Great Joy

We had a beautiful holiday at the church in Sard. I think it was also a holiday in heaven because Valeria confessed the Lord in water baptism.

Twenty-four years ago in Valeria’s parents house we began studying the Bible with a group of young people. Thank God for her, Valeria is the sixth person in the family who accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior. We pray that God will help her to be a good testimony to her family. We pray for the husband and the two girls who didn't want to attend the baptism. 

Prayer Requests:

  • For Valeria to remain faithful to the end

  • For Valeria’s husband and daughters to turn to the Lord

  • For Valeria’s work with children from Telna and Bucerdea

Lord bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

God's Plan

Thank God I could help the poor and the widow. Near the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus we made visits and provided food to those facing poverty. 

Through this service we can be a witness to those of the family who are unsaved, and it’s an opportunity to talk to them about the Lord Jesus. I am glad that we can continue working with children in Bucerdea,Telna and also children from Orthodox families. With the help of God on May 7th I will go with the children on a trip. It will be an encouragement for them to remain consistent in attending bible school and also a time of relaxation.

Thank you to the Trinity Church in South Carolina for your prayer and financial support. God bless all the servants of the PIE Organization.

Prayer Requests:

  • To find funds for food, firewood and medicines for widows.

  • For children who come to biblical school to bring other children.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Work With Children

Thank God for the beautiful work with the children of Telna. I am glad that most of the children are from non-Christian families and pray that through them their parents are motivated to seek God.

I am thankful to God for the young students who are in charge of the work with children.

Prayer Requests: 

  • For children to be consistent in Bible school classes.

  • For the parents of children to wish to know the Lord Jesus.

  • For young people, so that the Lord may give them wisdom and patience.

    Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Visit

In February I was away with my wife visiting our children in England. We had a particularly beneficial time both for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren. Immediately after our return we resumed pastoral work. In particular we visited the sick to have Lord's Dinner together.

On these visits we pray, sing and encourage them to remain firmly anchored in the Word. I'm glad this time I also talked to the daughter and niece of a sister about the love of the Lord Jesus. Thank God that the granddaughter who was often with her grandmother at our meetings in the Lord's House was searched by the Holy Spirit, sang with us and wept remembering the moments she spent with the church. We pray that the Holy Spirit will give her the power to decide to follow the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Requests: 

  • For Maria and Georgiana, the daughter and niece of sister Ana we visited.

  • For Ana, she is sick.

  • For her work with children from Telna to have a passion for biblical study.

  • For her work with the teenagers from Bucerdea Vinoasa to be consistent at our meetings. 

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Good Deed

Now that we have entered 2022, we are thinking about how we can be more efficient and closer to people. 

I believe that evangelism by meeting needs, as practiced by the Lord Jesus, can be well applied today. Due to the pandemic we can no longer organize large evangelism programs. We go to those who are sick and poor, trying to meet some of their needs and bringing them the Good News of the Gospel. 

We encouraged a group of three sisters who do this beautiful work to visiting the sick and buying food for the poor. These people are open to the Word. However, we pray that they move from knowledge that of receiving the Lord Jesus in their hearts. We pray that this work will bear fruit for the glory of the Lord. 

Prayer Requests

  • For those who have been visited and listened to the Word, for the Holy Spirit to convict them that they need the Lord Jesus 

  • For the sisters who serve to be able to go regularly in the work and not become discouraged

  • For the Lord to provide resources to meet the needs of poor people

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Teach Them From Young

I am very glad that in December I went to four schools: Benic, Cetea, Galda and Intregalde, with Christmas gifts for children. 

On this occasion I talked to children and teachers about the "Most Precious Gift," Lord Jesus Christ.

We continued to work with children at the church in Bucerdea Vinoasa, too.

I thank God for His help and guidance in the service both with children and in the church throughout 2021

I thank God for the Trinity churches for their prayer and financial support. I pray that the birth of Jesus Christ brings much peace to hearts and homes. God bless all PIEI servants and a New Year with many spiritual and material blessings!

Prayer Requests: 

  • For the children of the above-mentioned schools. May the Lord may make the seed of the Word which we sow to bear good fruit.

  • For the teachers.

  • For the parents of the children.

Tani Nemes - PIE Roamnia Missionary

Reaching Children Outside the Church

This month my wife and I visited some sick sisters, bought them medicines, encouraged them, and prayed together. We also continued our meetings with teenagers at the Bible School every Friday from 4:30-6:00.

I am glad that at the last meeting two children from outside the church participated and are concerned to learn as much about the teachings and work of the Lord Jesus. We also have a time for questions and answers. I thank God for the churches of Trinity that they are with me in prayer and financially. I pray that the Lord rewards them. God bless all P.I.E. servants!

Prayer Requests:

  •  For the children who come to the Bible School to attend consistently 

  • That the children invite other friends outside the church

  • For God to give me wisdom so that the meetings will not be boring 

God bless you!

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Our Sisters and Children

On the tenth of October, we had a blessed time with sisters from the locality of Sard, together with sister Gabi Stef.

The sisters from Sard appreciated Sister Gabi's service and effort to come from America to be together in a time of fellowship, but also to encourage them to find ways to attract unsaved women to the Lord.

With the help of the Lord we had a THANKSGIVING celebration in the three churches; Bucerdea Vinoasa, Sard and Telna, thanking the Lord for all the blessings received this year.

With the start of the 2021-2022 school year, we started Bible school with children from Bucerdea Vinoasa and Telna and I pray to the Lord to help them to be consistent and the time spent together to be as beneficial as possible.

Prayer Requests:

  • for the sisters who met Sister Gabi to confess the Lord to the unsaved people

  • for children who come to Bible school and for their parents

God bless you!

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romania Missionary

A Good Opportunity

With the help of the Lord, we visited sick brothers and sisters in the pastoral circle. These are people who due to illness cannot come to the house of prayer. On these occasions we took the Lord's Supper together, sang and prayed. Most of them have people in the family who are not Christians. It is always a good opportunity to talk to them about the love of the Lord Jesus.  We talk with them and pray for them, but only the Holy Spirit can convince them that they need salvation.

At the beginning of October we started Bible school with children. This opportunity needs a lot of support in prayer.

Prayer Requests:

* For the brothers and sisters who are ill to remain steadfast in the way of the Lord.

* For the unsaved that the Lord will work in their lives.

* For children to understand the importance of knowing the Truth.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Those Who Are Open to the Gospel

Thank God for the time I spent with Brother Cornel, Walter and April!

I made a short visit to the churches of Sard and Bucerdea Vinoasa, after which I had a beautiful fellowship with a group of brothers and sisters at the church in Telna. Sister April had a testimony and Brother Walter a word of encouragement from Psalm 20. We pray that the Lord will bless them and reward them.

I prepared food packages for 20 poor families: ten in Sardinia and ten in Telna. I am glad to have the opportunity again to tell people about the love of the Lord Jesus and to pray with them. The most open people to the gospel are those who are going through tribulation.

We sent children to the camp, those belonging to the church but also from outside the church. We were concerned to help children outside the church who cannot afford to send their children to the camp due to low incomes. The cost for a child is 400 Romanian lei per child. The children had the opportunity to learn about the Lord Jesus at camp.

Thank you to Brother Carl and Trinity Church for your prayers and financial support. God bless you!

Prayer Requests:

  • For the people to whom I spoke about the Lord during our visits.

  • For the children from outside the church who participated in Christian camps.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Romania Missionary

Dialogues with People


I like to visit families outside the church who are having problems, but also other people who are open to dialogue. I encourage and motivate the brothers and sisters in the church to do this as well. I am glad a sister took this work seriously. She began visiting a woman with whom she serves coffee, but at the same time she confesses the Lord Jesus. Two other women asked me to get them Bibles, and after they received them they started reading. One of them is an influential woman in Bucerdea-Vinoasa, being the owner of her own shop in the village. After reading from the Word she was curious to see how it is with us at church and she started coming.

I made several visits to a family where the man had cancer. I told him about the Lord Jesus and I prayed for him, but after a short time he died. I am glad that his daughter and her little girl began coming to church.

Thank God for guidance in the ministry. Thanks to Brother Carl and Trinity Church for financial support and prayer.

Prayer Requests:

  • For sister Tori who is involved in the work to not be discouraged

  • For the women who received Bibles to be convicted by the Holy Spirit that they need the Lord Jesus

  • For the women who started coming to church to be unashamed of the Lord

May the Lord bless all PIE servants!

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Blessings for the Underprivileged

I thank the Lord for the possibility and the freedom to serve in three localities: Sard, Telna and Bucerdea Vinoasa. Together with the collaborating brothers, we prepared twenty food packages for the poor and sick. On these occasions we speak to the unsaved about the Lord Jesus, and we encourage and pray for the sick. Thanks to those who support me in prayer and financially.

God bless you!

Prayer Requests

* Unsaved ones with whom I spoke, that the Holy Spirit would convince them that they need the Lord Jesus

* For children who continue to come to Bible school

May the peace and grace of the Lord be with you!

Tani Nemeș - PIEI Missionary

Expanding the Kingdom

Rejoice with us as together we are involved in expanding the Kingdom of God in people's hearts, and at the same time equipping and encouraging them to continue in Christ. 

Even in these times of instability, we thank the Lord that He prepares opportunities to preach the Gospel. Due to the pandemic we cannot organize for evangelism in the church building. However, an older brother went home to the Lord, making the opportunity for three days of evangelism during the vigil and funeral services. Many people listened to the Gospel.

Work with children continues via Zoom and a meeting once a week with Daniela and Denisa, two students who do Bible school with children. We are praying that restrictions will be lifted for the summer holidays for summer camp.

We want to insulate the church building at Telna. We continue outreach and evangelism by helping the needs of poor families.

Thank you for your support both spiritually and materially. We pray that God will bless and reward you.


  • Pray for people who listened to the Gospel. May the Holy Spirit convince them of their need for the Lord Jesus

  • Pray for Daniela and Denisa that the Lord will give them vision and means to bring the Gospel to children in these difficult days

  • Pray that the Lord will give freedom to meet in person again

  • Pray the Lord will give Lili and I wisdom and guidance in all that we do.

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romania Missionary

We Still Thank God

Even if the year 2020 was more difficult and some projects had to be canceled and the church buildings for a closed period, we still thank God.

Thank you, especially the PIE committee, for your faithfulness to us this year as well. Thank you Brother Carl for your love and financial support, I pray the Lord will bless and reward you.

We had restrictions on travel and meetings, but the Lord helped us to be with those who went through difficult situations. We carried the good news of the gospel, encouraged, and prayed for those who fell ill.

Before the feast of the Lord's birth, I prepared bags of food and gave them to those in need. I thank God that I managed to meet children from four localities: Intregalde, Galda de sus, Cetea and Benic, I asked the principals to let them come to school because they are doing school online and I had a short message about the Lord Jesus. and I gave them presents. We pray that the Lord will work in their lives and that of their parents.

Thank God for the grace I have received this year. We pray that the year 2021 will be richer in fruit for the glory of the Lord!

God bless you!

With love and appreciation.

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romanian Missionary

Construction During the Pandemic

We have gone through and this very difficult period that has covered everyone has not yet ended.

In Romania, this second wave of pandemic was much more severe than the one in spring. At one point Alba Iulia registered the most covid-19 patients.

In Sardinia I had three covid-19 patients, a brother and two sisters. Lili and I are fine, thank God.

From March 22nd until May 17th, we were not allowed to meet at church. During this period I made visits at home and encouraged the brothers and on Sunday I served via zoom, though not all brothers could listen to me without phones and internet.

During the period when the churches were closed, we had a construction sites in both Bucerdea and Sard. In Bucerdea we renovated part of the interior of the church building, and in Sard we renovated the exterior of the church building.

On May 17, I resumed meetings at churches but outside in the yard, where sometimes it was too hot and sometimes it rained. The joy was great on June 21 when we had the freedom to enter the church building and we continue to enjoy this freedom even now. We really wanted to meet again this summer to serve together but we couldn't.

We have prayed and we always will pray for you that the Lord will protect you, give you health and success in the projects you have. Thank you for your prayer and financial support!

May God bless you! With love and appreciation,

Tani Nemes and Lili, PIEI-Romania Missionaries

Investing int the Elderly, Sick, and Widowed

Even if we are going through a difficult period, still with the help of the Lord we serve spiritually as much and socially.

I was invested in the elderly, sick and widowed sisters having heat provided for the winter period. From the money I received from Brother Carl for the special project I bought wood for two sisters.

I'm glad we still have the freedom to move and we visited sick sisters who we encouraged, prayed and had the Lord's Supper.

Thanks to Brother Carl and Trinity church for your prayer and financial support.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Old Friends and Baptisms

During this period we were rarely allowed outside, but we thank God that it was possible.

At a Sunday program in Bucerdea, even though it rained, we met because after a period of three months when the churches were closed we really missed seeing them face-to-face.

Also in this pandemic period we had a baptism. The husband of a sister from Sardinia, who came to the Word of God a long time ago, decided to make a covenant with the Lord. It was a day of joy for the church in Sardinia.

Much grace and many blessings! On July 22, the fourth nephew came to our family. A healthy and beautiful boy. Thank God! Lili is now in London she went to help Adela.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary


PIEI Covers(6).png

With the help of God, we organized four evangelism events in Telna. I am happy that every evening about twenty people from outside the church participated. We prepared for these days with fasting and prayer. We continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their need of the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Requests:

  • For all those who participated in the events to decide for Jesus

  • For the children’s ministry. For the leaders not to be discouraged, and to continue this ministry




I thank God for every opportunity I have to speak to people about the love of the Lord Jesus. Together with churches from our area, we’ve been helping those in need, especially during this time of year when bills are higher. We bought wood for heating, food and medicine.

On these occasions I had the opportunity to talk about Jesus with people and to encourage those who are sick.
Thank you to those who are with me in prayer and financially.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Felicia, the headmaster of the Intregalde school who has cancer and is not saved.

  • For those who are sick and have material needs, not to be discourage in the way of the Lord.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



May the love of God be with you all! I want to share from the ministry.

Regarding the children from Telna who attend the Bible school supported a program at the church: Their parents also participated in this program, some of them are not believers. On this occasion they listened to the Word of the Lord, the songs and Bible verses. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their need of salvation. The children received gifts at the end of the program.

I’m also rejoicing because with a group of brothers and sisters from Telna, we shared the good news of the birth of the Lord to families from Mesentea. People are receptive there, and we are praying that in 2020 at least one family will receive the Lord Jesus and begin reflecting the Lord Jesus. Then we may have a place to gather for Bible study and prayer meetings in this village.

Thanks to brother Carl and Trinity Church who are with me in prayer and finance.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the parents of the children who went to church and listened to the Word, that the Holy Spirit would work salvation in their life.

  • For Mesentea, at least one family to open their heart and home for the Lord.

May God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary