyana! We have been hoping to send this out much sooner, but rainy days and goofy cameras got in the way...thank you for your patience and prayers for the completion of the Tain church renovation project!
Below, you will see the final phase of the Tain sanctuary renovation and the new classroom (with AC!!) for the Bible Institute. The guys from Michigan, along with Andy and the Guyanese crew put in many long hours to truly "finish well". The Tain congregation was able to have their worship service yesterday in the beautiful new sanctuary. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
If you have been reading our updates for any length of time, you will know that this is now the time of year when Dr. Scott Hodges and the team of dentists, hygienists, and dental techs arrive for the dental clinic ministry. Please be in prayer for the 31 member team, all of whom will be staying in our home here in Nigg. They will conduct a full service free dental clinic at the Tain church from March 4 - 8. Folks come from all walks of life, religious background, and even great distances to see this group of professionals for excellent dental care. Pray for the evangelistic team (our BBI students and pastors) as they share the gospel with each individual who comes through the clinic. Many people come together to make sure an event of this magnitude functions smoothly.
It is with much gratitude that we close, knowing that it is through the prayers and gifts of God's people we are able to continue the ministry of church planting in Guyana. Thank you.
With Joy,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
January 2018
"... my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." I Cor. 15:58
Dear Praying Friends,
The new year is upon us with a rush! All we can say is, the day is drawing even nearer when the Lord will return! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as together we look forward to what this year will hold. Recently the Association of Bible Churches met together for the annual "Day of Prayer and Planning", to share not only in fellowship and the Word, but to plan and pray for the new year.
In answer to your prayers for the month of December, we praise God for a busy but blessed Christmas season. The focus was truly on the celebration of the birth of our Savior throughout the churches in the ABC. Andy and other leaders were involved in assisting with preaching and music at their various activities and concerts. The bell choirs were active, thanks to a huge boost from our visiting friends Tim and Jody Kulke of Grace Bible Church in Indiana. Hand bells are a novelty in Guyana - actually musical instruments in general (with the exception of a few steel bands) are a rare thing here. So to have the bells in our churches gives them an open door for ministry through music in a unique way throughout this region of Berbice. Jody taught a "handbell workshop" held at our home during their visit, and as you can see by the pictures, it really helped us all to upgrade our performance.
The Hampshire Bible Church, where we minister, was totally "lit up" for the Christmas season. Both inside and out! The men of the church came together and worked several days to string lights, fabricate large Christmas trees using metal rods and fabric, and make sure the fuse box didn't blow out! The result was that the church corner lit up the darkness of our village in a way that was a clear testimony for the glory of Jesus. Hindus celebrate Diwali, Muslims celebrate Ramadan, but WE celebrate Emmanuel - "God with us"! The children put together a simple but clear presentation of the birth of Christ. Even the little "sheep" cooperated and didn't give the shepherds too much trouble on Christmas Eve. Everyone saw how very much there is to be thankful for in sharing the story of Jesus.
In closing, please remember to pray for these important requests on the ABC/Girwarnauth calendar:
January 25: First work team from MI arrives to assist with the Tain church/BBI renovation project.
February 2: Pastor Doug Knorr and men arrive, Doug to teach Proverbs at BBI/SRTS class, the men to work on the renovation project.
March 4-8: 30+ member dental team from USA to hold clinic at the newly renovated Tain Bible Church! Intense time of ministry through meeting dental needs as well as evangelism to hundreds of people coming through the clinic.
May God continue to bless you as you remain "steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord" - right where you are!
With Joy,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
March 13, 2017
Dear Praying Friends,
Can it be over already? We just sent out an update requesting prayer for the dental team! Yes, friends, the week has come and gone, and we can honestly say, the Lord has done great things! Thank you for your prayers on behalf of the Guyanese crew and the incoming 31 member dental team. It was a crazy busy week, and we praise God for safety on the roads, health and strength, team unity, and many, many more answers to prayer along the way. We can best sum up the week with this report "just in" from the team leader, Dr. Scott Hodges: (copied here for you)
"Just a short note to thank you for your prayers while we were traveling and doing dentistry with the Guyanese team again. It is hard to believe but this has been the 15th year going to Guyana.
Travel went well, for those of you who had a different experience in years past with missed flights. broken bus, landing at the wrong airport and sitting for 5 hours, etc. things went very well
All the suitcases made every connection and everyone stayed healthy.
The Guyanese team worked so hard to have things prepared for the team of 30. And please remember to keep praying for them and they follow up with those who came through the clinic. Here are the stats for this year:
Salvations 32
Patients 522 cards some taken home and not returned
Prophys 489
Exams >500
Fluoride 492
perm. 84
primary 4
teeth 447
surfaces 873
Sealants 76
Radiographs 50
Endo (root canal) 40
Please continue to pray for the team as they try to readjust to their normal daily lives post trip. Trying to get some much need rest. Preparing for boards for some. But most importantly continuing to experience of God in a new and fresh way"
added note from Kathleen on the work done this past week: Guyana has a dental culture of "pulling teeth", rather than trying to save them and doing preventive care. It is not uncommon for people in their 30's to have a full set of dentures as their teeth have already been pulled out due to decay. The dental teams have had a huge impact on educating both the population of Berbice in dental care, as well as the opportunity to work with the Guyanese dental students from Georgetown in teaching new techniques and the importance of hygiene/saving teeth.
Again, we are so grateful for your prayers on behalf of the team. Lives were touched, souls saved, teeth cared for. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Your missionaries in Guyana,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
March 3, 2017
"...praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!" Revelation 7:12
Dear Praying Friends,
Where does the time go? We blinked and it's the month of March already! Time truly does fly by these days, so we are reminded once again that we need to redeem the time, and continue to "be about our Father's business". We serve a great and awesome God, who delights in answering the prayers of the saints. Thank you for your faithful prayers on behalf of the ministry of church planting in Guyana.
Once again, we are sending a photo update of this past week at the Tain parsonage project. The old house is really starting to look nice, as the finishing touches are going on. The ceiling is painted, bathrooms and kitchen tiled, electrical work is done, doors are hung, stairway is in place. Next week, the inside will be painted, plumbing goes in, and a bit more concrete to finish the inside driveway. Long days and short nights for Andy and the crew!
Speaking of long days and short nights, the dental team arrives tomorrow morning, March 4. There are 30 people in this group, so Kathleen has been busy getting our house ready to host and feed them all. Lord willing, by this time next week, we will have a dental clinic photo update to send, along with a report of the 4 1/2 days of clinic to be held at the Bath Bible Church. Please pray for pastor Willow and his wife Evelyn, as they will be hosting the clinic at their church across the river. Pray for the dental team, the evangelistic outreach team of pastors and helpers, the hosts, and the hundreds of people coming through the clinic in just a few days. This is an intense time of coordinated effort on the part of the dentists, hygienists, their helpers, the ABC pastors, and those who cook, clean, do the laundry, and transport a group this size.
It is a privilege to serve with you, our dedicated prayer and ministry partners in evangelism. May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you in your walk with Him.
With love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
February 25, 2017
Dear Praying friends,
It's been a very busy week both here in our home at Nigg, and at the Tain project. Attached you will see a photo update of the progress on the parsonage. It's starting to look really nice! Many hands made light work on mixing and pouring all the concrete for the driveway going into the church yard from the road. Since this was also a week of classes for BBI/SRTS, the pastors "volunteered" to work a couple of afternoons on that particular area.
Pastor Doug Knorr, his son Josh, and friend Jerry had a very tight schedule, between classes M-F (pastor Doug), and working at the project (Josh and Jerry). Pastor Doug also preached at the Tain Bible Church on Sunday, Josh preached at Hampshire, and both assisted in making our annual Valentine Sweetheart banquet special for the 20 couples who attended at Hampshire.
Yours truly had her hands full taking care of little ones while parents took classes, and making sure the guys were well fed along the way. Lunches were shared with a different ministry couple from the ABC at our dining table every day, as Pastors Doug and Josh met with them for encouragement and counsel. Early this morning, we said our farewells as the last of the visiting crew made their way to the airport. Thank you, men, for your sacrifice of time, resources, and energy to come alongside us in the ministry. Thank YOU, our prayer partners, as we truly depend on your committed prayers on our behalf.
Please pray for us and our national coworkers as we now prepare for the dental team due to arrive a week from today. There is still much to be done in preparation for the clinic. It will be held "across the river" in the Bath Bible Church. Pray for pastor Willow and his team there as they look forward to hosting the clinic from March 5 - 9.
Continue to pray for the completion of the Tain project. The local crew will continue to work non-stop until the house is ready to move into...Lord willing, in just a couple of short weeks.
Thanking God for you,
Kathleen for us all.
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
February 17, 2017
Dear Praying Friends,
This past week the guys were really blazing the trail at the Tain parsonage project! The Michiganders and the national crew worked side by side to make amazing progress, as you will see by the attached pictures. Three sore, tired, but well fed men said their farewells on Wednesday night. We barely had time to change out the sheets on the beds before the next crew arrived, again from northern Michigan. We welcomed pastor Doug Knorr, his son Pastor Josh, and friend Jerry to our home very early Thursday morning. They had a very long trip coming in, but that didn't keep them from heading out the door to the project the afternoon of their arrival.
Once again, we are so grateful for your continued prayers and support, from which we draw much encouragement and strength in the Lord.
In Him,
Kathleen for us all.
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
February 9, 2017
Dear Praying Friends and partners in ministry,
It has been another busy week of work at the Tain parsonage project! Lest you may think that all we do is pound nails and mix concrete around here, there is also a full ongoing ministry schedule to maintain as well. That is why we appreciate the extra hands who come alongside and give a boost to those who have boots on the ground. And on the scaffold.
Next week Tuesday we say good bye to our young hard working friend Caleb, who leaves just before Mike, Joshua and Tony on Wed. Their time with us has gone by way too fast, and we will miss them. The same Wednesday evening, pastor Doug Knorr, his son Josh, and two other men arrive. Pastor Doug will be teaching in the Bible Institute, and our crew at Tain will have three more men joining them, Lord willing to help finish the last stage of the parsonage project.
Thanking God for you,
Kathleen for us all
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
February 3, 2017
Warm and Sunny Greetings from your missionaries in Guyana! This has been a busy week for the workmen at Tain. Andy, Caleb and the Guyanese crew have worked tirelessly as you can see by these attached pictures. Monday night, Feb.6, we will welcome three more men from Michigan to come alongside us in the endeavor. The guys have "saved" the roof for the new crew to tackle, so watch for the transformation in the next installment of the saga of the Tain parsonage project!
Grateful for your support and prayers, Kathleen for us all.
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
January 27, 2017
Forgot to add these two, they give a greater perspective on what the guys are working on this week...
Thanks so much for your continued prayers on our behalf. Kathleen for us all.
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
January 27, 2017
From the Girwarnauth's in Guyana:
More pictures of the Tain Parsonage project in full swing...
Thank God for continued dry weather and job safety!
We will be joined by 3 more Michigan men on February 6
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
January 22, 2017
Warm greetings from your missionaries in Guyana!
We will try to do weekly pictorial updates on the Tain parsonage project. This is the “first” sample of what the guys have been doing just in the past week…the "white" guy is Caleb Stagg, who came all the way from Tustin, MI to help with the project! So far the weather has allowed for long sunny workdays, with minimal rain interference. Thanks for your prayers on our behalf.
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
January 14, 2017
Psalm 97:1 "The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice."
Dear Praying Friends,
Warm greetings to you in this new year! As we look at the calendar for 2017, we realize we can make plans and set dates, but only God can accomplish what truly needs to be done. We look forward to what He has in store for our family, the ministry in Guyana, and in your lives as well. Our hope and trust is in the Lord, who reigns and rules over all.
Thank you for praying for us as we travelled back to Guyana. The trip went well, until we were informed upon arrival that our expected driver, Bro. Ravi, had gone to the hospital that very day with a heart attack. (Bro. Vijay met us at the airport instead) Ravi is one of our leaders at the Hampshire Bible Church, a faithful brother in the Lord with a wife and four young children. God spared his life, he had surgery to open the blocked arteries in his heart, and praise God, he is able to serve the Lord and lead his family once again. So we literally "hit the ground running", or walking as is now the case with Andy. His knee is doing it's job, but he has had to learn to delegate more (which is a good thing), and enjoys once again being back with the work.
We have attached some pictures of the parsonage renovation now in full swing at the Tain Bible Church. The Guyanese crew are at the site every day now to put in the foundation, and lay the groundwork for the men arriving from MI to assist. Our first visitor is Caleb Stagg, who arrives Jan. 18. Then three men arrive on Feb.6, who will then overlap with the next group arriving Feb.15. Please pray for these men, as they work alongside the Guyanese crew in this very hot and humid climate, for safety on the job, health and strength. Praise God for funds to complete the parsonage project! We look forward to see Him provide the needed additional $20,000 for the rest of the Tain ministry: fencing project and new building to accomodate the Bible Institute.
Pastor Doug Knorr and his son Josh will be arriving with the last group, as pastor Doug is teaching a module at the Bible Institute and Seminary for our national pastors. On Feb. 19, the Hampshire Bible Church will host a special Sweetheart Valentine banquet for their couples. Kathleen will be hosting a different pastor/wife for lunch every day as they meet and fellowship with the visiting pastors as well during the week of classes.
Please be in prayer for the 30 member dental team, under the leadership of Dr. Scott Hodges. They arrive March 4, and will be staying in our home here at Nigg. Their days will be long and their nights short, as they must travel "over the river" to the Bath Bible Church early every morning to work in the dental clinic. There are always many details involved in hosting a medical team, including the paperwork for the government approval, duty free concession, travel in country, set up of the clinic, and feeding and hosting this amazing group of dental professionals! We covet your prayers before, during and after this endeavor.
Thank you for praying for these many special requests, as we look at the first quarter of this new year. We are so grateful for the Lord's providence in our lives and ministry, through the faithfulness of God's people. Together, let us claim this promise for 2017: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". Romans 15:13
Grateful for His grace,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
December 28, 2016
Dear Praying Friends,
We trust you had a wonderful Christmas as you remembered the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We were privileged to share the holiday with our children and grand children.
Below, you will find a photo reminder of the urgent project request going out today...the Tain parsonage project. Yes, as soon as we return to Guyana January 5, the wheels will be turning to get all the materials on site and the renovation underway. As of this date, the project is seriously underfunded, but we are trusting God for the finances to at least complete the house in time for pastor Steve and his family to move in before the end of February. It is not too late to consider sending a gift toward the Guyana building project fund through PIEI. There are a few northern friends committed to coming down to help build, but the bulk of the work must be done by our Guyana crew. They are hired labor, so the request going out today is for the remaining $30,000 needed for the Tain work project. This is enough to renovate the old house on site, as well as build the wall around the church yard, and begin building the new Berbice Bible Institute classroom next to the parsonage as well. Every little bit helps and every dollar is used as designated, stretched as far as it can possibly go in seeing this to completion.
All gifts are tax deductible, and can be sent directly to our mission, or through online giving. Please request the funds go towards the Guyana building project fund.
Please feel free to email us with any questions, we would love to hear from you!
Grateful for His grace,
Andy Girwarnauth
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Best way to contact us anywhere in the world:
December 9, 2016
It's been a busy morning! Thanks to Kathleen's brother Tim Wittenbach and his crew for moving and loading the crates. Thanks to Greg Koster and NTB trucking for hauling the crates to the dock in New York. Thanks to all who had a part in bringing the needed "stuff" that went into the crates! We are looking forward to being on the receiving end when the ship finally unloads in Guyana to unload and disperse everything - hopefully by early February. The Association of Bible Churches in Guyana is blessed to have such wonderful partners here in the USA to come alongside them in ministry. Blessings to you this Christmas and always!
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
For our address from August 18 - January 1, 2017, please email us at:
Best way to contact us anywhere in the world:
"And the angel said to them, 'Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
December, 2016
We are sending you Christmas greetings from snowy Michigan this year! It has been many years since we have been able to spend Christmas with our family, so we are blessed to have the opportunity to be here. Thank you for your prayers, beautiful cards, and calls of encouragement. Andy had a rough few weeks after surgery, but praise God, is getting around much better these days. His regular therapy sessions will continue through the end of December, and as you can see by the attached photo, he is able to stand now and get around most of the time without aid. Our children and grandchildren will be able to join us for Christmas the week before we return to Guyana on January 4.
We were invited to attend a special event honoring our friend Dr. Scott Hodges recently. The West Michigan Dental Association presented him with their "silent bell award" for his many contributions to dental health in the community and around the world. It has been our privilege to host Dr. Hodges and his dental teams who have partnered with us in Guyana for many years. They are even now preparing to return again in March, 2017 with at least 30 team members. The impact they have had through dental care in Guyana, as well as the eternal impact of evangelistic outreach to the hundreds coming through the clinic, is beyond estimation. Please pray for the many details of preparation both here in Michigan and Guyana as we anticipate the dental team March 4-11.
Speaking of teams, Andy has been busy (in spite of being a semi-invalid) making phone calls and meeting with folks to put together small work teams for January-February. The Tain parsonage/fence/school project is still on the agenda, so if there is anyone at this late date still wanting to join us for a week or so and help with the construction, it's not too late! Andy has plans laid out and the goal is to have pastor Steven and his family in the renovated parsonage before the dental team arrives, Lord willing. Please pray for the needed funds for this project to come in, safety on the job site, and all the details of getting this done in time.
There have been opportunities for us to visit some of our supporting churches for fellowship and as Andy is able, to even preach. We have one more date for Andy to preach before heading back to Guyana, so if you are in the area we would love to see you! The service is at Alton Bible Church in Lowell, MI at 11am on December 18. The next event on our personal calendar is the shipping out of two large crates! The crates are packed and ready to go to the docks in New York, where they are loaded onto a ship bound for South America. A special thank you to all who so generously gave of their time, treasure, and even travelled long distances to assist to bring donations of the many needed and useful items to be packed in our shed. Yes, this is a project that requires a storage shed, lots of wood, screws, and muscle to put together, not to mention the packing, loading, and hauling overland to the docks. Lord willing, both crates will be delivered to our house in Guyana before February, unpacked and distributed before the dental team arrives in March!
We have so much to be grateful for at this season of thanksgiving and joy. We look forward to the new year with anticipation as we return to the ministry of church planting in Guyana. Blessings to you and yours this Christmas!
With joy,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
For our address from August 18 - January 1, 2017, please email us at:
Best way to contact us anywhere in the world:
November 1, 2016
It is a beautiful fall day here in Michigan! As I sit looking over the golden maple trees through the morning sun, I am reminded of the many blessings of the One who created it all. He is Lord of all, yes even this election "time" of year. Andy is blessed to be able to vote as an American for the first time! Needless to say, he is very excited about the opportunity. We have so much to be thankful for, and would like to use a few lines from Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 to help illustrate a bit of what we are experiencing at this "season" in our life: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
..."a time to heal" ... Andy had his knee replacement surgery on October 27, and was home 24 hours later! Nurse Kathleen has had her hands full keeping track of his pain meds, ice on the knee, and making sure he does his therapy. Praise God, he is already making good progress and gaining more mobility by the day. We have been blessed by the kindness of many friends and family who call, bring food, and visit us. We enjoy visitors, so if you're in our area, please let us know and stop in sometime. The "before surgery" picture includes one of our Canadian brothers whom we met in Guyana as a missionary! Ian and his wife Linda stopped by just before Andy's trip to the hospital.
..."a time to break down, and a time to build up"... You know we can't let this note pass without mentioning the next work project in Guyana! Already work teams are being formed to join us in January and February 2017. The plan is to renovate the old house on the Tain church property to house pastor Steven Inasi's family. There is a lot to do at Tain, so if the funds are available, a building for the Bible Institute must be put up, and a wall to enclose the church property needs to be built. We are trusting the Lord to provide, He always does. If you or someone you know are interested in helping with this project by way of joining a work team or sending funds, please call us at the number listed at the top of this page. Now is the time to talk to Andy about anything concerning the ministry! He would love to be able to share and explain the latest developments and how you can partner with the church planting team in Guyana.
The goal is to be back in Guyana by January 4, Lord willing. There is much to do there once we return, so we covet your continued prayers during the remaining time here in the USA. Our Guyanese brothers are faithfully doing the work of the ministry in our absence, and assure us that all is well. Not a week passes that we don't hear from one of our Guyanese brethren. They keep us informed and are great at calling or emailing. This is the age of technology, which brings even those who are far away very close to us!
We trust that this Thanksgiving season will find you rejoicing in the many blessings of the Lord of the Harvest. He is LORD of all the earth!
Love in Christ,
Kathleen (and Andy)
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
For our address from August 18 - January 1, 2017, please email us at:
Best way to contact us anywhere in the world:
September/October, 2016
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths" Proverbs 3:5,6 (ESV)
Dear Praying Friends,
Thank you for praying for us as we made the journey back to Michigan after a very busy but fruitful 8 months so far this year in Guyana. The Lord is using the medical expertise of several doctors and therapists to help in the slow but necessary healing process for Andy's knees. We are learning to wait on the Lord for His time as to the exact date for surgery, and will keep our prayer partners posted when that does happen.
Currently, Kathleen is in Guyana through Sept.22, as she has the privilege of hosting two men from MI. Pastor Bob will teach the book of Nehemiah in the BBI/SRTS extension next week, and his friend Terry will be using his carpentry skills to build benches. Kathleen has her Guyanese friend Shellie staying with her as together they make sure these guys are well fed and on time for everything. Andy is still in Lowell, keeping busy with doctor appointments and connecting with some ministry partners in between for meetings and encouragement.
We have a few pictures (below) to just give a visual update on what recently occurred here in Guyana, as well as what one of the goals are for next year in Guyana. First, the team pictures are from the week that Pastor Jim Samra and his family, along with the team from Calvary Church were here in August. They had a great week of teaching VBS in two different locations, assisting at the ladies Rally day at Hampshire, and evening evangelistic crusades. It was a packed week of ministry which saw many decisions for Christ as well as the edification of the saints.
The pictures of the "old house" are to help visualize the next phase of construction at the Tain Bible Church. The house was purchased and moved next to the church. The goal is to recruit a "work team" to come early 2017, along with the needed funds, to renovate this house into a parsonage for pastor Steven and his family. Please pray with us that the Lord would provide the team(s) and monies needed to accomplish the task at hand. Any questions can be emailed directly to us, we will be happy to give more information and details for this and other projects on the horizon.
It is a privilege to be able to share once again the ongoing work of the Lord here in Guyana. The church planting efforts of the house churches, the faithful ministry of the national pastors in their villages, the weekly television broadcast, and the Bible Institute continue on in spite of our absence. The goal is to return to Guyana the first week of January, 2017, Lord willing. We covet your prayersfor those who are truly "on the front lines" of the harvest and we are so grateful for your faithful support which enables us to partner together for the glory of God in Guyana.
In Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
For our address from August 18 - January 1, 2017, please email us at:
Best way to contact us anywhere in the world:
AUGUST, 2016
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for His steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 136:1
Dear Praying Friends,
The year is flying by for us, as you all have probably experienced in your own lives. There is much to be thankful for as we have seen the Lord's constant abiding love and faithfulness. Recently we have shared concerning the new baby born to pastor Alexa and his wife Debra. We are grateful to report that baby Lydia is doing very well, and was able to be in church for the first time this past Sunday! She is truly a living miracle of God's mercy and grace, and a testimony of answered prayer.
Thank you for praying for the VBS/crusade team from Grace Bible Church, IN. Pastor Pete Helland and his group had a very effective ministry in spite of the oppressive heat and humidity of July! Many decisions for Christ were made in the services held at both Tain and Hampshire villages. New believers are coming out to church, and the pastors are encouraged by the response of many who are opening up to the gospel.
This week, Pastor Jim Samra and his family will be arriving along with 12 other team members from Calvary Church, MI, for ministry. They will conduct VBS for both Bushlot and Hampshire villages, as well as evening crusades in different locations around the village of Hampshire. Lisa Samra is the speaker for the annual ABC Ladies Rally on Saturday, August 6, to be held at the Hampshire Bible Church. Please pray for this team, that they will be able to minister effectively in the hot August temps, to the children, ladies, and families they come in contact with. Packed into this schedule there is also an opportunity for this team to go into the local orphanage home and "love on" the children one morning.
Just three days after the team flies out, we will be returning to Michigan for an extended period of time so that Andy can have the surgery he needs to repair his knees. Please pray for us, as we go through this period of expected surgery and recuperation. We have a few speaking commitments, a wedding, and a brief visit to Guyana in September (Kathleen) to host Pastor Bob Sponable and his friend as well during this time. The BBI/SRTS classes continue into the fall with pastor Bob teaching the book of Nehemiah, and Dr. Boodram teaching Ecclesiastes. Andy's messages are broadcast weekly, in spite of his absence, thanks to Marks work in editing and generous gifts sent through PIEI.
We are finding God's grace and strength to be sufficient as we trust Him each day. We covet your prayers for our national pastors here in Guyana, as we leave the oversight of the Association of Bible Churches in the hands of Pastor Vishal. The ministry of church planting, discipleship and evangelism continues whether we are in Guyana or not, praise God! There is a seasoned ministry couple arriving from MN for a few weeks in October to assist with the Hampshire Bible Church, please pray for Don and Meg as they take on this responsibility in our absence.
Once again, we are so blessed to be able to share with our special friends and prayer partners what the Lord is doing here in Guyana. Your partnership in our lives and ministry is a great encouragement as we serve for the glory of God.
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
For our address from August 18 - January 1, 2017, please email us at:
Best way to contact us anywhere in the world:
July 4, 2016
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him." I John 5:21
Dear Praying Friends,
It is time to give you an update on our little Lydia Daniella. I realize the last note concerning her situation was very optimistic. I have since come to realize that her condition is much more serious than we were first informed. The doctors and nurses here do not communicate well, if at all, concerning the true status of a patient, although this private hospital is doing better now that I am on their case. I found out that the nurses who care for Lydia like to tell the parents and myself "baby might be discharged today", when actually the opposite is true. Without going into the details, suffice it to say, I am SO thankful to have a "mother/baby" nurse daughter (Jennie) that keeps me informed as to what is really going on.
It has been an emotional roller coaster for myself and Jennie these past 5 days. We decided it was best to have Debra move back into the hospital so as to be close to the baby and nurse (feed baby) on demand. Praise God, the hospital agreed to give her a room for only $10 US per day. Arrangements have been made to have a church lady cook and send meals for her. (hospitals here do not provide food). This is actually a blessing, as Debra has consistent caring and praying visitors in and out several times a day. Alex is now fully informed as to the seriousness of Lydias condition, at my insistence. Remember, the medical profession here is about 50 years behind modern medicine in every way. They have a nice little room with one incubator in this hospital, but it has become quite evident that the nurses are not confident in even running the incubator properly. I have to bite my lip, since it is very difficult for me to keep my mouth shut when it comes to making certain observations. The medical profession in Guyana simply are not trained to discuss patient information, answer questions, offer insight into what to expect, etc.
After much agonizing prayer and making sure that Debra was well cared for, I decided to join the ladies in Georgetown for the pastors wives retreat. So as I write, I am in the hotel where we will be having our meetings for the next 3 days.
Our speaker, Indra Boodram, has arrived from Tobago with her husband, daughter, and friend. I actually considered canceling this retreat due to the events of recent days, but have peace about going forward. The Lord has shown me that this hotel will become a place of prayer as our pastors wives come together and pray for Alex and his family during this time.
This is what we know for sure: Lydia must be in "baby ICU" through this week Saturday. We still are taking a day at a time. Alex and Debra know that every day with Lydia is a gift, and they are grateful for the precious life they have in the moment. Thanks to Jennie's medical contacts, there are two Neonatologists now communicating directly with Lydia's doctor. Praise God for this major blessing!! Pray that with the information they can now glean through the overseas doctors, the antibiotic and oxygen therapy, the nurses care, Alex and Debra's love, and the prayers of God's people around the world, this little one's life will be spared.
We are trusting God for a miracle. Thank you for the encouraging notes along the way. We are so blessed to have a praying support team!
In His Hands,
Kathleen for us all
Please continue to pray for all those who are caring for this precious baby.
June 30, 2016
Dear Praying Friends,
Today I am sending out an urgent prayer request for one of our young pastors family. Alex and Debra were married last year shortly before pastor Robert (Canje Bible Church) died. This young couple immediately took on the mantle of leadership of the Canje Berea Bible Church. A few months later, they were excited to announce that they were expecting their first baby.
Yesterday morning, a beautiful baby girl, Lydia Daniella, was born to Alex and Debra. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have a special medical account at PIEI to cover the private hospital expenses incurred in ensuring a safe environment for our pastors families. I was able to be by Debras side during labor and delivery, so saw first hand the concern and then immediate reaction of the nurses and doctors when Lydia was born. She had ingested meconium in utero and is being treated for serious complications from that.
Debra was discharged this morning from the hospital, so is staying in our home where I can see that she has proper nutrition and new mother care. The baby will stay in baby ICU as long as it takes to stabilize her situation. Please pray for this family. Debra is looking forward to attending the pastors wives retreat in Georgetown next week, but of course we all are looking at the health of mother and baby first.
Pray for a miracle recovery with no complications for baby Lydia. Our little private hospital here in Berbice is not fully equipped to deal with newborn emergencies. The baby is not able to travel to Georgetown to a larger hospital, but even then, there is no neonatal doctor in all Guyana.
Pray for Debra's recovery from childbirth, her separation from baby (we will visit as often as possible), and the emotions, hormones, etc. she is going through.
Pray for Alex as he must care for his congregation and pastoral responsibilities throughout this time in addition to his family's needs.
Pray for me, as I care for Debra, and for wisdom to deal moment by moment with whatever may happen. We are trusting in the Great Physician, knowing that our God will carry us all through by His grace.
In His Hands,
Please pray for baby Lydia
June/July 2016
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:23,24
Dear Praying Friends,
Once again we write to update our beloved prayer and support partners in the ministry of church planting in Guyana. At times we need to be reminded that the One who called us is faithful, and He WILL do it! (I Thess. 5:24) It is such an encouragement to know that there are so many who come alongside the ministry of the Association of Bible Churches. We are truly blessed and grateful.
These past few months have been filled with incoming guests who left the comforts of home and the demands of life and work to minister to our people. They have shown what it means to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds". In April, we had visiting pastor/professor, Aaron Browning and one of his leaders, Mark Loar in our home. They taught on "Church Polity" and did an excellent job communicating to the BBI/SRTS students. A week later, our annual "Day of Prayer" (see pics) highlighted the need to serve one another, as demonstrated by the washing of feet. It was humbling to see so many of our leaders desire to show their love in this way to one another. The last week of April, our daughter Jennie, her family, and a team of medical professionals from Faith Baptist Church, MI came. They worked hard as every day they traveled to a different village and ministered to the churches and their people. This proved to be an effective way to reach several hundred women and teen girls with much needed health care and information. Their love for the Lord shone through every outreach and had a huge impact both physically and spiritually in lives. (see pics of Jennie's family and team) This team also was privileged to bring back little Diraj to his parents, the child from Hampshire that Kathleen sent for surgery on his cleft palette and lip to MI in January. Praise God for modern medical care and the "Healing the Children" foundation.
Following the all too short week of medical ministry with Jennie's team, the Clevenger family stayed on for one more week of teaching. Ryan taught a BBI/SRTS course on "The Trinity", and Jennie continued with daily clinic, home, and hospital visits in the Nigg area. Grandma and Grandpa Girwarnauth took advantage of the extra time with Eleanor to spoil her as much as possible!
Immediately following the medical outreach in April, an optometry team, led by Dr. Julie Hanson, arrived on May 8 to set up clinic in the Fyrish Bible Church for a week! This team was ably hosted by the Crabwood Creek pastor and his wife, Vishal and Naomi. Hundreds of needy Berbicians came for free eye care and glasses, as well as hear a clear presentation of the gospel. Many accepted Christ.
We have been blessed with excellent visiting professors this year, including Dr. Jim Thompson, from Wilton Bible Baptist Church in AL. He taught the book of Romans in May to the pastoral students.
Along with all the guests, our life and ministry here at the Hampshire Bible Church, as well as within the ABC continues at a steady pace. We have been protected so far from mosquito borne viruses, which accelerate during the current rainy season. The road traffic continues to be hazardous, praise God for daily protection as we travel from one end of this region to the other. The weekly television broadcast goes out with the help of our faithful assistant, Mark. Sunday morning messages are taped, Mark edits them, the DVD is dropped off at the station on time. Technology is a wonderful way to reach thousands with the gospel! Folks from all walks of life share with us how they are challenged, encouraged, and blessed by these messages, to the glory of God.
Please pray for these requests:
- Summer teams: June (work/teaching team from Millersville Bible Church, PA)
July (VBS/Crusade team from Grace Bible Church, IN)
August (VBS/Crusade/Ladies Rally team from Calvary Church, MI)
- Pastors Wives Retreat: July 4-6 with Mrs. Indra Boodram and guests
- House Churches starting up: So far 10 new "house churches" have been started since January of this year, all across the Berbice region as extensions of the Bible Churches, their pastors and members.
- Kwakwani ministry: We have been asked to come alongside this ministry started years ago by the ABC, in the interior of the Berbice region. Pray for missionaries Scott and Faith Adams, as they consider the BBI/SRTS students Prem and Anita we are sending to them for continued mentoring and training.
- Andy's Knees! It has become necessary for us to return to the USA this fall for Andy to get much needed surgery on his knees. We will keep our support family updated as to when he will be able to preach/share/visit as able.
Thank you for reading and praying over this rather long and detailed newsletter! We appreciate YOU, your prayers, and faithful support.
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Mission address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
(Association of Bible Churches in Guyana)
March 15, 2016
Thank you for praying for the dental team! Last week, 25 dental professionals, including dentists, assistants, hygienists, and helpers, came to Guyana to work with the Association of Bible Churches. This year they set up clinic in the Bushlot Grace Bible Church. During the four and a half days of "hard labor", they were able to see over 540 people of all ages come through. Everyone heard a clear gospel presentation, had their teeth cleaned, and were able to get fillings, root canals, restorations or extractions if needed. Praise God, there were 47 decisions for Christ during the week. It was a privilege to work alongside these dedicated servants, who were willing to work long hours to provide excellent care to all who came in.
We have attached several pictures to help visualize all that transpired in such a short time. Again, we are truly grateful to all who prayed for the team, the Guyanese helpers, and ourselves, as it was an intense time both physically and spiritually.
All for Jesus,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners In Evangelism: Guyana
Mission address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission website for information and giving:
Please specify Guyana for all tax deductible gifts: national pastors account, projects account, or Girwarnauth's support.
March 10, 2016
Today was the last day of dental clinic. The team has worked very hard, and are tired. But they are troopers! Dr. Scott prepared special devotions to share each morning and it is evident that their servant hearts are fully charged to begin again. Thank you for your prayers. Many have accepted Christ in the clinic this past few days. Since I was in our home during the day, these are taken from my perspective...will upload more clinic pictures when they are shared. All for now, Kathleen
March, 2016
"But we do not want you to be uninformed brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as those who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep." I Thess. 4:13 ESV
Dear Praying Friends,
We have chosen the above verse as a reminder to all of us that indeed, we do not grieve as those who have no hope. At the same time, we are comforted, knowing that our Lord and Saviour holds the keys to both life and death. (Rev.1:18, Matt. 5:4; 16:19) We appreciate all who remembered our family in prayer as Kathleen's brother Jon went through the valley of the shadow. On January 30, Jon entered the presence of his Redeemer, surrounded by his loving family in California. Kathleen had the privilege of returning for a short time to see Jon (having travelled to CA with our daughters and her sister), and then to be with her parents and other members of the family in MI just before returning to Guyana.
Kathleen returned to Guyana on Feb. 2, just in time to join Andy in hosting several visitors. The first were ministry friends from Canada, followed by pastor Doug Knorr and Dave Croad from MI. Pastor Doug did an excellent job teaching the book of Hebrews to our pastoral training students. We were also blessed to have these men host our annual Hampshire Bible Church Valentine Date night! Food, fun and fellowship were had by all.
Many are wondering about the camp land project, and progress in that area. Please continue to pray that the owner for the property in Bushlot is able to travel from New York and finalize the purchase of the land. His wife has been very ill, making it necessary for him to postpone his trip. In the meantime, Andy and the ABC board have been very busy working together on mapping out the goals and progress of the ministry in general. Their board retreat notes are available for those who would like to see the direction they feel the Lord is leading for the future.
One of our long standing goals has been to train an assistant for Andy in the "Final Revelation" taping and editing. For years, Andy has done it all himself, which takes hours every week to prepare for the weekly television broadcast. Praise God, a young man named Mark has taken up the challenge, and has proven to be faithful, conscientious, and diligent to perform the tasks required. (see attached pics). It is such a blessing and delight to see this dedicated young man sacrificially give up his free time to spend a LOT of time in our home working on the broadcast. He has become like a second son to us.
Please pray for the 26 member dental team, due to arrive here in Guyana on March 5. They will be staying in our home here in Nigg (we have a lot of bunk beds!) and traveling each morning early for their all - day clinic at Bushlot Grace Bible Church. (Pastor Vijay and Mala) This dedicated team of doctors, hygienists, and assistants work long hours to provide excellent, free care to hundreds of Guyanese. This is an amazing week, not only for the wonderful dental care that our people receive, but for the fact that every single person coming into the clinic also hears the gospel clearly shared, are prayed with, and shown the love of Christ. It is an intense time of ministry in every way, in which we know from experience is also preceded and followed by spiritual warfare. So your prayers for the dental team, the pastors doing evangelism, the cooks, hosts, and numerous helpers, cannot be underestimated. The team flies back to the USA on March 12.
Two more requests to add to your already long prayer list: April 1 - 9, Pastor Aaron Browning and Mark Loar from Northwest Bible Church, MN will be coming for classes. April 20 - May 7, our daughter Jennie, her husband Ryan, their little Eleanor, and 5 others come for a week of village medical ministry, (Jennie's group of nurses and Dr.'s) and classes in BBI/SRTS (Ryan). Eleanor will be keeping Grandma company....
We love and appreciate you all so much. Thank you for so faithfully bringing us before the throne of grace.
In Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Mission Address: PIEI, 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Note: the website has a "giving page",(support for national pastors in Guyana, national director for Guyana (Andy Girwarnauth), projects for Guyana, as well as a "Guyana page" for pictures, updates, etc.
December 30, 2015
"For nothing is impossible with God". Luke 1:37
Dear Praying Friends,
As we look back over this past year, we again marvel at how our great God has brought us through. We are sure that you can say a resounding "Amen" as well, as this life we live is such a gift from the hand of a loving God. Yes, there are always trials and difficulties to face, but our Shepherd knows how to lead us through each one and proves his faithfulness in every situation.
We have decided to share some pictures of some of the events from this past month, as together with our Guyanese co-workers and friends, we celebrated the birth of Christ. Attached you will see the Hampshire Bible Church all lit up with the message of Christmas, including the huge cross and star outside the building. People come from all around to see the display of lights, as there is nothing else like it in Berbice. And of course Christmas in Guyana would not be complete without parties, food, and fellowship! It is a joyous time to come together and celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Kathleen hosted the pastors wives in our home, there was the ladies party at church, the kids party, and the mens party... which meant they cooked a huge pot of curried sheep meat with roti! (sorry, no pic for that one) .And yes, there was a night of caroling through the village, which meant decorating trucks and filling the back ends full of singers and sound equipment!
Christmas morning in Guyana means everyone gathers at church for an early service of singing Carols and Christmas message. It was a wonderful time of worship, along with special music with the bell choir and children's choir, followed by sharing out of Christmas apples,snacks, and toys for the children. More fun and fellowship followed later on, as we were joined in our home for lunch by three families, all very dear to us in the ministry. We received a special gift later on in the day from our own dear family in the USA, as our children and grand children all were able to FaceTime and talk "face to face"!
We look forward to a new year, and have already filled the calendar with teams, teachers, and special events. Please pray with us as we seek follow the Shepherd into uncharted territory once again. We can make plans, but only God knows the outcome and what lies before us. So we ask for wisdom, perseverance, health and strength to do what God has laid out for us. Specifically for the month of January, pray for the ABC board retreat which is designed to bring together all the pastors to pray, plan, and work through goals for the next five years. Pray for the purchase of the camp property as the owner is due to arrive from New York during the month of January for the transaction. Pray for the ongoing ministry of discipleship, training, and church planting throughout this region of Guyana. Pray for Kathleen's younger brother Jon and his family, as he is dying of cancer. Jon knows the Lord but it is difficult to go through this as a family.
We trust that you will be encouraged and blessed as you enter into another new year of service to our Lord. Thank you for your partnership through prayer and support of this ministry.
Love in Christ,
Andy and Kathleen
Partners In Evangelism: Guyana
Mission address: 5518 W. Diversey Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
Field Address: Lot 28 Campbell St., Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana
Mission website for information and giving:
Please specify Guyana for all tax deductible gifts: national pastors account, projects account, or Girwarnauth's support.