Thankful for This Year and Blessings for The New Year 2025

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.


First of all, I would like to wish you a happy new year with lots of blessings, both spiritual and material and lots of decisions that will honor the Lord. I pray and hope that you will consider joining one of the teams this year and come and serve according to your gift here in Romania. Your help is much needed. Just as an encouragement I will share this with you: every time I leave for mission trips and think that I will get to encourage people, each time I get back my testimony is that I am the one being encouraged by those that I get to meet with. So this would be a great opportunity for you try on yourself such moments. Short Term Mission Trip Opportunity.

2024 has been a year full of activities for us at PIEI.Romania, and the end of it, you guessed right, just as busy as the rest was. But with a heart filled with joy, I am sharing this with you and I would like to be so grateful for you, for you have had a heart for Romania, you felt the heartbeat of every Romanian missionary or pastor, you who have heard the voice of the Lord in the midst of the circumstances. I would like to assure you that among us you are very appreciated and just know, our monday night men’s group is praying for you.

The end of the year debuted with a women’s conference, where ladies from every church in Alba, Christian and not Christian, got the opportunity to hear and share about what it means to be a woman of God in 2024. Our ladies got the opportunity to pray together aswell, and at the end of the meeting they had a meal together and more fellowship.

We as PIEI ministry had our 4th annual meeting with our missionaries and also had a 3 day’s course on vbs leaders, where a special guest from UK teached the attendents ways to lead summer camps. It has been an amazing time.

We ended the year at PIEI Center with a youth meeting lead by pastor Daniel Petrut the camp leaders from this year’s camp.

We belive God has a great plan for our community through PIEI and we are so thankful to see people coming along, people who dedicate their time to serve the Lord.

So I would like to ask you to consider praying for some reasons we have as ministry:

-          Please pray for all the teenagers who are to become leaders for future PIEI.Romania camps

-          Pray for what we have started at Necrilesti Camp – you know we started to rebuild and even add rooms to the facility, pray that the expenses to finish this facility will be 100%  covered by early January 2025. We have planned camps next summer.

- Please pray for all those who decide to come - there is a great spiritual war for those who decide to come.

I would like to thank each and everyone who was part in this last year’s ministry. Maybe you prayed, maybe you gave, or maybe you came…we are grateful and we are praying that God will bless for every effort you are doing. Just know that none of this so far, would not be possible without you.

At the end, I would like to remind you what the above verse says: God will instruct you, God will teach you and counsel you the way you should follow.

I am looking forward to meet you this year, as I was telling some of you, I may be the first interaction you have at the airport with a romania, so get ready and stay focused to what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to you.

Mike Dima – PIEI Romania Secretary

Sharing Blessings from 2024

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”

Matthew 6:33

The last five years have been amazing when it comes about ministry and serving along with P.I.E.I. Romania ministries and all the partners, people and missionaries that have been passing the doors of our center here in Alba Iulia. I won’t be talking with you about everything that has been going on in the past 5 years, from my perspective, but I will share with you that the verse above - “seeking God’s kingdom first and His righteousness, and all things shall be added to you” it’s just as true as the Bible says it is and it has been revealed to be true for me this year.

Starting at the beginning of this year, we have been honored by the visit of our sister Anita, from Michigan in January, who shared some time with one of our missionary pastor, Cornel Fogorosiu and his church, and then spent a 3 day course of teachings and encouragement time at the P.I.E.I. Center Alba Iulia. Not only that she had the opportunity to share about her walk with God, knowledge and experiences, with pastor Cornel’s church, but she got to talk with all our missionaries while being in Alba and she has been such an encouragement for everyone one of us. We would like to thank Gracespring Church for all it’s prayers and support over the years, and also we are thankful for Anita’s heart which is a heart for the mission. Thank you and we are looking forward to have you with short term mission teams in Alba next year.

P.I.E.I. Center Alba Iulia is meant to host missionary activities, pastoral staff meetings, discipleship meetings, counseling sessions, vacation bible school etc. and is supporting every activity which helps enlarging the kingdom of God. One such meeting is happening 3 to 4 times a year, with our missionaries, when every missionary and his family are coming for a 3 day’s meeting to be encouraged, to be listened to and to build each other up, through the words of God and also we serve each other according to the gift God has been given to everyone.

In order to help our national P.I.E.I. Romania community, this year we have been partnering with another organization named “Chose Life” which helped us all as team to learn more about us, as servants. “Beyond Succes” is the name of the class we went through, and we’ve learned that the way we see the world is influenced by our attitude and that the attitude is not everything, but can have a decisive impact to our life. Thank you for praying for us and workers on the field.

Also this year in May, we’ve started working hard on our propriety we have up in the mountains, the Necrilesti camp. This Retreat will be used for families, youth, ministry leaders, and other groups to take a break from their everyday lives. People who go to the retreat will have the time for personal rest, prayer, repentance, petition, dedication, restoration, and revitalization. So, this is also an ongoing project and we appreciate you so much for coming along with prayers, maybe with your hands to work or maybe supporting financially this project. We are not far away from finishing this project, but still in need for resources. By the grace of God, on July 19 th with as much as it was ready and with the participation of all USA teams present at that time along with family members and guests, we’ve had a dedication time for the camp, when brothers and sisters shared testimonies, prayed and sang songs for the glory of God ! Thank you in advance for considering this project!

About July, it’s when everything got very busy for me and family, along with the missionaries of P.I.E.I. Romania cause by July 2 nd we’ve started our VBS at the P.I.E.I Center Alba Iulia. Between 60 and 70 teens have got the chance to hear about the gospel, through the games, songs and class studies. We are thankful for people like pastor Daniel Petrut, the leaders that joined the camp and also the team from USA - Cornel, Nancy, Hellen, Melody and Issac. Thank you for coming along and serve as God lead you.

On the second part of July, we’ve also been honored to host a team from Indiana. Pastor Joe from Liberty Bible Church along with brother Mark, Levi, Enoch, and Dave Beckwith and his wife Carole, have got the opportunity to share their testimonies with different churches in different locations in Romania, where our missionaries work. Brother Dave has started a class on ‘Anger Management’, class that has been taking place in Romania and Ukraine as well. We are thankful for you as we see you continuing what you have started Dave and we are grateful for your church and all of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and come to encourage Romanian’s through your knowledge and testimonies.

Through our mission director, Walter Windsor, we’ve also had the opportunity to meet 2 great people who love the Lord and the ministry here in Romania. We’re talking about Dave Schoup and Bill Stroman. I would like to thank them for coming and see with their eyes and touching with their hands, what the ministry looks like and what serving means on the field. May God bless you and continue to make you a blessing. Thank you.

By the end of July, we’ve hand the opportunity to host a team from Texas. Tom, Stan, Krissty and Debbie - we would like to thank everyone for serving with your gift – from plumbing to eye glass ministry, God showed us that everything is possible.

Another 2 great man we’ve hosted were David Cochran and Jerry Sims. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and testimonies with our pastors. Early September, Dave Beckwith came back to Romania for a second session of “ Anger Management”. Thank you Dave for your effort and dedication. May God bless you.

Learning first about anger and then we’ve continued to learn about “Fathers and Sons” – with Norm Wakefield early October. We have been received in 3 different locations: pastor Liviu Costea’s Hope church in Craiova – Dolj, pastor Nelu Simon’s church in Cisnadie – Sibiu, P.I.E.I Center Alba Iulia, where pastor Norm had the opportunity to share what God has discovered to him through “Fathers and Sons” series. Along with the locals from Alba, we’ve had the privilege to host pastor Pavel Petihachny and his wife Larisa, along with pastor Alexa Pascari, pastor Mihai Gortopan and their driver. We would like to thank every church and it’s pastor for supporting this ministry and we pray that Norm has been a blessing to you like it has been to us here in Alba Iulia.

While “Fathers and Sons” series were happening at the locations mentioned above, we’ve received the visit of another brother from Texas, Eric Weissgarber also a man who loves the Lord and has a heart for ministry. So, for all of you mentioned above, your churches, maybe to some of the servants wife’s left at home, we would like to thank you for coming to Romania this year and for making a difference by giving a hand, pray, share your life or support. We would also want to assure you that you are in our prayers.

As I mentioned above, God it’s been amazing throughout the year. Just seeing all of you coming along with one desire: to serve. God indeed has a purpose and a plan for P.I.E.I. Romania ministries, for Alba, for Romania and God really loves us here and He is sending His servants. Thank you for sharing with your church and family about your experience in Romania and thank for encouraging others to come in short term mission trips next year.

Thank you and may God bless you,

Romania National Committee

Stef Eugen – Vice President

Stanea Timotei – National Director

Mike Dima - Secretary